Scientology Meets Karma

The anti-vaxxer movement has got to be about over by now. At least one sub-group in that collection of morons is getting a good taste of their own medicine. What’s it take to get people to observe their surroundings in one or another forms of objective reality? I bet a couple weeks on a cruise ship with a good case of the measles might do it. Too bad it’s only affecting around 300 of these idiots. Returning to home port the following day, they learned their quarantine will be maintained there as well. And don’t forget the random morons around the country like this. Ever wonder what anasognocia looks like? Maybe not that serious – just a little cognitive dissonance?

The Playing Field is Leveling

It took three generations, and I cannot believe I’m still putting this stuff under the Politics category. But that’s the way it goes when religious nutbags and greedy capitalists get together to run a country. it’s too late for the millions of people (almost half a million DEAD in the U.S. alone since 1999) with lives ruined or lost at the hands of these bastards.

Then look at the other side of the same coin with another few million in prison or otherwise unfairly subjected to collateral damage in the war on drugs. What was the long-term plan? Keep the dopers in the closet and the stoners in jail? Jesus-H-Fucking Christ.

All that’s really needed now is to free the finances. Since when was money not the “big thing” behind any controversy? Then it’s time to put that gang of fuckwits known as the Sacklers in jail.  Business dishonesty is de-rigeur.  But the old caveat-emptor concept doesn’t cut it when people conspire to profit from evil. The cocksuckers were selling addiction and death to anyone able to pay.

Cranky Old Man

Never thought I’d get to a position, where I can just say and do pretty much as I please, without fear of reprisal. It’s probably one of the few benefits of getting older, which most agree, generally sucks. Last month I went on an Air Force Magazine publishing wake-up crusade. Before that it was the electric utility pricing scam. This month I finally got fed up with yet another Colorado government agency and gave them a heads up. I just sent this to every Colorado representative and senator:

Full text here. Curious to see what, if any response I get. I imagine an inbox full of automatically-generated replies will be the extent of it.  Congratulations Colorado!  We somehow managed to come up with a program that wastes both tax revenue AND consumer dollars at the same time.

Cannabis Research

First Squirrel 2019

The funny thing here is Anna doesn’t seem to care about the squirrel – she just wants to play with Jax! He was enjoying the squirrels more before the bird feeder anti-squirrel device got installed this year. I was picking off around 10-15 a year with the air rifle to keep them under control before. Then Jax would proudly retrieve the downed vermin and carry them out to the creek for disposal. I might get him 1 or 2 over the course of the summer if they don’t learn to just stay away.

Pond V6

The pond finally got off to a good start on schedule this year for a change. Forming that liner like I did over the past few years was an arduous, problematic process that eventually paid off. It’s been a textbook example of the project that became too big to fail. We’ve got this big hole framed in nice stonework that can be used for the one purpose only, so it had to work, one way or another.

I started re-coating the liner as soon as it was dry after shutdown last fall. That began with a thick, 2-coat underlayment of fibered roof coating. That stuff literally almost never dries. The manufacturer instructs to use only on flat or gently sloping roofs and to not top coat it for 3-4 months, so that’s what I did. The top coat was 5 more layers of truck bed liner, followed by a finish layer of 2-part epoxy Pond Shield. The Pond Shield cures to a medium-hard plastic-type material. This fall I will begin repeating that process to include the sump, just for good measure. Next spring should mark the end of OTA (operational test acceptance).

A good thing learned from the early start this spring was freezing behavior. We had one night dip down into the low 20s a few days after it was filled and running. It froze the entire surface about an eighth-inch thick in just one night. That means 365 ops are out of the question. It would be liable to freeze a foot thick and crack the reinforced concrete surround. Glad I learned that before it was too late.

Guard Dogs

They keep a close eye on Michelle whenever she’s around. Probably because she’s the only one who takes them on long walks these days. I’m getting better, but still limited to an hour on my feet before orthopedic issues force me to rest.

Guard Dogs

Stability Control

This was as good as it gets in terms of stability control, back in the day when automotive electronics seemed to cause more problems than they solved. 1st Gen Dodge Cummins pickup steering was good for what it was – over-boosted, vague, light and sensitive – great in a new truck on smooth pavement! Put big tires on one with all that weight up front and it gets pretty busy on less-than-perfect road surfaces. I replaced the steering coupler/shaft with an aftermarket upgrade within a year of owning this truck, due to the poor coupler design’s tendency to wear prematurely. It was fine after that, just that old-school over-boosted feel typical in hydraulic steering gears of the time. This is just what the truck doctor ordered to make it feel much better:

They sold aftermarket kits, one of which I got used from a forum member. But it was a single, and I suspect it was already worn out before I installed it along with the steering shaft upgrade. Did not notice any difference when I took it off and noticed a BIG difference with the new model. It feels a bit heavier and tracks much easier without constant correction like before. That passenger-side bracket was tricky. Took probably over 10 trips up and down getting it mocked up. I was actually glad the weather had changed by the time I was done yesterday. Mother nature gave me a much-needed break!

Sometimes People Need a Harsh Wake-Up

I became disappointed with the AF Magazine editors a couple years ago after they stopped posting full-sized, high-res graphics in the newsletter. It makes no sense, even considering the stock explanation given below. I commented on the web response page a few times, to no avail. So a  couple weeks ago I finally became fed up with it and decided to get aggressive. At least I got somebody’s attention. I intended to continue forwarding the original complaint (bottom) with a new insult for every graphic in the newsletter they continued to mis-link. Still not confident anything will get done, but I’ll find Amy’s boss and a couple more higher-ups and add some more addresses to re-start this in the future, if necessary. Scroll to the bottom of the message chain and read-up to see how it took less than 2 weeks to get it done.

Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2019 11:32:06 -0600
Subject: Re: Response to Daily Report comments
From: Paul <>
To: Amy McCullough <>
Thanks for the response, Amy – I imagined my email address was in the spam filter by now. As a big fan of all things aerospace, I believe the biggest disservice in this situation is to the hard-working airmen out in the field taking those pictures. They deserve to have their work displayed prominently and correctly. I’ll stop harassing you about it, now that I believe someone who cares is aware of it.

On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 10:03 AM Amy McCullough <> wrote:
I do apologize for the low-resolution graphics on the website. We are extremely limited by our current technology, but we are in the middle of a complete revamp of our website/email blast, which will include a completely new CMS system. Once that launches, which won’t be for about six more months, we will be able to post beautiful high-resolution pictures. However, as of now, we are losing capability on a daily basis because our CMS system is no longer supported. I would really appreciate you bearing with us while we go through this upgrade process. We are aware that our existing technology is less than ideal. It is something we take very seriously and we are doing everything we can to get it right, but it takes time.
Amy McCullough
News Editor
Air Force Magazine
1501 Lee Highway
Arlington, Va., 22209
From:* Paul <>
Sent:* Monday, April 1, 2019 9:14 AM
To:* membership <>
Subject:* Fwd: What is wrong with you Idiots?
Is that a B-1 on the April 1 Daily Report? Hard to tell from that tiny little pic provided.
———- Forwarded message ———
From: *Paul* <>
Date: Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 7:14 AM
Subject: Fwd: What is wrong with you Idiots?
To: membership <>
Is that a nice nightshot of a B1 refueling on the 29 March Daily Report? Hard to tell when you can’t see much on that lowres thumbnail you posted.
———- Forwarded message ———
From: *Paul* <>
Date: Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 7:54 AM
Subject: Fwd: What is wrong with you Idiots?
To: membership <>
Hey – nice shot of the AEHF launch on the 17th! Too bad your readers can’t see it very well on the crappy, low-res pic you posted to the Daily Report today.
———- Forwarded message ———
From: *Paul* <>
Date: Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 8:21 AM
Subject: Fwd: What is wrong with you Idiots?
To: membership <>
So today, AF News treated us to a lowres shot of Gen. Raymond. They even linked it to the same lowres graphic in the story. Isn’t that special!? More like specially retarded.
———- Forwarded message ———
From: *Paul* <>
Date: Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 7:43 AM
Subject: Fwd: What is wrong with you Idiots?
To: membership <>
Still no-go on the Daily Report Graphics. Looks like a nice shot of some F-35s on the ramp, but hard to tell for sure. Here’s a few suggestions for webmaster study and course work:
———- Forwarded message ———
From: *Paul* <>
Date: Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 7:23 AM
Subject: Fwd: What is wrong with you Idiots?
To: membership <>
WRT the 25 MAR Daily Report, when I clicked on the lead story graphic it took me to a copy of the same low-res crappy graphic file displayed on the web page. So I just clicked delete and ignored the rest.
———- Forwarded message ———
From: *Paul* <>
Date: Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 6:56 AM
Subject: What is wrong with you Idiots?
To: membership <>
What newsletter posts a graphic with a link to the same low-res, crappy file seen in the post? Answer: AF Magazine! In reference to your leading photo in the 18 March newsletter: The fact that (whoever your webmaster is) takes the time to link the picture, only exposes what idiots you people are. You’ve been doing this for years now and I cannot figure out why. It’s either plain stupidity or pure, shitty imaginary greed. Both?
I always believed it true to not blame malice for what can be explained by stupidity. Now I wonder.
Paul D. Shaffer, MSgt, USAF (ret.)

Why is FaceBook Still Around?

Answer: Because our government is impotent to affect corporate commerce in meaningful ways apart from tacitly supporting the criminally derelict activities of greedy wealth-sucking companies. The previous post illustrates one of the best examples of just how well that’s working out. I’ve been ready to start an active anti-FB campaign for awhile now. This might just be the tipping point for me. Don’t think FB themselves had anything to do with exposing this story, either. That says something people with their eyes and ears open might understand.

Illicit FB activity has been allowed for years, while they knew it was taking place and did nothing to stop it. Under cover of the family-friendly image everyone knows and loves, this insidious gang of greedy bastards has tapped directly into the dark side of human evil on many levels. It needs to be stopped. They know it, we know it and the government knows it. But FB achieved “Too Big to Fail” status, and the money numbers are too high. Corruption and scandal ensues.

Do yourselves and the world in general a favor, and DUMP FACEBOOK!

Up Next: Purdue

The Sacklers are probably the worst of the greedy cocksuckers making millions from selling opiates. At least Insys has been dealt with. I mentioned these mutherfuckers in a post 2 years ago, where they actively lobbied against Cannabis.

I remain thoroughly flabbergasted at how the government allowed the Pharma industry to basically addict the whole goddamned country to one of the most dangerous drugs out there, while still to this day, maintaining prohibition against one of the safest. Idiots.

Big Tap

Ever try to tap 3/4-14 NPT into 1/2″ of steel? This was my 1st try going that big and it took awhile to figure out a way to get it done. I used a big C-clamp on the breaker bar to get it started, then some seriously tough 2-arm turning to push it through. It is the front of a 170-gallon fuel storage tank made of 14-gauge steel, shaped like a triangle to fit in a corner. I’ll post an entry showing more of the project in days or weeks to come as I get time to work on it. It’s taken several 1-2 hour sessions so far and is almost ready for final assembly.

We presently have 3 welding projects backed up behind my recent surgery-related downtime: 1st Gen Steering Stabilizer, Fuel Storage Tank and the Deck Railing.  The stabilizer center mount is seen right beside the vise.  Progress has been slow due to being able to stay on my feet for only very limited amounts of time so far this year. But I like doing the welding stuff, because it can usually be done without moving around too much.

Steelers Failed Stupidly

Tomlin admitted what everyone who follows the Steelers saw halfway through the season last year. It seemed clear to me that with Bell in the lineup and the Killer B’s hitting on all cylinders, the Steelers would be unstoppable. Pundits agreed early on Pittsburgh could be a top contender for the 18-19 season. Too bad a greedy player ruined it for everybody, and Tomlin et al, failed to manage the situation.

Logic is a Rare Commodity These Days

Who can say they do not occasionally get frustrated with a telephone answering service? How much time do you waste listening to option picks? “Press 1 for existing customers…” etc. Of course there should be options for sorting this out, depending on the circumstances. But today I learned it can also be a completely stupid exercise in government waste. This morning I discovered the most blatant abuse of this time-wasting nonsense you could possibly imagine at the Colorado DMV.

Call their number and you are presented with the usual menu of choices. I needed to replace my Drivers License and option #2 seemed appropriate, to which I was greeted by 9 more choices, none of which seemed quite right, so I picked “0” as instructed, for an operator. Afterwards, I got to thinking that stuff all sounds pretty similar. Wonder what happens if I select different choices? Oddly enough, at least in this particular case, it doesn’t matter! Option 1 took me to Samantha, the same lady I spoke to a few minutes earlier, to which I quickly said, “Oh I forgot to ask about the appointment thing…” Guess who answers option #2? “Sorry, wrong number.” and #3 and so on. She immediately hung up on my 4th call. It was early Monday morning, so I got through quickly each time. Apparently most people with government documentation issues don’t jump right on that 1st thing Monday morning.

I wonder how much the state taxpayers paid to get that system installed and programmed? Regardless, if you don’t have a proper application for it, then WHY? A quick hold message followed by muezack would be so much less unpleasant. Even at that point, they loop the muezack at annoyingly frequent intervals to interrupt with more nonsense. Why did option #2 on the 1st menu not take me straight to Samantha? Because logic and dare I say common sense, seem to be sorely lacking in alot of things I notice these days.

I Can Relate

This summer marks 4 years since being forced into early retirement after Lockheed laid me off back in 2015. There were plenty of opportunities for me to keep going down in Waterton somewhere or with ULA, but those positions entailed hour-long commutes. Getting in and out of the car has become one of my least favorite things to do with advancing arthritis, so I decided it just wasn’t worth enduring that any longer. Declining health was probably the biggest factor in deciding to get out of the rat race, so it was certainly a blessing in disguise, on more than one count.

Kitchen Remodel

It finally came time for another home improvement project this spring. We had new quartz counter-tops and a stainless sink with new faucet put in today.

Quartz Countertops
Quartz Countertops
Quartz Countertops