Drive the Car or Fix the Server?

This is why my truck does not need even a battery to start and run if it’s daylight and parked on a hill. Back in the last century, vehicular electronics were known to cause more problems than they solved. This state of affairs was well demonstrated in the early Dodge Cummins PCMs. They were technically computers, and did offer some improvements – when they worked. Tesla has just provided a great contemporary example of what happens when they don’t. Nowadays it all comes through the net, so your car really has nothing to do with it, except failing to operate correctly when a bit gets stuck sideways somewhere in an incredibly complex neural net control system.

“The server was down” is not an excuse for being late to work. Yet.

Finally Met Vic

Francie pretty much disappeared from Colorado when she left for Plymouth State. But there were occasional visits either way over the Plymouth years until the pandemic hit and ruined everything. After 16 months, she finally made it home with Victor this time. It’ll be a short Thanksgiving week visit while they work over the Internet from here. Vic’s looking to get started in the finance industry and Francie has law school acceptance letters coming in. They got a couple hours to climb around on the rocks down in Boulder yesterday.

Couch Commandos

Heard this interview with Ryan Brusse on CPR yesterday. It perfectly reflects one aspect of the currently dysfunctional degenerative culture war now raging across the country. It also gives me a little perspective on a father obsessed with firearms. The gun industry managed to convince a large swath of the U.S. demographic from hillbilly rednecks to suburban wanna-be vigilantes, all they needed was an AR and an attitude to be a real badass with actual clues about manhood and patriotism in their brains.

Sorry it don’t work that way. Earn your badass status first, then we’ll talk. Until then, perhaps all you couch commandos might consider protecting Kyle Rittenhouse. He’s gonna need some help going forward. The AR won’t do him much good when he’s the target.

Pick your controversy. It’s all about the money.

Critter Cam Coyote

I got around to upgrading a few of the security cams over the past couple months. These things have improved by leaps and bounds in recent years. Even relatively low-budget models now come with high resolution and other nifty features. The critter cam on the northeast corner now sees the whole creek/park area north of the house. It was pretty cold here yesterday, so I spent most of the day re-organizing the server to leverage those, and the results were good.

I’ve been through several iterations of different security cam software over the years. They seem to have made good progress since I started using them, but support and configuration issues involved with the all-in-one cam systems is just not ready for prime time, IMHO. It’s time consuming and tedious to do it manually with an FTP server and bash scripts, but that’s the only reliable way to manage security cams these days unless you are paying high prices for commercial software and subscription services.

The cams will do everything on their own if you just take the time to learn them.

He’s just sitting there staring at the house for some reason. Probably smells the cats.
Getting pretty dry – latest 1st snow since the 30s hasn’t happened yet.

My Side of the Story?

There’s no story and there’s no sides. This is simply the legal formality necessary to put you, your father and that other dickhead in jail for a long time. We’ll get to the cocksucking cops that did the original investigation later. You and a couple of armed accomplices chased down another un-armed human being and killed him. It’s on the video. People have eyes. I hear Georgia’s murder laws are relatively loose. Good luck with that, scumbag.

BRUNSWICK, GA – NOVEMBER 9: Travis McMichael sits with his attorney before the start of the trial for Ahmaud Arbery’s shooting death at the Glynn County Courthouse on November 9, 2021 in Brunswick, Georgia. McMichael, his father Greg McMichael, and a neighbor, William “Roddie” Bryan are charged with the February 2021 slaying of 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery. (Photo by Stephen B. Morton – Pool/Getty Images)

Rittenhouse Judge is a Moron

Judge for yourself.

Not qualified.

At the age of 62, I understand how some of the new tech has passed me by. What we have here is a presumptuous twit who probably can’t spell technology, looking for a technicality to exclude evidence. This guy is just a fucking moron.

Health Status Update

Added this to the symptoms Log last week:

“12 NOV 21: Been back on the Cannabis for about a month, with one fundamental change to the regimen. Gastric ingestion (eating it) only at bedtime with CBD-type products – flower, tincture or gummies on the menu att. This is strictly as a sleep aid, except before I was also using CBD and THC edibles during the day. It helps with the arthritis inflammation, but that’s a much less problematic symptom for me these days. Vaping flower throughout the day keeps radiculopathy symptoms under control, allowing me to move about with less discomfort. Dabs in the evening as before. I was eating it around the clock along with vaping for probably a couple years by the time hyperemesis set in. The other issue with daytime edible is it’s too easy to get hammered to the point of being unsafe to drive. I tried “micro-dosing” throughout the day, but that never seemed to approach the level needed to squelch muscle paralysis. The daily roller-coaster vape ride is not too bad as long as I keep the activity level low. Vaping wears off in an hour or 2 at most, and doesn’t get me nearly as high as eating it, pretty much regardless of the dose. I suppose the layman analogy might be the difference between beer and whiskey, in terms of psychotropic effect.”

Paul Gosuck

This disgraced dentist from Arizona can suck my dick and choke on it. Today’s LPTV preview:

“The House will vote on a resolution to censure Gosar and strip him of his committee assignments, an extraordinary move by Democratic leaders. But it perfectly demonstrates what we’re talking about — the anger, the deep distrust and lack of decorum or civility between members on many occasions.

The twin sanctions against Gosar came after he tweeted out an animated video showing him killing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and preparing to strike President Joe Biden. Gosar removed the video — which received millions of views — following a call from McCarthy. Gosar apologized in private to House Republicans on Tuesday, although he hasn’t done so publicly.”

Fuck him, fuck McCarthy, fuck Trump and fuck the whole goddammed GOP. My turn: When do we get to use the guns?

Eat shit and die, cockpig.

Piscene Winter Transition

I was trying to get the right sun angle on the 190 pics when I noticed Tigger following the reflection off my phone on the ceiling. Back on topic, The goldfish came in from the pond a month ago. Three goldfish tanks in the basement are stocked full, based on the 1″ of fish per gallon of water rule of thumb. I added the little 10-gallon to keep some java moss, water lettuce and minnows for the big guys upstairs. The moss is a great addition for helping to keep the water clean, but the goldfish eat it.

The fish in that 60-gallon tank above the TV are the lucky ones. It is an all-in-one design acrylic tank using the entire back wall section as a multi-stage filter setup that works very well and is super easy to maintain. 2022 might be the 1st year we don’t buy water plants if the water lettuce pulls through over the winter. It’s looking good so far. With the exception of a water supply, electricity and my labor, the pond becomes almost self-sustaining at this point.

Fish AND spots of light on the ceiling today!

Old School BBQ

We got this old Brinkman from Major Bob across the Street at Dapple Grey Lane in the Springs when they moved on to a new assignment, back in 2001, IIRC. We also temporarily got one of their Maine coon cats, but that’s a different story. Anyway, the old charcoal burner was pretty rusty, so I cleaned it up and painted it. It’s been soldiering on well ever since. They don’t make them like this any more. The steel is a good 1/8″ thick.

Over the years it got a better smokestack, bigger front table, and more recently new stainless racks. The only thing it was missing is the sidecar for long-time smoking. Fortunately Phoebe’s friend Tanner inspired me to make this simple add-on to compensate for that. It blocks direct heat from one side, so you can put enough fire in there to last at least an hour or more without burning one side of the meat. Then when it’s almost done, you can slide the coals over directly under the meat to crisp the outside, if desired.

That section of chrome steel was part of the recumbent bike scrapped after the lightning strike.

Sign of the Times

Dude running in the street with an AR. “Guilty or innocent, Kyle Rittenhouse should disgust us all.” Crime only today – no politics, just fucked up judges, courts and LAW.

Who trained their kid to become a vigilante?

Boebert Video Montage

Props to JimmyK for capturing some of the most moronic of Lauren, leader of the Colorado loony bin delegation’s, more recent public embarrassments. Framing it in her true nature of utter lunacy couldn’t be more accurate.

Bobitch is one of the most vile of the Jan 6th co-conspirators and belongs in prison.

Living in a Healthy Democracy

Bertrand Russell had some guidelines:

1: Do not feel absolutely certain of anything.

2: Do not think it worthwhile to produce belief by concealing evidence, for the evidence is sure to come to light.

3: Never try to discourage thinking, for you are sure to succeed.

4: When you meet with opposition, even if it should be from your husband or your children, endeavor to overcome it by argument and not by authority, for a victory dependent upon authority is unreal and illusory.

5: Have no respect for the authority of others, for there are always contrary authorities to be found.

6: Do not use power to suppress opinions you think pernicious, for if you do the opinions will suppress you.

7: Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.

8: Find more pleasure in intelligent dissent than in passive agreement, for, if you value intelligence as you should, the former implies a deeper agreement than the latter.

9: Be scrupulously truthful, even when truth is inconvenient, for it is more inconvenient when you try to conceal it.

10: Do not feel envious of the happiness of those who live in a fool’s paradise, for only a fool will think that it is happiness.


The difference between talkin’ the talk and walkin’ the walk.

After Russian money flowed into Trumpland:

We weren’t just sold out and down the river. The country was beaten into submission in the orchestration process of the biggest betrayal in government corruption the United States has ever seen.

Americans struggle to make ends meet while repug sheep reps disgrace our halls of government, bleating about wasteful government spending.