Death Threats

Can somebody please just start issuing them to these fuckwits?

In a hearing before the D.C. Circuit Court, the former president’s lawyers argued that he should be immune from criminal prosecution for his role in the attempt to steal the 2020 presidential election. This argument has an obvious flaw: It implies that the president is above the law. Such a blunt rejection of the Constitution and the basic concept of American democracy is too much even for Trump to assert—publicly, at least—so his lawyers have proposed a theory. They say that he can’t be criminally prosecuted unless he is first impeached and convicted by Congress.

Record Low in U.S. Satisfied With Way Democracy Is Working. Ya think?

Team Trump struggles mightily with the ‘assassination’ question. They just keep steppin’ on it, harder and harder, over and over again. The hubris and arrogance must stop.

May every Mango Menace supporter draw your last breath soon.

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