VA Health Records

“McDonough has said the pause is needed to ensure the system is working properly and that patients aren’t put at risk.”

Seems odd coming from me, but the Secretary most certainly has this right. I addressed the issue last year. Now it seems maybe my concerns were well founded. I’m convinced medical record keeping was a big factor in the VA malpractice debacle I’ve been working my way through since January 2019. Between that and the Narxcare bullshyt, they almost killed me.

Despite what the HMO’s and Insurance companies want, real Universal Healthcare is coming. We need to get this part figured out first.

Please remember to write down everything we said, all that was done, and exactly what happened. Our lives depend on it.
Keep Pushin’ -REO Speedwagon

In Like Flynn

Mike Flynn’s testimony is old news, but gets reiterated here in light of the Select Committee’s report. The retired Lieutenant General known to me as Flim Flam Flynn needs recalled to active duty for a court martial.

This POS is a total disgrace to all who’ve ever worn the uniform.
How’s all that MAGA election shyt workin’ out for ya Mr. Mike?
You’re gonna need to pull another pardon out of your ass, mutherfucker.

No Doubt “Twitter Will Feel Faster”

…to those remaining after another big passel of users goes away for various reasons. Hell, why not jut cut them off altogether? Those Asian carriers can’t possibly be vectoring that much advertising traffic after all, can they? Dumping them should help with the accelerating revenue loss, right?

Damn, Elon. WTF?

Like Napoleon Bonespurs listening to Navarro telling him about transportation, the Chief Twit probably listens to so-called current “architects” at Twitter™ who weren’t smart enough to get out when the gettin’ was good.

Royce Williams

Another bo-na-fide badass.

“Four decades later, following the disintegration of the Soviet Union, records began to come out from Moscow confirming the aerial battle.”

Missed me! Sumbitch kicked the shyt outta the Russians with an inferior aircraft.

Abbott’s Xmas Gift

The Texas governor has issues he seems unable to effectively manage himself.

14° xmas eve on the street at Kamala Harris’ residence. The thing is a monster.

IRS Penalties and Interest

Most wage earners are girding for another tax season as 2022 comes to a close. Some are already sucking wind on the finance front, with white collar crime amounting to huge tax liabilities among other things, now pending exposure.

“I think the former president has made it perfectly clear that lying is not a crime in any way.” — GOP Rep.-elect George Santos of New York

Franco Harris

Yesterday’s xmas eve game against Oakland in the Burgh was iconic on every level. It was breezy, snowing and cold, gettin’ colder the whole game – like Oakland’s slim lead. Many recognize the Oakland playoff game in 1972 held the moment where Pittsburgh’s NFL aspirations turned the corner to one of the most intimidating and dominating decades in NFL history. Everyone points to Brady and the Patriots in this vein, but Bradshaw, Harris and the rest of those guys did it back in the day when playing football was very different than today.

Franco didn’t quite make it to share in the 50th anniversary of that iconic event. The NFL world-over will always remember it. Thanks for the best xmas in quite some time, Franco!

It’s Not Just Inflation

Title of the article: Sharing Things That Rich People Have “Ruined” For Everyone Else.

“Burning Man. When Mark Zuckerberg is helicoptering in to stay in a billionaire camp with air-conditioned mobile homes, Burning Man has officially lost whatever counterculture standing it ever had.”

Colorado got mentioned a couple times in this article.

The Dred-Scott Decision

“The House gave final passage to legislation to replace the bust of Roger Taney, the Supreme Court justice who wrote the Dred Scott decision, in the Capitol with one of Thurgood Marshall, the first Black person to serve on the high court.”

There’s a passel of current justices and congresspeople who have voluntarily forfeited their opportunity the ever have a statue of them displayed in our nation’s Capitol.

Good riddance, mutherfucker.

The “Best” BMW 3-Series

I was saying this myself after we leased that F30 328i Michelle had for a few years. It was a really nice car, but not a driver like the D. I remember the 1st time driving the 328, thinking to myself “this can’t be a BMW 3’er.” It wasn’t bad, just not the same. It’s an important nuance only true car enthusiast drivers notice.

BMW’s tone-setter is the 3 Series. It’s the car that BMW built its reputation on. So when the 3 Series goes soft, the rest of BMW goes soft too and the F30 seems to be the point when it all changed for BMW, when it began chasing mainstream success and widespread consumer popularity. There’s no question, the F30 had a broader customer appeal than the E90 and it probably made BMW more money. But the E90 was a better BMW and there hasn’t been a better 3 Series since.

It was an awesome car stock. It’s a real monster now.
Corvette killer: Ohlins coilovers with 600ft-lbs of emissions-deleted torque.