
Latest Symptoms Log entry:

16 DEC 21: Didn’t take long for a mostly vaping prescription to get old. It doesn’t seem like 4-5 times/day is hurting my lungs. I just don’t like the way it feels after some point past around 3 – hacking up more phlegm, etc. I’m going to try a modified micro-dosing scheme. All the articles on it I’ve seen talk about tiny 1-2mg doses. I was taking around 40-50mg doses 2-3 times/day before, but that led to hyperemesis and some uncomfortable excesses. When I tried microdosing a year ago, it did not seem to affect me at all. I’ll up that to around 5-10mg, 3-4 times/day. Should smooth out the peaks and valleys and still hopefully achieve better radiculopathy suppression.


That’s the Covid death toll in this country, as of sometime around today. I remember talking to my Dad on the phone a year and a half ago, when the pandemic was starting to really kick in. Before saying goodbye, I asked if they were masking up at the diner. He just laughed.

Now draconian restrictions are being re-implemented across the country and the NFL season is once again in question, with numerous starters around the league in quarantine. The Delta variant continues killing as Omicron ramps up with ER’s and hospitals in ongoing crises mode – some over a year now.

Not so funny anymore, is it?

Colleges Going Back to the Drawing Board to Fight Covid

I’ll Go Along With That

Finding things I agree with in current events has become somewhat challenging lately.

I have some issues with him, like being the son of a South African emerald miner, pushing to open factories in the midst of raging Covid, insider trading and burning enough hydrocarbons in 30 seconds to heat a small town all winter every so often. But overall he seems to have right ideas 🙄. And he’s going against some of the toughest Oil ‘n Gas forces in the country.

Electric cars, space/starlink, tunneling – good luck, and go for it, Elon!

SNL’s Hittin’ Again

Haven’t caught up this week yet, but the cold open hit for me. SNL’s been a bit uneven in recent years. I think seeing them plugging shyt for Verizon and whatnot has turned me off SNL. But they got this part right:

Guns are probably the biggest thing giving the Trumplicans enough balls to mob-up and storm The Capitol. Without weapons, they are just a bunch of squalid legislators leading a legion of buffoons that wouldn’t know an insurrection from a protest.

Fat, Dumb Fuck

This piece of shit has been coming on ABC This Week every Sunday for quite awhile now to rationalize and obfuscate the current political quandary in this country. He projects the Big Lie, re-states Trump ideology, and generally supports the cocksuckers. He can go suck that limp Trump dick until he chokes on it.

Eat shit and die, cockpig. I’m sure your cardiologist has an ICU bed reserved.


The job title no longer means anything. “Astronaut” is now conferred like so many participation trophies and honorary degrees. Pilots aspiring to astronaut status used to be a different breed altogether, amassing a sum total of technical knowledge and skill unparalleled anywhere in the world. Now they are just customers on an expensive amusement park ride.

The USAF Space Badge I was awarded in 1983 means more than this.

System Update

We lost a few day’s worth of content since the last backup while I re-built the server. Maybe a “planned” upgrade will avoid that next time. After some glitch rendered Radeon functionality compromised, I decided there were too many “gotchas” involved with upgrading the OS along with some touchy applications, so I rebuilt it from scratch – but not before forgetting to grab a Word[press snapshot 1st. Last week’s posts will start popping up again as I manually recover it. We’re now on Bullseye all around – the latest Debian Linux, version 11.

Ironically, one of the backup apps I use for most data, Unison, long ago presented an irreconcilable (to me) conflict between Bullseye and the earlier Debian Buster. The way to backport newer apps to the old Buster server is not straightforward. I elected to downgrade Unison on the new Bullseye workstation by holding the old version there for compatibility purposes. Software interoperability issues can be fun (not!) to manage.

WordPress migrated much better, but still left a few holes to patch. Initial observation this time around suggested certain images got their URLs borked by a value of “-1.” Had to re-insert a passel of carriage returns again, as well. Sometimes I think they do this stuff on purpose, just to piss people off or push them to buy paid support. Still, with close-matching versions, noticeably fewer issues than last time.

AR ≠ AB and White QB’s ≠ Black Receivers

And a lie is not misrepresentation, or vice verse. Maybe it’s all part of the Pass Interference FUD factor. After the whole Colin Kaepernick fiasco, it seems remarkably disingenuous how, given the opportunity, the NFL still managed to fuck this all the way up.

Can’t imagine why the Tampa pundit thinks any different.

How many Packer players came online to say they were fully, officially aware of Rodgers status again? Riiiiiight.

Public Enemy

LE Hiring Standards Waaaaaay Too Low. Screaming “fuck the police!” from the top of my keyboard is getting old. This guy is not in jail. Yet. Wonder if it will take as long as the Aubery killers in GA…

Guy in a wheelchair. Five (9? four misses probably, whatever) times in the back.

It only takes one to kill somebody. Ask Kim Potter.

Makin’ Up Xenophobic Horseshit

Trea always comes up with a spot-on characterization for the Trumplican’s endlessly inane bullshittery used for instilling fear in the MAGA base and riling up the more radical, er, militant(?) fringe. I can’t remember which video the horseshit comment came from, but his recent BoeBitch expose’ is chock full of ’em. Love this guy’s shyt! 😉

No. It’s because you’re a dumb fuck.