Lost Another One

Trump needs something to fabricate election fodder, despite nearly single-digit polling results showing foreign policy anywhere on voter’s radar.  But he can sit his fat ass in front of a piece of paper with a bunch of cronies spouting their benevolence and hard work on this so-called “peace deal.”  It’s just another loaf pinched off the never-ending stream of POTUS bullshyt.

Looks like the Taliban wins.  Seriously.  A bunch of rag-tag mountain men with single-shot rifles ran off an objectively superior military force.  Where have I heard that one before?  The Wiki article titled “Afghan Peace Process” reads like a war story that is in fact, still in progress to this day.

The Orange Fuckwit claims victory as thousands of our children lie dead after 18 years of fighting, while the Taliban victoriously re-enters Kabul.  Nice job, Republicans.

Afghan kids with no place to learn. Are we beginning to understand that concept on some level?

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