Kavanaugh Lawgic

It’s kinda like Pseudo-Science – ya know, where virus’ just go away, and pandemics round corners – stuff like that.  Fratboy justice Brett eagerly took the opportunity to demonstrate his ineptitude on The Court yesterday.  Posed with a question about ballot counting, the junior justice impostor referred to a non-precedent, clearly labelled as such, even a law-layman such as myself can understand.  And OBTW, it was of his own making 20 years ago.  Didn’t even have to waste time dreaming that one up.

Who has time to count ballots with the country in shambles?

The Law means FUD.  Overlook oblivious harkening back (because face it – it’s NOT precedent) to his own case in 2000 explicitly disclaiming this exact scenario forseen.  So we get Justass Kuntvanaugh casting “suspicion of impropriety” in an opinion based on as yet unknown future ballot counting outcomes.  I guess pointing out the court’s inability to predict the future seems pointless dissent when the obvious course has already been set.

One thing we can fearfully be certain of beyond any shadow of a doubt is fratboy here has his tounge far enough up the fuckwit‘s ass to taste his breakfast.  Not knowing the law or his job is just a sideshow for this sycophant.  Lawdy, what drivel may we expect from Ms Amy?!

It’s all fake news – everything on Google too.

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