2015 Renovation Set to Accelerate

With the pond finished (for this year!) and preparations to move the aquarium almost finished, we will soon begin this year’s big summer project in earnest. 12 years of raising kids at 5712 Wetland Loop has taken it’s toll – mostly on the house. We had the garage doors replaced last week. I repaired them several times over the years, but cheap steel doors without any reinforcement that have been hit even once just don’t last no matter how much you repair them after that.

Next comes painting and floors. That will require emptying the place out – literally, thus the aquarium move project as phase 2 in a 5-phase campaign to renovate the house: 1) garage 2) aquarium 3) clearing 4) painting and 5) floors. I suppose putting everything back in will be a 6th step, but by then the ordeal will be almost over and we’ll all be happy campers again!

Hopefully the women will do most of the painting and I will find a decent contractor to do the floors. I’ve been pretty miserable with the way my body’s been acting up lately, and just can’t do much of that stuff any more the way I used to.

More on that later, soon as the local VA shoulder cutter gets around to evaluating the MRI Dr. Daniels referred to him Tuesday.

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