Ballots and Bullets

“If these tactics end up working to keep Trump from winning or even running in 2024, it is going to be the last American election that will be decided by ballots rather than bullets,” Huckabee said.

Arkansas governor satan spawn’s dad, had some things to say about the potential next President of this country. Rational folks might disagree.

Those cocksuckers from AR can keep working on that limp Trump dick.

Not Ready for Prime Time

If I cannot be absolutely confident in the vehicle’s capacity to run all day long anywhere in the country, then I don’t want it. Sorry, but it just doesn’t meet my needs. Not too long ago I saw a uToob vid of somebody with a hitch-mounted gasoline generator driving around in one of the national parks in a Tesla somewhere. Those small utility and lawn mower-types are the worst polluters.

Her advance team realized there weren’t going to be enough plugs to go around. One of the station’s four chargers was broken, and others were occupied.

Somebody got shot fighting over one right here in Denver just last May. I’m sure they’re great for commuters and localized transportation of all kinds. I encourage all those type drivers to get an EV ASAP.

Solar charging is the only answer I see.

Chinese Gettin’ Antsy

Ever wonder why the Chinese and Russians might be interested in our elections?

A Microsoft spokesperson told Reuters that the company’s researcher used a “multifaceted attribution model,” which relies on “technical evidence, behavioral evidence and contextual evidence.”

Maybve help to brush up on ur AI. Hallucination: An incorrect response from AI. Can include generative AI producing answers that are incorrect but stated with confidence as if correct. The reasons for this aren’t entirely known. For example, when asking an AI chatbot, “When did Leonardo da Vinci paint the Mona Lisa?” it may respond with an incorrect statement saying, “Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in 1815,” which is 300 years after it was actually painted.

SANSSUM: Microsoft has released the findings of its investigation into how threat actors were able to acquire a “Microsoft account (MSA) consumer key to forge tokens to access OWA and” An April 2021 consumer signing system crash led to an automated crash dump; sensitive information like signing keys is not supposed to be included in these dumps, but a bug allowed the key to slip through. The crash dump was later moved to a debugging environment. At some point after April 2021, the threat actors managed to compromise a Microsoft engineer’s account. That engineer had access to the debugging environment.

Same/similar MO appearing on a regular basis now.

Democracy or authoritarianism? It’s not your call, unless you wanna get off ur ass and help. It only takes a few handfuls of fuckwits to support a dictator (19 in this case). It takes a nation of smart people to run a democracy.


It’s official. We just had the hottest August ever, worldwide.

CHATSUM: The summer of 2023 broke temperature records worldwide, with Gallup, New Mexico reaching 101 degrees, Reno, Nevada reaching 108 degrees, and Kingman, Arizona reaching a staggering 114 degrees. Death Valley also hit 130 degrees, the highest reading on Earth in 89 years.

Doctors Getting More Dangerous

It’s all online – just a question of who’s looking at it and why.

“The number of cyberattacks and information system breaches in healthcare has grown steadily, escalating from isolated incidents to widespread targeted and malicious attacks.”

And Micro$oft is everywhere.

Microsoft said in June that a China-backed hacking group had stolen a cryptographic key from the company’s systems. This key allowed the attackers to access cloud-based Outlook email systems for 25 organizations, including multiple US government agencies.

I don’t think they need people like me after them, too.

Ultimate Vape Rig II

Anybody remember the drain pipe bong that got wedged onto the side of the driver’s seat in that car crash from 1978 on Hozak road? I should’ve been a plumber. Seriously. You should see some of the shyt that’s been flowing stuff around in the vehicles here over the years. Just ask Tanner how many fuel filters are on that truck. It still had #6 injector crap out after whatever mileage they got it up to.

The Crafty‘s a nice little device, but the heater is weak. I can drop the temp on it with a long pull. Then there’s the plumbing to deal with. I need at least one hand free to deal with the keyboard and mouse. I could see the Air Max was a winner right away. It just needed teamed up with the Utilian. The white bits are from a refrigerator install kit, and the big black clip making it a 1-hand rig is just two pieces of plastic irrigation tubing glued together.

Upgrade to 5/16 black.

Arizer™ even made the display flip for this config. Sleeving the tubing was the only even trivial thing involved here. But it’s a killer combo! Basically just a 3-part assembly you pull apart and put together – heater, bubbler and stem plumbing.

GOP Openly Demonstrates Authoritarian Tactics

It’s only one thing now, to me: The deep-seated effectiveness of propagandized political brainwashing. Last week we saw a long-term Capitol riot detainee beg for leniency and walk out yelling “Trump Won!” moments later. The depth and scale of the depravity foisted on this country by that cunt Trump is truly remarkable.

There’s no longer any question – it’s a mass mental breakdown at societal scale. We have opposing same-party candidates now echoing the ideology and vowing to support him, should he garner the nomination. It’s truly fascist fuckwits fomenting the movement on many levels now, with bigoted haters plying the trade in all corners of the country.

Don’t be distracted. That’s all it is. The entire GOP/MAGA movement is just a distraction to keep you unhappy, because making you happy might cost. Who needs tiny marginalized minorities’ votes, when it’s so easy and inexpensive sacrificing them to the big block of mouth-breathing MAGA haters with minimal political risk in the voter category?

“Every authoritarian takeover depends on enablers from business, religion, the law, industry, and the media. In return for profits and privileges, elites agree to tolerate and/or facilitate the rollback of rights, the spread of propaganda narratives, and the recourse to violence against state enemies.”

Not a Nuclear Disaster

I believe the overall situation might be better characterized as an authoritarian crises for tin-pot dictators with nothing but nuclear threats up their sleeve. It took Pootin what, mere months after the start of his little imperialist adventure in Ukraine to begin the nuclear innuendo? I think them two teaming up is a great idea! Kim and Putin make great bedfellows both literally and figuratively. Vlad can suck some little Jong dick begging for help, while the eastern megalomaniacs assume control of the new axis.

The DPRK is a secretive-enough hermit kingdom outsiders can’t ever really be too sure WTF is going on in there. Russia’s a different animal, but both with leaders blinded by power and hubris. Consolidating the whole political ideology thing never seemed more appropriate. Good luck, mutherfuckers.