Goldies in for the Winter

Michelle helped me accomplish the bi-annual fish move last Saturday. It’s a weather-driven event when the water starts getting cold enough to put them into hibernation and falling leaves begin clogging things up. Most of the water gets pumped out of the pond then we start scooping them out – big nets full of leaves and fish – six in one go, at one point.

We ended up with 30 this year. That sounds about right, considering they did not reproduce (that I know of) and we lost 4 to fishicide (jumping out) and sickness. IIRC, we started with 35 last spring, so that’s probably in the margin of counting error. The only issue is they are all getting big, so their 120-gallon winter home is around 25 short of it’s estimated maximum fish load capacity now.

The Marineland C530 filter is over-sized for that tank, with a custom pre-filter intake to extend longevity. It will be interesting to watch the water tests to see if it can keep up with that much bio load. Worst case scenario I’ll just need to do more frequent water changes and see if the population trends down next year. Not sure why some years they reproduce and others they don’t. We may yet find babies in the plant bins.

LATE UPDATE: Ten days and no ammonia with my patented “Insta-Cycle” process!
Francie’s old desk needed a new middle leg.

Colorado Proposition 122

Digging a little deeper, you can find where this all started in contemporary society. Indigenous people been trippin’ all over the planet since forever.

“Cargill has remained a hidden figure of drug history for too long, a ‘cute little honeybee’ who should be rebranded as the brilliant chemist who brought systems and methods to turning America on.”

Chemistry – what a concept.

Not a Russian Draftee

Probably something similar to what I would have done before being disabled. I hear even that might not get you out of an olive drab ensemble in Russia these days.

It’s gonna be cold, but better than dead.


So the repugs are suing Google. Stinking political whore lights another frivolous lawsuit. Apparently the RNC faithful are clueless regarding Google’s spam policies and operations. Makes sense. They’ve got their heads so far up their own asses they probably can’t distinguish email from snail mail. Big G doesn’t determine what is spam – their users do, by submitting spam reports. Click the icon, this is spam – done. Google just follows instructions from people smart enough to know a fraud when they see it.

The MAGA are getting antsy because people are rejecting their nonstop media scams begging for money. Fuck these miscreants.

Talk to the spam filter not the hand, bitch.

Health Status Update

21 OCT 22: Recently moving to a strictly-dosed mostly-CBD medication regimen showed me a few things. #1: THC is the neuro-effective pain reliever. That is obvious, with the right elbow now again flirting with sleep-loss-inducing nerve flare. #2: CBD is not necessarily a sleep aid. I’ve been more alert, active and taking fewer naps, although I do seem to sleep better at night with it(?). #3: Eating vs. vaping involves some sort of catch-22. Vaping is fast and effective, never leaving me too stoned to function, but wears off after an hour or two. Edible can last all day, but can’t eat enough without getting blotto half the time, and eventually leads to hyperemesis if I’m not carefully limiting intake, resulting in sub-par symptom suppression. So the regimen now means eating small (5-10Mg) 1:20 CBD flower doses 2-3 times a day, along with a vape bowl of a 1:1 CBD strain spiked with kief. My theory is the kief adds enough additional terps and THC for good analgesic effect. Numbers on the ratio start at 8G kief/Oz. flower.

The flower I’m eating is a near-all CBD strain offered by Terrapin Care Station called Wife’s Lemonade. It’s important to note I am using no processed products of any kind, with the small exception of cold-pressed rosin, and mostly because that stuff is supposed to be naturally pure, just forced out of it’s plant host. Tight controls, few variables and it’s still just an experiment. PT is the only thing really consistent for the past few years, with only minor adjustments. Cannabis medication under most of the different applications I’ve tried is way better than pharma-induced dependency and stupor.

Nerve flare in the right elbow and knee is noticeable again now, but not too uncomfortable. I’m gonna roll with this for the rest of the year to see how it goes. If I can stay out of hyperemesis and maintain some semblance of sanity, we’ll call it good.

Val Demings

I can’t remember ever being more impressed with somebody’s comportment and passion than I was with Val Deming’s role in the first impeachment. This woman is a badass. Little Marco better behave himself.

“How long will you watch people being gunned down in first grade, fourth grade, high school, college, church, synagogue, grocery store, movie theater, a mall and a nightclub and do nothing?”

The choice is between groveling fealty and a real firebrand.
Messin’ With the Kid -Blues Brothers

Ya Think?

“Only about half of Americans have high confidence that votes in the upcoming midterm elections will be counted accurately, according to a new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research”

I have my doubts, but it doesn’t have anything to do with election administration. It’s all about the cocksuckers who claim it did.

Fuck all you MAGA assholes to Hell and back – ESPECIALLY your candidates.

Jim McDivitt, 1929-2022

“In 1962, McDivitt was selected by NASA to become an astronaut. He was chosen to pilot Gemini 4 — becoming the first-ever NASA rookie to command a mission.”

I can’t say much about Jim McDivitt, because I just don’t recall ever hearing or reading that much about him. Now I know why. He was one of those diligent masterminds working tirelessly in the background gluing it all together. They say the best-run crews are the ones that never miss a beat, even when the boss is not around.

Astronaut Jim A. McDivitt’s official portrait, taken in 1971. McDivitt has died at age 93.
FILE – Vice President Spiro Agnew holds a framed American flag, presented to him by the crew of Apollo 9, as he poses with the astronauts March 26, 1969, in Washington. From left: Russell Schweikart, Agnew, and Air Force Cols. David Scott and James McDivitt. McDivitt, who commanded the Apollo 9 mission testing the first complete set of equipment to go to the moon, died Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022. He was 93. (AP Photo/Harvey Georges, File)

Allyson Daniels

I’ll never forget when they came to Butmir while I was there. It was like around the 3rd day after I arrived still getting familiarized, when one of our guys came running into the club yelling “They’re at the bathouse now!” New information flooding into my brain soon enabled me to determine that’s what they called the Battalion Compound where I actually worked over by the gate. The other thing was who they were: a half dozen Broncos cheerleaders!

The U.S. personnel immediately exited, heading in that direction with the rest of the clientele sitting in stunned silence looking at each other like WTF? I looked at the guy I was sitting with and said “Football Girls.” He smiled and said “ah yes, Footlball!” Neither one of us spoke a word of the other’s language. I think football translated by default.

So yeah, got to meet them real briefly in the conference room. Started thinking well, it can’t be ALL bad. They’re a thing – a REAL thing in this context. You can see Allyson with the rest of the gang every home game here in Denver. Broncos will have to do without ’em, at Sofi tonight.

Allyson Daniels, Tara Battiato and Candace Wilson, Denver Broncos cheerleaders, make a guest appearance during the afternoon radio show with Senior Airman John Archiquette, Armed Forces Network broadcaster, Nov. 5, 2010 at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey.

LATE UPDATE: Russell having his worst career start ever, on the season. 🙁


The birds are up, the hardware is sunk cost and the support tail is relatively minimal if the system is all it’s cracked up to be. So unless people are beating down the door to get on a capacity-strapped network which I haven’t heard about, Ukraine’s part of the bargain is small potatoes. How about a Twitter-style solicitation for system stats, say, used vs. available capacity, like real vs. fake accounts?

Beau made a couple other points. You should make it through a few more launch cycles, calling Ukraine a beta test. What about that, Elon?

Maybe a 3rd metric – Ukraine’s share of available capacity? They should be charging you training hours, bringing your maintenance and support staff up to speed.

Russian Mobilization

Russia’s utterly shameful failure to execute military mobilization in anything even resembling a coherent, effective manner is no secret. Outcomes are looking more and more questionable in the face of countermeasures on the Ukrainian side.

A Ukrainian serviceman checks the trenches dug by Russian soldiers in a retaken area in the Kherson region, Ukraine on Oct. 12, 2022. –Leo Correa/AP

Warning! This Thing Connects

I’ve been warning people we didn’t think this Internet thing all the way through for many years. So in typical fashion, the government will now layer on some regulation to band-aid the problem. If it has silicon and software in it, it’s probably network-enabled.

Bob couldn’t think of everything. -but they got the 1st part right. This problem will go away as soon as somebody figures out how to make cyber security just as profitable if not more so, than cyber crime.

I see the next generation of mattress tag labels approaching fast.