Republican’s Big Mistake

Pretty simple: Destroying American institutions, while believing they have things covered with the Corporate Power coupled to a basically obedient, ignorant and/or religious voting base. The Court is now just a patriarchal religious bigotry enabler for the time being, 2020 was a wake-up call.

That’s what it amounts to – turning America’s bedrock institutions against itself. If Manchin held any prescience on the inflation topic, it was only because he knew the price gouging opportunities would not go unused, being the greedy, corporate DINO bastard he is. In the meantime, The Court, Law Enforcement, Post Office, Healthcare, and now the Secret Service among many other long-standing American Institutions, need a major overhaul after decades of conservative abuse.

Florida Education

DeSuckass is doing a great job suppressing knowledge in the Sunshine State. Floridians are now going to be not only un-woke, but in many cases completely un-educated if the school districts don’t find quite a few more teachers. Stupid voters are easy to impress with nonsense buzzword politics. He’s gonna have a little harder time legislating something to gen up many thousand more teachers.

Woke is a MAGA joke, and deSuckass is now their biggest “electable” clown.

Cannabis Not Predictive

Big fucking surprise. Weed is apparently not predictive of alot of things, ya think? Why would anybody expect any different with an 80+year-long ban still in effect?

Maybe after another few years of de-bunking what Cannabis doesn’t do, we’ll get around to confirming what it actually does. One thing I can personally confirm is de-motivation under my particular form of nerve-damaged dysfunction. That’s a good thing. Motivation often leads me to a state of painful, physical frustration. That’s just how it goes when you are partially paralyzed with nerve root damage.

Mind-body interface – what a concept.

Cannabis is Mother Nature’s Drug Store


The new Space Launch System anchored by the biggest rocket to ever attempt leaving the planet known as Artemis-1, is almost ready. We’ll be following the next Big NASA Thing along with JWST in the science and tech categories for the foreseeable future. These things do after all, represent mankind’s foreseeable future, to me.

There’s more thrust in any one place than we’ve ever seen before.

Early Summer Pond ’22

Only issue this year is plants are being eaten by the fish before they can grow much! The swimmers will be going on a food-prep diet, while I study up on fish filleting. The fountain has been modified an umpteenth time to minimize splash loss, but still increases the evaporation rate by an order of magnitude on a hot day. I’ll do another update in a few weeks when all the flowers are in full bloom.


It applies to this site like the cartoon says, except I update. in Chrome now it just says “not secure.” Security – what a concept. Anybody remember Heartbleed? There’s nothing being sold, hidden or denied here needing any security, so encryption of any sort would only unnecessarily consume CPU cycles. Even the password-protected Stuff is not all that sensitive around here – just a few limited distribution items.

Check the Privacy Policy for details…