The Supreme Cunts

The U.S. Supreme Court, June 30, 2022. The fact that Thomas didn’t recuse himself is a crime in itself.

Most understand the simple fact lawyering and wordplay go hand-in-hand. It is after all, their whole stock in trade. Fundamentally, “Law” is certain groups of people enshrining their notion of conceptualized human behavior in consensus form, written down in WORDS for all to follow and enforce. They don’t even write it down in some of the more primitive locations. The past six years have demonstrated to my satisfaction, how those words really mean only what the people in power want them to. What appears to me as the biggest legal challenge of my generation amounts to the most powerful judges in the world looking for an off-ramp re-defining words due to their arrangement and even lack thereof.

Among them are at least three with no right to be there. We have the philandering nigger (black American-type, in this case), working tirelessly to line his greedy pockets with his conservative master’s bribes while his wife pushed QANON conspiracies supporting the sedition. Garland should have been there, but for McConnel’s deceitful legislative skulduggery installing at least a couple more. Totally unqualified baby-maker – great for the Catholics, right? Kavanaugh? Seriously?

So yeah, maybe there’s some ambiguity there in that ol’ section 3. I get it. And they’re absolutely right, for all the wrong reasons. Who gives a shit about accountability, when there’s elections to run? Some state(s) might assume power not specifically spelled out for the Feds? What if you mutherfuckers just stop playing what-if, kicking the can down the road and make a call on the actual question at hand here? At least it would be better regulated anarchy. It’ll take awhile longer to vote him out again, but hopefully Napoleon Bonespurs will feel it better that way. With a little luck, it really will be the end of the GOP. Alot more people will get hurt and killed, but dammit, we have law to interpret!

All the Congressional fuckwits needed to do was follow the law and convict the cocksucker when they had the chance(s). Done well, most of this would have lawfully never happened. Now they live in mortal fear of the popularity contest they’ve supplanted governing with. Holding power tap dancing around obvious corruption and crimes against this country with wordy legalese in grandiose Senate hearings was more important than it’s safety and security. Now we have this imminently existential interpretation requirement for centuries-old law delineating self-evident crimes.

I don’t like where the connection to this dot is going. I have an extremely dim view of the politicians plotting it’s course in the mistaken belief they can skirt the law with wordplay, especially those wearing robes to work. We remember where the pitchforks are. Every one of you shit-for-brains politicians and self-important judges should sleep well knowing the blood of thousands of Russians, Ukranians, Palestinians and Israelis, not to mention tangential impacts the world over, is on your incompetent hands.

Details over democracy? Fuck you assholes.
Come Tomorrow -Ugly Kid Joe

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