The Grift Goes On

I’ll certainly never forget my Mom. Once on the Internet, always on the Internet – even if someone is unwittingly spoofing your email. She got ahold of my Yahoo address about twenty years ago. That is one of the reasons I’m now normally known online as, rather than the OG

It’s pretty incredible, the crap they are selling: Dinner with Trump, 900% match, pure fear mongering on every talking point – even social engineering for more personal details. I check that inbox to clean it out once a month or so nowadays. It’s been mostly spam, now accompanied by an equally large volume of MAGA bullshyt.

It goes on up from there, but not wasting any more space on my page.

Random Acts of Violence

It’s difficult to adapt, improvise and overcome when it gets this random:

“The man apparently was driving when two cars street racing on the interstate drove near him, firing “several” shots into the man’s truck and striking him.”

An Aurora family’s wife and three kids now left without a father

Round 3, Part III

I’m quite certain the Secretary’s minions have plenty to do without a surviving malpractice victim’s incessant whining. But assuming “shortly” means around three months in VA time, I figured it best to just go ahead and delineate exactly what we’re talking about here:

They pull this crap on the Vets ALL THE TIME.

Happy Fish

Took these vids about a month ago, right after getting them moved outside. Phoebe said it looks like they are “kissing up” on each other. They do seem to get pretty excited sometimes. One made it all the way out into the yard early on and survived after found and thrown back in shortly thereafter. Another one didn’t get so lucky just a few days ago. Saw the raccoons only once so far this year. Seems maybe Jax gave them a good scare that night.

Timing Is Everything

The “D” was sitting outside the other day while I struggled with the Chrysler’s carb. We haven’t had much rain this year, except for a couple good soakings – one of which just happened to be that day. So Bimmer got washed for the 1st time in two years!

Dragging a garden hose is the hardest part of car washing, for me.

Stock Car Market

Most people understand how The Stock Market ≠ The Economy. Does sometimes seem they might be more or less symbiotic parasites, tho. 3/4pt – Daaaaaaaaaaaamn.

Overheat and explode – back to the pits, er recession?

PA Must Be MAGA’d Big-time

We’re gonna recycle this just once, for a little personalized message.

Did we get lucky with them going blue for Biden? I can confirm my family appears to be lost to it. Wider effects are now becoming apparent. This type candidacy, one of many across country, portends further descent into the Trumpian political rabbit hole.

“Mastriano marched on the U.S. Capital on Jan. 6, 2021, following the presidential election in which Joe Biden defeated Trump, but says he did not break the law.”

Government should be set up like a fiduciary, with appropriate penalties for breaching the public trust.
I’m comin’ home again someday. You might wanna get a few things straight with me 1st.

Trashed AND Corrupted

This one cycled for six weeks after being originally published 3 MAY 22. Some things are just too important to allow the 24×7 news cycle mass memory expiration effect to take place.

NEW RULE: Only women get to rule on abortion cases.

Maybe they just have a penchant for getting it wrong?
Unimaginably regrettable stupidity.

“Egregiously wrong from the start.” Yet stood for fifty years. Easy to see how it was still in wordplay draft – kinda hard to justify in plain language. These science-denying assholes drag us through a years-long pandemic, now this. The nazi pricks have been waiting to strike for decades. It’s just the beginning.

Keep it up, mutherfuckers | Trae Crowder’s “tyrannical hellscape

Beau of the 5th Column’s take | Thomas disgraced

Impeach Kavanaugh and Comey | Pack this bitch.

See what the Supreme Crackpots are up to today

Thomas’ eMails Deepen Election Involvement

Thomas’ Scandal Unprecedented | SCOTUS Scandal for Foriegners

Patriot(?) Front

There’s more of these cocksuckers all over the goddamned place. Like I told the Frederick Nazis a few weeks ago, better keep quiet and stay the fuck away from me. I will relish the opportunity to stomp some of these fuckass shitbags into the ground.

Better bring more than smoke bombs and scary masks to my house, mutherfuckers.

JWST Update #010

Everybody puckered a bit the other day when we sustained Webb’s 1st major FOD impact. I doubt the FAA is involved with this, but it’s basically the the same issue. We’re just inside a month’s waiting to see the first full-color images.

Those mirrors might be the highest tech things to ever come off this planet.