We’re Lit

It took this long, probably due to the unusually wet, cool spring and early summer we had. That’s all over now. We’re only about 25 miles from the Stone Mountain fire burning out north of Lyons. They must be reeling – only now recovering from the Cameron Peak fire. It’s gonna be nasty in Ft. Collins if the wind doesn’t shift. I had to come inside for a couple hours yesterday morning when it did.

No containment on anything as of this morning.
It’s taking a long time to get this done. Not unexpected.

Relying on Un-Witting Americans

It not just the Russians. The Chinese need us to buy their junk and the oligarchs need us to buy their petro and software products. The government and business wonks need us to continue working for slave wages. The Russians fancy themselves information peddlers, for their part.

And don’t forget the politicians with power broker requirements for monetary manipulation only the rich might understand, enabled by one thing only: Voting. Only problem is stupidity – the opposite of guess what? (woke.)

Once again…

Called It In 2016

I have a bit different perspective than most – not just politically. People seeing and understanding the writing on the wall are working earnestly towards their goals on both sides.

“I think for the first time in my professional life, I felt physically ill reading something,” he says. The feeling was mutual. It’s been a recurring nightmare of mine for decades.

Russia continues to pose the greatest threat when it comes to election disinformation, authorities said, while there are indications that Iran is expanding its efforts and China is proceeding cautiously when it comes to 2024.

These mutherfuckers been playing in the same band since day 1.

DIY Preview: New Old Winch Bumper

It was a half-decent stock hitch bumper to start with. Put some of the tubing from the old brush guard back in, hidden from plain sight – same as the new 10k winch I’m integrating into the hitch receiver. I suspect the guy who crafted the brush guard also made the receiver. It’s a very stout unit, getting better with upgraded hardware tied in to beefed-up structures all around. Took me the whole 1st day of bumper work to get that hole for the fair-lead cut through the extra layer of 3/16 steel going across there.

The truck is pretty seriously off-road capable with the locker up front now, so I figure on probably going back if I ever get stuck with it. 😉

LATE UPDATE: Added a few more progress pics. Spent all afternoon yesterday re-installing the entire 100+lb. receiver assembly a 2nd time after forgetting to attach one of the ground wires that becomes inaccessible when the winch itself is bolted to the receiver. After a little beef-up I’m calling this hitch a Class-IV+, due mostly to the properly sized and installed grade-8 fasteners now holding it in place. “Gee” was doing a little redneck engineering there the 1st time around.

Useful Congressional Vote

Had no idea there were Democratic Alaskan congresspeople so concerned with the southern border. I suspect the legislators whisper useful idiot among-st themselves, making these deals.

Alaska Congresswoman Mary Peltola voted Thursday for a Republican resolution condemning the Biden administration — and specifically Vice President Kamala Harris — for their border security policies.

Netanyahu: Religious Zealot Cockpig

He’s suckin’ that Zionist dick real hard. Fuckwit thinks he can stop in at the Capitol voicing a buttload of violent rhetoric and grievances in order to get away with genocide. Fuck him, fuck Israel and fuck every goddamned piece of religious shit anywhere on this planet who believes it’s gotta be their way or the high-way.

I suddenly realized these fuckwits are just using their religion to get whatever they want, after learning the orthodox Jews are draft-exempt. Pretty typical, after all – right, MAGA Mike?

His words appeared aimed at an audience back home.

Just wait till the protests get to Tel-Aviv. Funny the contact form on their web site seems out of order today. Imagine that.

Religion Can Get Ya Killed

“I rebuke you in the name of Jesus…” were the last words Sonya Massey uttered before the nutbag cop decided to kill her in her own home for absolutely no reason. That appeared to be one of the things tipping him into shooting her, from what I could discern in the bodycam video. The callous disregard for what he’d just done was almost as horrific as the killing itself.

Some of these assholes go around just looking for reasons to give people a hard time. This guy, on his 6th job in 4 years, took it to the extreme. There’s no question in my mind it was plain old cold blooded murder. Trigger-happy fuckwit looking for an excuse. Whoever hired him got some splainin’ to do.

Grayson’s list of prior personnel issues demonstrating a total lack of discipline and training in his recent employment history is stunning. That bad apple is certainly rotten to the core.

Must be getting really difficult filling the ranks on the beat these days.

BTF 24-4

Ever wonder how the air defense situation in Ukraine is shaping up?

Two U.S. Air Force B-52H Stratofortress aircraft assigned to the 2nd Bomb Wing, Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana, arrived at Mihail Kogalniceanu Airbase, Romania, for Bomber Task Force 24-4, Sunday.

Just a little localized familiarization, is all…

Russian chatter on EW consoles is diminishing rapidly these days.

Got Some Rain Saturday

It was a fairly heavy downpour, lasting around maybe a half hour. Don’t think we’ll be pouring any more concrete on the new bridge project today. Neighbors better have their sump pumps ready…

Hope the whole thing doesn’t need digging out again.

“JD” Stands for Jerkoff Dickhead

If you’re letting him jerk you off with the ongoing deceit, then you are the dickhead, for real.

The 39-year-old Ohio senator said during a rally in Michigan that under Harris’ leadership, the U.S. border has been the “biggest disaster, open border we’ve ever had in this country.”

Seems odd how GOP issues are mostly vague, non-specific cultural topics hanging around for literally centuries. Dumb people have short memories. It’s kinda like religion. Stick with the reliable old-school stuff we’ve already got drilled into their stupid heads.

Have fun suckin’ that Trump cock.

Get Ready, Texas

Here comes the Musk. If you thought Space-X’ environmental and workplace issues were problematic, wait till the rest of the gang arrives. The Twitter® people are gonna get bored pretty quick and making cars in Texas seems oh-so-gentrifying with Mexico just across the border.

Elon Musk says “America is going bankrupt.” Then why aren’t you paying higher taxes, fuckwit?

Places where bending the knee to suck Trump dick will become scarce sooner than you think, spaceboy.

White People’s Choice Awards

Anthony Anderson‘s spot-on as always. “What could that possibly mean?” he asks WRT Vance’ daylight savings time observation. You just have to be dumb enough to follow the narrative. It means JD Vance can be confident saying whatever the fuck he feels like rolling off his politically-forked tongue, as the new MAGA veep-in-waiting.

Alot of pundits seem incredulous at the pack of GOP flip-floppers led by non other than Vance himself. They must be overlooking the simple fact bald-faced lying with aplomb is a core Republican competency. And no worries skirting the law anymore, either. They’ve got judges stacked all the way up to the Supreme Cunts.

Suddenly got it right after 150 years, huh?