Blog Premise

It’s all you got online, when you’re not doing marketing, cult, entertainment or charity work. Politics is marketing for mind control.

Alternatively, I DO take questions.

Abortion Would Have Been Too Good

At least it would have preempted all the pain they’ve inflicted on others. I’d recommend sterilization for every pulpit holder in this particular cult.

“In service of this goal, survivors and others who reported abuse were ignored, disbelieved, or met with the constant refrain that the SBC could take no action due to its policy regarding church autonomy – even if it meant that convicted molesters continued in ministry with no notice or warning to their current church or congregation,” the report added.”

Medevil superstition in the church is the best-ever cover for illegal sexy child fun!

Cut the fucking tax line. This is bullshyt.

Healthcare and Cops

I addressed this issue back in the first pandemic year. The truth was laid bare to anyone observant enough to witness society’s public health and safety factions scrambling to save their own asses. Now a more specific case comes to light illustrating part of the problem. Apparently some of these people want to be able to get away with killing their clients in order to carelessly proceed with their own dangerous, public-facing jobs sans any personal risk. No more.

“It was not motivated by any intent to violate the law, but through oversight and gross negligence and neglect, as the jury concluded.”

Criminal negligence in healthcare situations is far too common and typically goes unpunished, if not entirely unreported. Getting into the car for a drive to work might be the riskiest thing most people ever do. But if you want to go into public safety – healthcare, law enforcement or related fields – you goddamned well better learn to manage alot more risk, and get it right.

RELATED: Insurance scam crap they pull all the time.

Lamborn Attempts WHO Agency Abortion

The other Colorado Congressional fuckwit rep seemed real proud of his sign-on with others in the legislature having nothing better to do than share their opinions on science with the World Health Organization:

This what we’re paying these people’s salaries for?

I take a rather dim view of that. The important thing to note here is this is not any sort of official government act. It is the coordinated ramblings of bible-thumping politicians busily generating campaign plugs, paid for with taxpayer dollars. I’m sure it will find it’s way to the bottom of the round file, not long after arrival in Geneva.

Starting to look like politicians are around 45% unsafe and probably should be aborted.

This One’s Lookin’ Like a Doozy

We’ll have two nights of record-setting hard freezes, while the high country measures heavy, wet snow in feet. That part is a really good thing, because the winter snowpack was already almost melted earlier than anyone can remember. It was 90°F in Frederick yesterday.

These roads are dangerous dry.

It’s not unusual to see a few flakes floating around in late May or even early June when a fast-moving front moves through. But not accumulation.

Snowing in Denver, 32 Days from the Summer Solstice

Apparently Elon is a Fuckass

I had my doubts going along with the whole MOY thing, but he’s out now. The Twitter™ BS was just a tell. Anybody who has pre-determined their voting stance sans candidate sounds like a misguided ideologue, to me. Wonder if he’ll re-instate my account?

You can stick your rockets where the sun don’t shine, MAGA spaceboy.

LATE UPDATE: They did! 😆

VA Shenanigans

The stream of VA healthcare horror stories publicized across the country never abates. They seem to have a fairly high volume of that type bullshyt to deal with, so the government has them set up and well funded for it. We are actually paying contractors to screw over the vets these days. The surgeon who broke my back was a contractor from the hospital across the street. That’s pretty rare, but this is an ongoing process in the claims system:

VA’s budget issues translate to cost-cutting veteran benefits, and in some cases, even care.

I stumbled across the Youtube™ C&P videos at one point a year or so ago. I watched a few, but it seemed kinda weird, like they’re gaming the system. Now I get it. It’s one of those games where both sides are always cheating. 😉

Message to BoBitch

The Congressional Cunt from Colorado sent an email whining about free speech. That earned her some of mine:

Gay men and border babies sucking up all the formula? Seriously? Wow, just wow.

Happy Vesak Day!

If you really need to do the religion thing, why not try Buddhism? They don’t seem to espouse much of a hate agenda. Probably alot less stressful than fighting the gays and unwed mothers-to-be.

If you gotta do religion, at least work on yourself, like the Buddhists.