Abbott’s Bounty on Women

When you really think about it…

There’s alot more money to be made off the women.
He really is a reprehensibly craven cocksucker.

Football Season Off to a Good Start

Broncos took the flag this week for the first time in 2 years, due to a better score compared to what the Steelers managed to compile against their opponent yesterday. But that’s just the flag rules here. By all pundit accounts, Pittsburgh’s win was more convincing. Denver’s got a new attitude this year, but the Steelers are just doing the same they always do – finding a way to win.

Josh didn’t look like all that against the Steeler D yesterday.

Pop that Pimple

“The Economy” in this country has been a badly abused pimple, retaining it’s festering liquidity in corporate and private wealth far too long. Look no further than recent developments in blockchain, NFT and the usual cast of cyber-borne scammers. Everybody is trying to squeeze money that does not exist from people that do not have it. It’s time to lance that corporate and top 1% boil of a pimple.

Keep shoving it into blockchain. Maybe you can hide it there for awhile.

Got a New Pixel

Went shopping for a phone after the battery in my Pixel 3 swelled up and found Google finally made a smartphone I can really appreciate. My two primary priorities in a phone are battery life and camera. The 5a delivers on both points, with the additional bonus of a reasonable price. I have been completely turned off by the $1k “flagship” phones. So double the money gets you incremental performance increases – meh. Now I have my cellphone super-camera cake while it eats battery for days at a time on a single charge for only $449. Best phone ever.

It’s damn near the original Pixel XL size at 6.3″

It’s been reported to overheat with video recording, so maybe not the right unit for you if that’s a priority. I might step up to a 6 out of curiosity for the new chip tech, but this will be my daily driver.

It’s Over

Just remember why we went to Afghanistan in the first place. That’s a big part of the problem. We forgot why we went there in the first place, while greedy, cocksucking politicians banked the defense dollars.

No more nation building.

I heard alot of remarks from speakers today citing “unity” stemming from the 9/11 attacks, and how it’s not a lost cause in today’s partisan political landscape. Seem like the only time this country can get it together is when it comes time to kill some people.

9/11 Memorial Photos

Took Awhile

The process to get this done started over a year ago. It’s about goddamn time. Fuck the Confederacy, fuck the stars and bars, and fuck all you mouth-breathing hillbillies who think your ignorance is just as good as my knowledge.

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA – SEPTEMBER 08: Crews remove a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee on Monument Avenue, September 8, 2021 in Richmond, Virginia. The Commonwealth of Virginia is removing the largest Confederate statue remaining in the U.S. following authorization by all three branches of state government, including a unanimous decision by the Supreme Court of Virginia. (Photo by Steve Helber – Pool/Getty Images)

Texas “Wronghorns”

The fuckwits running things down in Texas just managed to accomplish the most egregious act of willful stupidity in modern legislative history. Beyond the pale doesn’t begin to describe it. These assholes have just stripped thousands of Texas women from their established Constitutional rights with little more than some imaginative penmanship. Starting to look like nothing really matters anymore, as long as the psycho alt-right bible thumpers get their way.

Credit to Trey and Mark for 1st good wordplay. The pre-natal-narco-website to report “offenders” has already been shut downtwice.

Doesn’t even BEGIN to cover it.

Texas governor defends abortion law saying state will eliminate all rapists. Morons.

DOJ sues. Brian Tyler Cohen – smart guy.

MA Made Billions Quick

IIRC, it took Colorado three years to surpass one $Billion in revenue, putting Massachusetts at around double our growth rate, back in the day. Liars don’t figure, and figures don’t lie. Wonder how long it takes the rest of the country to get onboard? Probably depends mostly on stuff like distractions with abortion rights, immigration – things most important to psycho conservatives.

Pound-for-pound, more valuable than gold.

Approval Ratings

Biden’s approval rating drops to %44. Meh. I remember some “mixed” reviews over things I was evaluated on thru the years. They usually got it right, as long as I was doing what was expected. That’s one of the problems with U.S. politics and the electorate, generally speaking: It/they don’t know what to expect. It could be almost anything with the primary concern re-election and the news, good, bad or otherwise, can be twisted to fit the desired narrative – truth be damned.

Biden did what what he said he would do, in compliance with Trump’s-pre-arranged debacle. Traits un-recognizable to the GOP: Integrity and follow-through, made the Kabul airlift an amazing success, executed under unimaginably dangerous and chaotic conditions by our fantastic military. Anyone disagreeing with that analysis can kiss my rosie red rectum.

Need to move a couple hundred thousand real quick? Climb aboard!

Pond v8 Late Summer

Beginning with that lower BBQ portion of the patio to show the re-work after ants completely undermined it. That was part 3 of 3, basically re-laying the whole thing from the deck, along the garage down to the BBQ. I managed to get one piece done each of the past three years, on a job that would have taken 3 days before malpractice crippled me, January 2019. This time around I mixed generous quantities of two different types of insect poison in the ground underneath. It appears to be a good solution, with very minimal ant activity noted since completing the top portion two years ago.

Water Lettuce covering the pond surface has a twofold purpose. The fish get something to nibble on and more importantly, it keeps the water temperature 5-10° cooler than it would otherwise be under direct sunlight. The past couple years I noticed the water getting too warm, even under shade from the trees and garage over half the day.

The big floating planter in the middle is also a functional piece, helping keep the Herons and Raccoons at bay. Between that and the lettuce, fish have a fighting chance to evade the predators. This was the first year we haven’t lost any to the hungry wildlife. I waited for the Blue Herons to finish their migration this spring before putting the fish out, so that obviously helped, but the coons are a constant threat. I ran off a herd of them not long after dark just a couple weeks ago. The three biggest ones from a family of probably ten or so was stalking around the edge of the pond trying to figure out how to get the goldfish when I walked out one night.

I might end up running all three basement tanks this winter to house the goldfish. There’s at least forty of them now, with a handful approaching a foot long. I’ll call around to the pet stores looking for adoptive homes before then, but not optimistic. Goldfish are fairly common, so interest in taking them off my hands will probably be low. Maybe I’ll start stocking the creek…