Is Time on Your Side?

Going on a year-and-a-half recovering from orthopedic surgeries, the answer for me will be, decidedly not.  It “was” on our side while SARS-v2 was silently spreading all over the planet, before the most spectacularly disastrous governmental blunders since the German army invaded  Russia unfolded like a new YouTube entertainment channel right under the noses of anyone paying attention.  That’s an insidious part of the current “big” problem – paying attention.

It didn’t take long to stumble across a well-informed compendium penned by Mr. David Malmo-Levine.  It is by far, the most well-researched, accurately cited and brutally honest review of the issue you’ll find in one place.  Even ignoring the Cannabis culture ending reveals much insight.  The Chinese have some ‘splainin to do.  Trump already did his.  the months of downplay and denial were purposely followed to avoid panic, don’t-cha know?!  How generous of him to un-wittingly spend the one resource we had on our side.  Gotta give him credit, tho – you can’t blame malevolence for that which can be explained by stupidity.  Sometimes they even go hand-in-hand.

“The tests are perfect! Anyone who wants a test can get a test!”

That “part of the big problem” thing is, he knows the faithful only need hear his re-assuring sound bites spewed in smooth, con-man style, because apart from that and Fox News, they simply are not paying attention.

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