600 Miles / Tank

The Bimmer continues to impress. This is in normal 70/30 highway/city localized driving. Not cross-country – me driving around Denver enjoying the diesel torque like the nutcase I am. I suspect the new injectors are recently settled in and MPG has, as well: 36mpg, average.

The big orange “27” in the middle is miles to empty. Added to the 566 already on the clock and we have a new record. It does mid 13 sec. 1/4 mile on street tires with a brake-effect traction-control open diff and I bet it passes smog with the exception of a snap smoke screen sans the emissions equipment as well. Here’s a suggestion for the auto industry and government on the air pollution and oil shortage issues: Build them like this and mandate owners keep them on the road for at least 10 years. Maybe a 4-banger with just one turbo for the smaller, inexpensive models. Why would anyone ever drive an electric car?

More Damning Evidence Against Alcohol

All you big drinkers, don’t look now, but the evidence that alcohol consumption is very detrimental to your health is mounting. I wonder how widespread is knowledge of the simple fact that alcohol is by definition, the most dangerous drug known to man:

This is categorized under “politics” because, in case you were wondering, decades of political collusion have been the alcohol production chain’s primary enabler from the farmer’s field all the way to the liquor store. Aaaaaand in ring #2, we have Big Pharma with the ongoing painkiller crises, and in ring #3…

CTD Progress Report

Finished fitting the seats last week. The bucket seat conversion mod was a bit more involved than I initially expected, but that’s typical with this type stuff. I don’t know how Dodge got the so-called “Captain’s Chairs” in the club cab models. They must have had a little different frame/chassis setup or additional bracing and brackets somewhere, because the standard cab floor is nothing but heavy stamped sheet metal between the frame rails. I suppose maybe they just fastened the inner mounts to the sheet steel somehow, but I doubt they did it anything like this:

The seats are 3rd row seats out of a new minivan from some guy on eBay who does van conversions. The bracketing is designed to allow easy removal with angle and height adjustment on any plane or axis. Positioning them correctly was the biggest challenge and a close 2nd priority to getting them properly installed with solid, safe mounting. Six assembly access plug holes still need welded shut, then I’ll smooth/level the floor stampings a bit. The last step before beginning the reassembly process will be applying bed liner to the floor. I’m not a big fan of carpet in a work vehicle.

Maybe Somebody Just Needs to STFU

…Online, at least. Politics and Teaching – what a combination. Exactly what “is” a teacher or professor’s job these days? Apparently the job description now includes molding young minds in the likeness of their preferred political bent. Publicly. Really? I wonder if this guy’s classes often started with a review and discussion of his most recent Twitter posts? Must be quite a few cleaned-up minds coming out of Drexel these days.

This is for you, teachers and professors across the country: Teach. Mentor. Study. Research. Then when it’s time to spend your free time online, consider NOT waxing political. If you feel like you can’t keep it non-partisan, then just STFU. “Free thinking” is only supposed to be free for the person doing the thinking. If you expect to use taxpayer dollars intended for education (your salary) to run a political campaign or be some sort of political activist, your ass needs fired.

This is just the tip of the social media iceberg boogeyman.

It's about Goddamned Time

The inefficiency and overspending of the United Nations are well known,” Haley said. “We will no longer let the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of or remain unchecked.

– Nikki Haley, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations

Bastards at the UN got what they asked for after the Jerusalem vote. $285M is a small dent in the multi-billion UN budget, but at least the a-holes are on notice now. Good luck to all the UN parasites – this has been a long time coming, and they can expect more of the same.

Happy Holidays!

Or happy whatever/whenever the calendar construct representing your irrational belief system happens to be based. Just enjoy friends, family and time off (if any) during our official religiously-designated holiday season.

Fired Gawd
Xmas 2017

Fuck the NFL and their Stupid Rules

So here we have Jessie James making the catch, and a football move to score. At WORST he recovers his own fumble in the end zone. What a bunch of cocksuckers those refs were.

There are at least two more of these inane rules that do nothing but ruin the game: Pass interference and the pylon fumble nonsense. The NFL needs to fix this crap. Now. Pittsburgh led the league in Pro Bowl Selections this year for good reason. They also beat the Patriots last Sunday, the record just does not show it.

Hello Russian Blog Readers!

So I just noticed 25% of my subscribers are from Russia(?) – at least based on their email domains. Hope you guys are enjoying the blog, but you might consider finding something else to do if fishing for Trump clues, connections or anything else to do with the U.S. government. This site is not associated with the current POTUS and political activity or information is not a very hot topic.

Inactive accounts get deleted on a regular basis. Just FYI.

More Fish Pics

Sometimes I just can’t resist taking a few more morning sunlit aquarium shots:

That last one is the shrimp tank. You can see the little reddish cherry shrimp if you look real close at full resolution. Goldfish finally got some new buddies. Four new little ones brings their count back up to ten – where they started almost five years ago. The guppy tank did not make this cut because those little forkers have refused to spawn for the past few months. I will try getting some more females in there and see what happens…

Pittsburgh Steelers are (in actual fact) #1 !!

Don’t take my word for it:
Week 15 Power Ranking
Many impressive statistics piled up during last Sunday’s big win over Baltimore to clinch the AFC North division once again. Regardless of your NFL team opinions, one number, statistic, and cold, hard fact stands out to me: 23. The Steelers have taken the division title 23 times since the 1970 merger – more than any other team in the league. They are unquestionably the class of the division, if not the conference and the whole league right now. Showdown time with the Patriots for #1 seed this season comes up this week. Here’s a few reasons for why New England is VERY worried after last Sunday’s Baltimore beat-down :

Here's Some More of what Happened…

…Maybe even a big part of it. I posted a little editorial back in May on my view of the Russian election meddling and related issues titled “What Happened to My Internet?” I’ve been warning about this for many years, and it’s starting to look like I’ve been right on target all along. Another formerly big player from Facebook has come out against the social media frenzy presently gripping the world:

He went on to describe an incident in India where hoax messages about kidnappings shared on WhatsApp led to the lynching of seven innocent people.

Full story here.

I remember being fascinated by electronic technology of all kinds, even as a child. That is probably what led me into the high tech fields early in the era before the Internet as we know it today even existed. One common theme I’ve seen all along is technology’s very sharp double-edged sword nature. Whether attributed to Voltaire, Spiderman or the many others who used it over the years, the old adage rings true: “With great power comes great responsibility.”

Killer B's did it on MNF!

Many outstanding plays in this brutal slugfest at Paul Brown stadium last night. Unfortunately Ryan Shazier went to the hospital with a back injury in the 1st quarter. Pundits today are saying this game was the ugliest ever, with record a number of penalties and players on both sides receiving suspensions following illegal hits. Seems like the AFC North is the last real NFL holdout for old school smash-mouth football.