Boots: “Such a Sweet Boy”

At least that’s the write-up he got on his boarding report card a couple months ago. He does make typing a little difficult, at times tho. šŸ™‚

Pet hair gets ankle-deep in the basement. sometimes.

Now We’re Really in a Pickle

Been outta the biz professionally for almost ten years, so honestly have no real clue what’s going on at the zero line these days. Back in the day, sharp keyboard jockeys would be careful un-zipping stuff. Now it’s in a pickle. Same shyt, different day?

Supply chain vulnerabilities are so ubiquitous and insidious it’s just amazing, to me. Am I wrong to feel like my whole career was based on a big house of cards? I find the Github issues particularly disturbing. Apart from the state-sponsored espionage world, impactful malware and cybercrime effects have traditionally been quite imminently tangible. Trying to remember around when/where it was people might have begun suspecting they were even working with a clean code-base?

FROM THE COMMENTS: Considering that AI models are black boxes generally lacking source code or documentationā€¦ It canā€™t be considered surprising that thereā€™s malware lurking in some of them.

AI pervades everyday life with almost no oversight. States scramble to catch up.

BUCKLE UP: Trump supporters ā€˜share AI-generated imagesā€™ of ex-president with Black voters.

One of Several Reasons I Hate M$

They’ve always been they’re own worst enemy. Long story short:

Microsoft patched a high-severity Windows Kernel privilege escalation vulnerability in February, six months after being informed that the flaw was being exploited as a zero-day.

Windows users are advised to install the February 2024 Patch Tuesday updates as soon as possible to block Lazarus’ CVE-2024-21338 attacks.

Hyde-Smith: Embryonic Imbecile

ā€œI support the ability for mothers and fathers to have total access to IVF and bringing new life into the world. I also believe human life should be protected,ā€ Hyde-Smith said.

Cunt seems a bit confused about some of the more fundamental concepts surrounding life on this planet. Wonder if that chicken-before-the-egg riddle ever ran through her low bandwidth, politically-crippled mind?

I don’t see the stinking bitch’s name on this list.

Probably be the first one to vote against funding continued Gaza airdrops.

Gaza Airdrop

USAF clutch player, as always.

ā€œThe combined operation included U.S. Air Force and RJAF C-130 aircraft and respective Army Soldiers specialized in aerial delivery of supplies, built bundles, and ensured the safe drop of food aid,ā€ CENTCOM said.

A U.S. Air Force loadmaster releases humanitarian aid pallets of food and water over Gaza, March 2, 2024. The 66 pallets of aid were prepared for airdrop by the U.S. Armyā€™s 165th Quartermaster Company prior to being loaded aboard three U.S. Air Force C-130J Super Hercules aircraft to execute the mission. (U.S. Air Force photo)
Got my Aerial Port experience with four years at Howard AFB, Panama. It was fun hangin’ out with the ramp tramps. šŸ™‚

Baron von Fatfuck Pumps the Bo-Bitch

“Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is a Proven Conservative and Effective Leader who delivers for Colorado, and our America First agenda,” Trump said…

Should’ve mentioned how she effectively led her marriage to divorce and son’s delinquency to a full-fledged crime spree, only just recently. What’s left after the guns, groping and generally shameful behavior?

Makes total sense. Birds of a feather, eh?

Go Ft. Lupton!

Nice to see the locals getting on the green bandwagon here, smack dab in the middle of Central Oil ‘n Gas Megacorp USA. Probably never mentioned it before, but Ft. Lupton is one of my favorite stops. They have the best dog park I’ve ever seen, bar none anywhere for starters. CTD has a home-away-from-home at Country TruckĀ®. And there’s a SonicĀ® keeping the Strawberry Cheescake shakes flowing. What more could a troglodyte like me ask for in a small Colorado town?

Killer Air-Max Mod

The Utilian water adapter is great, but not real practical for mobility. I stopped using it after last vacay just being lazy. Sitting around dreaming up ways to cool the oft-used gadget caught me looking at the glass part of the eyedropper from Jax’s just finished bottle of Cyclosporine. It’s now being utilized in an Air-Max stem.

My lungs must be so parched I can’t really tell the difference now, but it’s obviously doing something by the looks of much-increased condensation. That only comes from cooling. I grind the stuff to a powder, so it cuts down on any particulate getting through, as well. Stems get switched out weekly for cleaning. It’s already looking like a week after five days.

The real verdict comes where the rubber meets the road. Even a long stem used to get uncomfortably warm right at the mouthpiece with me huffing hard on high towards the end of a bowl.

SAE Battery Terminals

I don’t know who designed these things, but the manufacturer application in alot of vehicles I have owned over the years really sucks. Soft crimped-on lead connectors coupled with enhanced corrosion potential in certain environments simply doom them to premature failure.

I finally decided to repair/upgrade the Dodge’s terminals one last time after they failed me for at least the 4th time. Not difficult to wiggle the dang things for a start after they come loose, but it gets old after awhile. These are done with a piece of sheet copper formed to shape and soldered into the cables with fail-safe clamping pins.

Hardened top posts and brass clamps seal the deal.

Kevin Stitt: Political Apologist

Even as most every one of these Trumpist cocksuckers in Congress nodded their heads in lockstep to kill the best border deal ever at Napoleon Bonespur’s behest, just recently…

As if this doesnā€™t end up with Florida smoking meth and pissing on the Alamo while a drunk Tennessee gives swirlies to that square ā€” OK, that square with a panhandle ā€” Oklahoma in the gift shop bathroom, as Texas tries to explain that thereā€™s still quite a bit of Texas south of San Antonio, so please keep driving.

Yes, they will likely fuck it all the way up well before they even reach the border. I believe Clint Eastwood called it a clusterfuck. Team Trump email dried up. Must be outta money.

Everything’s just fine in Oklahoma. It’s all Biden’s fault.
And the mainstream media just repeats whatever they’re told, for the most part. Wonderful.

In Other Air Force News

Hours before the self-immolation, Bushnell wrote on his Facebook page, ā€œMany of us like to ask ourselves, ā€˜What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?ā€™ The answer is, youā€™re doing it. Right now.ā€

Oddly, nothing in this feed leaned right. Nothing from AF Public Affairs ATT, either. Friends struggle to comprehend.

The opportunity to live-stream on Facebookā„¢ is the primary instigating factor.