
Now I gotta start buggin’ em’ for more pics. Only got the one. Wasn’t gonna make another post until the 9th, just to prove myself wrong, but some things are more important that than Pootin‘s little war of aggression.

Pretext for a Nuke Party

Upcoming Russian Mayday celebrations could have a little extra kick this year. I’m no prognosticator, but sometimes clues gravitate in disturbing ways. The Kremln drone event yesterday, along with the Russian-voiced response suggests an ominous undertone, to me. They know conventional warfare in Ukraine is lost. Their own broadcast propagandists are transitioning to apologists on the topic.

Wagner quitting Bakhmut. Conflicting reports seem to indicate the Russians directing Wagners into the Bahkmut area. I suspect the only Bakhmut question remaining is who or what if anything will be roasted when they nuke it.

“Sublime contempt for the truth” from Russians is a thing.
War Pigs -Black Sabbath
Wall of Denial -Stevie Ray Vaughan

The Real Question

I have no answer. Pundit Lexington’s explanation seems plausible. There’s probably as many reasons why people become dishonest cocksuckers as there are people doing it. Roberts’ tepid response to the mess reeks of complicity.

The list of groups who wounded Clarence Thomas is long: light-skinned black people who believed themselves superior; white conservatives who assumed a black man could not share their views; black liberals who believed a black man should not share such views; white liberals who believed that, too; perhaps most, the rich white men, including Joe Biden, who had the gall during his Senate confirmation hearings to question his commitment to racial justice, and then to torment him with accusations of sexual harassment, which he denied. Mr Thomas had played by the rules, he writes in his autobiography, “My Grandfather’s Son”, only to learn that “whites could change those rules whenever they pleased. It had always been that way, and always would be.”

Asian Pacific American Hertitage Month

All these dictators and oppressive authoritarian regimes around the world should pause and reflect for a moment on why every swingin’ dick and their family without hope in those nightmarish societies is headed for the USA, any way they can.

A-10s Coming

Everybody and their brother’s been trying to retire these birds for a decade. Gawd help the Russians if Ukraine manages to establish air superiority in the coming months. Somebody’s gonna be waiting right next door on a tanker’s tail, ready to rain carnage on up to 64 ground targets in one mission. Did I mention we’ve been qualifying their pilots on these for the past few months?

The plane that keeps flying, no matter what.

The flares are just for show. They won’t see or hear the SDBs until stuff starts exploding all around them. Maybe shoot up some tanks on the way home, like how the P-47s handled the Germans back in the day. A-10 was made for this. Welcome home, ladies.
On the Hunt -Lynyrd Skynyrd

Tribute To Willie

No, he’s still kickin’ at 90yo. 17,000 fans at the Hollywood Bowl came to see the legend last night. He’s probably smoked more weed than any three of us combined by now

“All of the sudden, it didn’t matter if you were a hillbilly or a hippie, everyone was a Willie Nelson fan,” Wilson said of Nelson’s late-blooming emergence as a singing superstar when he left Nashville, Tennessee, and returned to his native Texas in the 1970s. “Even the Dalai Lama is a Willie Nelson fan. It’s true.”

“To know me is to love me, I must be a hell of a man. Oh lord, it’s hard to be humble. But I’m doing the best that I can.”

Willie Nelson performing at the Producers & Engineers Wing 12th Annual Grammy Week Celebration at the Village Studio in Los Angeles, on Feb. 6, 2019.
Richard Shotwell/Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP

Stop Donating Sperm!

Keep it to yourself if you must, but between the Catholics forcing unwanted births and the Dutch seeding the planet, our human so-called race is speeding headlong into oblivion.

What happens when artificial intelligence finds artificial procreation?

Brewdog Punk IPA

Virtual Beers – Gotta be better than that stuff the right-wingers are peddling.

(AI-Generated?) avatar the NAFO peeps made for me. Cool.
Last word was the fuckwit actually attempting to launch this couldn’t find a brewer to manufacture his $20/6-pack swill.

Need More Badass Women II

Been sayin’ it for quite some time. Pretty sure the dearth of women in leading roles is at least one factor culminating over the years in today’s culture war upheaval rooted in misogynistic OWG politics. They line up blondie propagandists all across right-wing media, and parade morons like Boebert and Greene in the government. Then they make abortion a keystone platform point with a Supreme Court to back it up. Pretty sure the women are the only thing that’s gonna fix this.

LATE UPDATE: Fuckin’ eh.