Another One Gone Too Soon

The cornetist, composer and bandleader Ron Miles combined a distinctly American harmonic palette with an openhearted emotional clarity uncommon in modern jazz.
Johnathan Chimene/WBGO

Colorado Karen Repug Goin’ Down

Political posts also tagged with the “crime” category here refer to alleged crimes, for the most part. But !!DING-DING-DING!! we got a winner up here with an actual indictment in the great state of Colorado. Maybe the lower levels at elevation were starving her brain for oxygen. Whatever the problem, this cunt won’t be running for anything but cell block monitor after justice gets served.

Check out the arrest video, to see just exactly what we’re dealin’ with. Must feel good gettin’ walked out by your own jackboot troopers.

No worries on the voting machines, sweetie. I don’t think they let convicted felons vote in prison.

The indictment, filed in Mesa County District Court, alleges that Peters and Knisley participated in a plan designed to “breach security protocols, exceed permissible access to voting equipment, and set in motion the eventual distribution of confidential information to unauthorized people.”

Broncos Dodged a Bullet

Don’t know how much longer the Qb revolving door in Denver will remain spinning with Elway in the mix, but the answer to Mr. LaFontaine’s question is a definite no, at least at this juncture. We’ll see how next season’s o-Line shakes out. Missing the playoffs for six straight years seems to suggest quarterback play is only one piece of the problem puzzle.

I was ready to write off the NFL in Denver if the (obviously) planned Rodgers move materialized. I guess the covidiot blowback in Wisconsin wasn’t all that bad. Makes sense. Russel is a stud. No worries there. Go Broncos!

He nailed Denver badly in Super Bowl XLVIII, so things are definitely looking up!

Expectations Proven Epically Wrong

Crimea was one thing. That affair was a total blunder on the West’s part. It’s almost like they are in denial. We’ve had intel sources accurately pinpointing and valuing state-level military capabilities and intentions to a remarkably fine grain for decades. So we watched the military buildup expecting what(?) and doing nothing to counter it until it was too late. We’ll just assume it was a trap, and our spooks won this time.

So when the Olympics were over with Putin emboldened by Xi’s support, he did what everyone expected, in perfectly predictable ways, clearly narrated with hostile rhetoric at every step. Maybe it was the recent debacle in the ‘Stan, or simple complacency perhaps? For whatever reason, pundits gave me the distinct impression this was going to be a quick, decisive affair if and when the Kremlin Killer decided to go for it. Anybody outside Ukraine thinking otherwise wasn’t talking much.

This could have been avoided, but all is not lost. There’s a common-denominator on those battlefields: soldiers. They’re there for one reason: to kill each other. The big difference in this case is, their officers are telling the Russian troops civilians are combatants. The tide turned against Moscow in Putin’s war the moment Volodymyr Zelenskyy made his first broadcast after the shooting started. Alot of people are gonna be unnecessarily killed while we watch what happens when a powerful dictator gets in over his head.

Nikki Haley, Trump Cockwhore

The former U.N. Ambassador Met the Press today to awkwardly not answer several questions about herself and Humpty Trumpty. Running mate responses should be all the more interesting.

Can’t wait to hear the debate with Pence’s token woman. Should be a real hoot.

LATE UPDATE 20240108: Pence dropped out long ago, not long after appearing in public wearing a biker leather jacket – probably sporting fake colors and badges, knowing that fuckwit.

Elon Needs More Oil ‘n Gas

“The question is just at what rate do we move to a sustainable energy future?” Said the guy who burns enough hydrocarbons in 30 seconds to heat a small town all winter every so often. Does Mr. Musk not know the answer, for once?

The answer is: NOT FAST ENOUGH, spaceboy. Better be careful you don’t get too diversified in your quest for Muskology or whatever the fuck your overall goals might be.

Should I tunnel, drive or rocket away from this mess? Maybe just fuck it ALL up with AI. Hmmmm…

Health Status Update

Latest Symptoms Log entry:

4 MAR 22: After 3 years of going through all the medications, surgeries and rehab, it seems I’ve finally arrived at a steady physical state. Still struggling with the psychological aspect of re-calibrating my life, figuring out what I can and cannot do, how long it takes to do what I can, and trying to prioritize necessary activities. Not yet sure where the Cannabis hyperemesis threshold is. I’m using at a rate about half what I was before that episode. Some clues point to real success with the weed. I’ve noticed not always grabbing for the cane every time I get up after medicating. The paralytic muscle sensation clearly diminishes with THC. Neurontin has a similar effect, but also seems to make me dizzy. CBD certainly helps with sleep. I’ve noticed a few episodes of REM sleep coming back over the past couple months. There’s a whole world of nuances in the strains I can’t really distinguish except to say the Indicas seem to work better on radiculopathy, for me. C-Spine decompression stops the arms from going numb during the night. That is a big sleep loss factor. Skipping decompression just one session immediately begins a slide back into the overnight arm numbing. i have to be real careful with small, spillable stuff because there’s almost no sensation in my hands anymore. I’m doing an average of 2 hrs/day various PT stuff, mostly foam roller and decompression. Still pretty miserable, but I can see a way forward.

Stonekettle Station

Just a friend’s incoming re-posted to start the day. All corporate media, both social and broadcast cannot be trusted. Independent sources are the only people to be taken seriously.

Read on…

The State of U.S. Politics

So this is what it’s come to: A couple of stupid cunts spend the evening heckling the CIC during his SOTU address. BoBitch belongs behind bars for her role in the coup attempt, and MTG must be so cognitively dissonated, her appetite’s trying to make up for it. Fuck these stinking GOP whores. They’re probably too stupid to even know what they’ve been put up to, and certainly foolish enough to think they know what they are doing.

Open up wide for those big GOP dicks.

A friend recently mentioned to me they thought American politics today was a “shitwich.” It’s like I’m real hungry, but just can’t eat any more of this crap. Time to change the menu.

Webasto OAT

It’s starting to look like the diesel heaters have a maximum exhaust pipe length somewhere between 5 and 10 feet. They seem to be doing fine now with good air filters after cleaning and running without the exhaust extensions and WMO for a couple weeks. I’ll get back to the WMO at some point if they stay good until spring like this. We’ll call this the (O)perational (A)cceptace (T)est phase.

Overall tho, I cannot recommend these things. The Chinese build quality is just horrible, resulting in numerous pitfalls. They can be installed and run safely and reliably by a competent handyman. But the potential safety issues overrule this system for most people, IMHO.

The are a few different ways these things can kill you with carbon monoxide, fuel leaks and resultant asphyxiation and fire. The worst problem I found was a loose plug in the injector chamber. Don’t know where it went or exactly when it fell out, probably the 1st time I cleaned it. You could easily have a fire on your hands if that let go running.

Under the best conditions, like other portable heaters or anything of this nature, they should never be run un-attended. Long-term longevity seems doable, being the simple device it is. Fan and pump are the only moving parts. If you can get them setup and running right and follow some simple safety precautions, they should be good. That setup part is going to be a challenge for many people – it was, for me.

Putin vs. Zelensky

Don’t know much about Putin’s nukes, but ours are always on high alert. It’s all about perceptions in politics.

The Russian populace doesn’t seem all that impressed.