Value of a Pardon

Mike Flynn probably has a strong opinion on that topic nowadays.  Apparently it’s worth his reputation and even exceeds the value of democracy itself.  Raw selfishness in the fascist mindset of Xtian orthodoxy is telling.  None of this has anything to do with the Constitution, Democracy, elections or any of the nonstop nonsense spewing from Trump-supporting toadys in all walks of life across the country these days.

It’s only ever about one thing:  Themselves.  Flynn just doesn’t want his next walk to end in a jail cell.  So Trump leverages his weak, selfishness in furtherance of national destruction.  That’s all to be seen here.  Flynn’s words are worth exactly as much as the cretin who bought and paid for them with a pardon – nothing.

Trump lawyer Joe DiGenova, for example, said Monday that former head of U.S. election security Chris Krebs should be “taken out at dawn and shot” for saying that Trump’s defeat was not a result of voter fraud.”

Guess it depends on who’s doing the shooting – Flynn’s lawyer, or the United States of America.

I understand firing squad’s recently been re-instated at the Federal level.

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