Time to Pay Up

The toll could be heavy. Choking on your own phlegm is pricey. Most will be billed with ongoing frustration attempting to live a normal life, with pandemic restrictions being re-introduced in many places across the country now. I encourage administrators of all public and semi-public facilities and services to charge a monetary price. That it’s starting in West Virginia of all places, is telling.

Get vaxxed or run your own risk. The rest of us are done with you.

Boeing Boondoggles

I’ll take a wild-assed guess and surmise the main reason for the rear vision system failure was pretty simple and easily avoided. My hindsight is after all, 20/20. It was deemed too expensive to put the boomer in the back where they belong, opting rather for a more profitable, easy electro-digital solution. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

I expect Boeing to fall flat with the Starliner in coming days/weeks as well. There must be alot of employees at the company unhappy with what they are doing, how and why they are doing it that way. The software-controlled valves in the Starliner booster system are certainly orders of magnitude more complicated than any remote vision system.

Good luck.

A Boeing KC-46A Pegasus touches down at Yokota Air Base, Japan, Oct. 23, 2018, during a system evaluation. This is the first time the KC-46A visited Japan. The flight is to support an initial evaluation by the USAF of the KC-46A’s integrated mission system suite as well as its ability to conduct worldwide navigation, communication and operation. (U.S. Air Force photo by Yasuo Osakabe)

LATE UPDATE 15 August: Mission scrubbed.

The Rule of Law

…means the rule of money and power in the United States of America. “The Law” means only what the rich and powerful’s lawyers say it means. Look no further than the impeachment hearings or the upshot of the ongoing opioid crises.

Accountability is rare. Law is weak, and justice an elusive apparition.

Judge for yourselves.

Health Status Update

Symptoms Log entry from a few days ago:

3 AUG 21: A week on recovering from Cannabis hyperemesis, “symptoms” takes on a whole new meaning. It’s a pretty stark before/after contrast with/without medication. Weed definitely tamps down the radiculopathy symptoms. Ability to better maintain balance on my feet seems to be positively affected, but that could be hyperemesis aftermath. The psychological aspect might be even more important – not being constantly distracted and depressed with paralysis and pain. Inflammation symptoms with the bad joints was totally gone until yesterday, from as far back as I can remember. That stuff was a minor annoyance compared to what I’m dealing with since the malpractice.


Kittens are in their 2nd year now. They can all be found sleeping in unusual positions around here sometimes – especially Marshall.

Cat heaven – birds and squirrels everywhere!

Card Carrying Nazis

How can the Trumpians remain unable to lift the veil of stupidity? They’re not even trying to hide or re-define the nazi message.

I encourage all the MAGA nation to get onboard and contribute. A 2024 Trump Presidential run might be the best way to quash the insanity once and for all.

Women’s Volleyball Rules!

With fires raging out of control again this year I’ve stayed busy managing disaster prep and home maintenance activities with not much time to watch the Olympics. It’s just another example of how the repugs have ruined everything. I was certain it would be cancelled due to Covid, but at least there’s the occasional bright spot, and we’re giving the Chinese a good run.

We do have some badass women

Late Update 9 AUG 21: U.S. won the medal count, overall.

The Republican Party is a Death Cult

Stark differences between Jonestown and Mar-a-Lago exist, however one similarity that certainly also does is loyalty to Dear Leader. That’s the core criteria for any cult. Repugs are there.

Yesterday Florida governor DeSuckass stood at the press conference podium and wailed “we are protecting your jobs…” as his mask PROHIBITION leads to the worst ER overflows ever, with patients in hallways and staff decimated. You have to wonder what jobs will be left when the dust settles.

Florida sets all-time record for Covid admissions. It no longer matters what side of the Covid controversy fence you fall – vaxxed or not, everybody is fucked.

Arkansas governor regrets mask mandate ban.

Pond v8 Summer

Took a few shots with the flowers in full bloom. The goldfish have been enjoying a good diet of duckweed from the creek this year. Every few days I’ll take a bucketful of the lettuce out after it completely covers the surface, throw that in the creek, and return with the duckweed. They are going to be huge. 3-4 are approaching a foot long now.