Need a Quarterback

I’m not really sure why I’m even posting this. Seems to be a pretty common issue across the league. Maybe just hoping I might get to see a good game tonight has me thinking football today.

How long will the Roethlisberger vacuum last in Pittsburgh?

All Day Blizzard

Not here, but Colorado’s northeast corner is getting clipped pretty good, with both I-70 and I-76 closed east of Denver. Being on the western edge of it now, we probably won’t get much. But schools are closed and the folks out on the eastern plains are gonna be buried under feet of the white Stuff.

Morality Police

Forgive me for not following Iranian society more closely, but seriously? The Mullahs are just plainly overt about the same bullshyt the xtians are harping on here: Authoritarian Control. Iranians started hanging people from cranes in the street yesterday.

Iranian Islamic fundamentalist definition of morality is anything but.

Artemis-1 Highlights

The new space program is exciting and spectacular on many levels. Astronauts, rockets and space travel are just oh so fascinating. But like it takes 4-5 support personnel to field every infantryman in the Army, it takes thousands of support personnel for every astronaut on the mission.

These guys work where the rubber meets the launch road.

C-130 Hercules

Lockheed’s quintessential prop-driven airlifter goes down in history – ongoing history. There is no question it is one of the most well-regarded, widely-utilized military workhorses ever. The current crop of AC-130 Gunships demonstrates just how amazing this platform really is.

I had my share of rides in them, but the Sarajevo trip was memorable. Loadmaster strolls down the cargo floor announcing “We’ll be in Sarajevo any minute – hang on, we’re goin’ down!” Wish somebody would have explained the “tactical approach” method earlier.

70 years hauling our military people all around the planet.

Google Battery Bullshyt

Somebody should explain to me how, when occasionally I plug a phone in to charge, some time later I find it telling me no, not gonna do that – battery charging is presently restricted. Or when I try to run some app, it refuses, because it’s not plugged in or the battery is too low?

It’s just another example of big tech competition vying for your stupidity. You can’t be trusted to manage your own battery. But the code monkeys sure as hell can gen up some tricks to give them total control of it, squeezing out the last electron in a use case scenario only they and the Marketing Dept. has any clues about.

Fuck your battery bullshyt, Google! And stop resetting it with every update, mutherfuckers.

Gettin’ tired of this stupid, adaptive battery shyt.

Sinema Independent?

Stealth GOP attention whore from Arizona was never anything but a shill for the MAGA.

“Arizona has shifted from once reliably red to become a swing state since Sinema’s election in 2018. It’s electorate is roughly one third Democrats, one third independents and one third Republican. But if Sinema runs as an independent, she could split the votes with a Democratic candidate and give an opening to the GOP to flip the seat red in 2024.”

Waiting for Manchin’s angle…

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

I have a real problem with the whole Time “Person of the Year” award thing these days. Appearances can be deceiving. Going back to just last year we see an obviously egregious error in naming Elon Musk – a total piece of nazi shyt. You see things like Giuliani, Trump, Putin and Zuckerboy in there. It’s a fucking joke.

There was a time when the award actually meant something. At least they got it right this year.

Sorry, no links to the rag – fuck Time Magazine.
Message to TIME – let ’em know what you think. It’s a big part of the problem, both media AND politics – they’re often just clueless, potentially due to no fault of their own.

Germans Following Suit

At least they’re getting ahead of it.

“They added that members of the group also believe Germany is ruled by a so-called ‘deep state;’ similar baseless claims about the United States were made by former President Donald Trump.”

Fuck Joe Manchin

That Sinema bitch, too.

“Not only will Vice President Kamala Harris not likely have to be called in for as many tie-breaking votes, the extra seat has also changed how they factor Joe Manchin into their political calculus.”

Now go home and tell all the coal miners everything you didn’t vote for.

Another Big Fucking Surprise

It’s been obvious to me for years. These people really suck bad.

“The board said Meta appeared to be more concerned with avoiding “provoking” VIPs and evading accusations of censorship than balancing tricky questions of free speech and safety.”

1 Hacker Way? Presumptuous little twit.

Ditching Pills for Cannabis

My and many others’ paths might track somewhat different routes, but the outcomes are the same.

“I can move and I can walk, and it’s given me the ability to be a better dad. I was devastated to lose out on a dream job at 21 because of my MS diagnosis. Now I feel like I’ve been given a second chance. For those people who are in pain, have tried other routes to no avail, think about medical cannabis. It’s changed my life.”

Everybody needs a reason to keep going.