Frequent Reporter Here

The study’s findings are consistent with data published last year in JAMA Network Open reporting that nearly one in three patients with chronic pain use cannabis as an analgesic agent and that many of them substitute it in place of opioids.

I have both c-spine and lumbar nerve root damage. The list of troubling symptoms is long and varied. Pretty sure I’ve been through a good cross-section of the pharmaceuticals for it. Cannabis is the only thing that ever provided any real long-term relief.

Browse Much?

With Excel – even better!

This was the eighth zero-day vulnerability Google fixed in Chrome for 2023, underscoring the persistent effort and time hackers devote to finding and exploiting flaws in the widely used web browser. CISA’s KEV catalog is a valuable resource for organizations across the globe that aim at better vulnerability management and prioritization.

Chrome stays home with me, nowadays.

Aaron Rodgers: Asshat Supreme

This has-been NFL QB thinks he’s some sort of expert on things apart from the pigskin. Here’s the formula for pro athlete idiocy: COVidiot + Defamatory Podcast Guest + Online Mouth-Runner= Famous Fuckwit.

Injuries seem the least of his career-limiting moves at this point. It’ll be nice to see the last of this scumbag. Another great example of how money makes people stupid. Menendez, anyone?

Pat McAfee apologizes for Aaron Rodgers’ claims about Jimmy Kimmel in reference to Epstein documents.

And the fuckwits keep flailing.

He’d make a great regular with Rogan.
Stupidity -Solomon Burke

New Champion Trump Dicksucker

In a stunning move, House Majority Whip Tom Emmer endorsed Trump — despite the fact that Trump killed Emmer’s Speaker bid with a single social media post.

Political survival must be getting a little sketchy for some these days. Until the housecleaning is well underway, EVERYONE in politics is just another scumbag cocksucker, to me.

Graham‘s got competition!

Rick W. Allen

No idea who this fuckwit is, and honestly don’t give a shyt. He can take his little political grandstand border boondoggle and shove it straight up his MAGA ass. If these assholes cared about anything more than riling up their base to get re-elected, they’d have passed legislation on immigration reform decades ago. Fuck him, the GOP and anyone who thinks otherwise on this topic.

The MAGA morons are not serious people and need to be dealt with accordingly.

What REAL Conservatives Think

In spelling out these arguments in this fashion, the amicus brief not only dismantles Trump’s preposterous claims to immunity but also rebukes the entire GOP that has followed Trump into a thicket of lawlessness, authoritarianism, violence and chaos. Its authors thereby vividly illustrate how far Republicans have come in abandoning liberty, limited government, judicial restraint and fair play.

I just wonder what they think about going the distance to regain and stay in power next time? Conservative political trajectory has been on a long-running negative trend that now appears irrecoverable.

Roberts Issues AI Warning

It wasn’t that long ago these mutherfuckers couldn’t remember how to spell their own email addresses. An LAI (Legal AI) properly trained with a LLM based on all current and past legal precedent just might turn lawyering into a whole new ballgame.

Spotting bad judges would literally become trivial. I could get behind that. Fuckwits in power don’t like being scrutinized by actual authorities.

Nothing rated factual leans right. Imagine that.

Colorado MAGA Nutbags

“I’m supporting President Trump. I believe his election was stolen from us, from him. He’s not a perfect man, he’s made mistakes, we all make mistakes, but his truth is that he loves this country, and I love this country,” said attendee Robert Abeyta, who believes the 2020 election was “stolen” from Trump due to voter fraud.

Meanwhile the Attorney General is getting death threats from these assholes.

Tangerine Traitor‘s formula: More Guns + Less Brains = MAGA
American Dream Plan B -Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers