Alcohol-Related Deaths Have Doubled

Drink up folks!  There’s still too many people around who have not recognized alcohol for what it is:  Poison.  Have to admit I do love sippin’ a shot or two of bourbon watching late night TV.

“Death certificates spanning 2017 indicate nearly 73,000 people died in the U.S because of liver disease and other alcohol-related illnesses. That is up from just under 36,000 deaths in 1999.”

But the government(s) are still arguing about weed, which has never killed anybody(?).  When will people realize this issue is not about healthcare, substance abuse, or any of the plethora of other distractions associated with it?  It’s about business, economics and capitalism.

The epicenter of this particular evil revolves around the alcohol and tobacco industries supported by their de-facto legislative leader, Bitch McConnell, serving the Kentucky distilleries and tobacco farms.  This death toll is just the cost of doing business.

So what’s my point?  Legalize Cannabis and watch the bottom drop out of DUI and lung cancer stats, not to mention a variety of other alcohol and tobacco-related problems.

No, No There's Not…


But that’s not the end of it, in this case either.  Delegating only works when the tasks get done.  I imagined somebody in the Senior Executive Service, responsible for a brand new multi-billion-dollar hospital, might have learned that by now.  Response to my little malpractice expose’ was disappointing, to say the least.  This particular bureaucrat didn’t have the integrity to respond himself, assigning it to an underling.  Paraphrased from govspeak:  “Privacy concerns prevent sharing information, and if you want anything done about it, do it yourself.”  That is what we may expect in terms of administrative response to criminally-negligent VA healthcare.

When I write a letter to a government official, I expect a response from the person addressed.  Delegate the writing to an underling, but at least have the integrity to put your own name on it.  Does seem consistent with contemporary governance attitudes these days, tho.  Ivory towers only go so far.  Good luck, Mr. Kilmer.  You had you’re chance.

Middle East Policy Working Out Well, Donnie?

Up next – Korea.  What’s a spoiled brat to do?  Make a mess, blame it on somebody else, then go make another one.  Now it is far too late to salvage any of this.  The hand-basket is halfway to hell.

Protesters storming the U.S. embassy in response to U.S. airstrikes on New Year’s eve, 2019.

“President Trump has engaged little with Iraqi leaders, compared with his predecessors, George W. Bush and Barack Obama. He did not meet with the Iraqi prime minister when he went to see U.S. troops in 2018 — a snub noticed by Iraqis. In November, Vice President Pence did the same.”

Go into their country, fuck it up, then ignore them.  Nice.

Blame it on the Receivers?

The Steelers’ season was in the dumper by week three, IMHO.  I suppose Collins’ citing the lack of scoring as evidence against the wide-outs is a legitimate complaint, but why?  They are young, inexperienced and had little to work with, even early on before Ben got hurt.  Anyone watching the 1st couple games could see he was losing it.  2019 Steelers even being in contention at all by the end of the season under the circumstances, was good enough for me.

They get credit from me for playing hard in a miserably cold, wet game nobody gave them the slightest chance of winning.  Many Pittsburgh NFL players got some hard lessons over the past couple years.  Let’s see if anybody learned anything…

Colorful Colorado

…may not really be all it’s cracked up to be, according to Out There Colorado columnist Spencer Mckee.  It’s hard to question high-level generalities like cited in yesterday’s piece, but then again, that’s exactly why I tend to disagree.  These things can be said about anywhere popular crowds gather and people flock to live.  Two of his eight points (drivers and tourists) are personal pet peeves of mine, but they may be found wherever the action is or was, anywhere I’ve ever been.

It’s hard to complain about the weather events mentioned when they amount to only a few days inconvenience at most.  People are either sweltering in humidity all summer long, or freezing their petooties off for months on end soon as the leaves are down in much of the rest of the country.  Everything else mentioned is just a locally peculiar manifestation of the popularity phenomenon, where demand exceeds supply in any given example – simple economics, performing the same machinations in similar places the world over.

Food?  Meh.  Michelle’s a great cook.  I imagine the best restaurant in the world is going to be considered overrated to me, not that I’m interested in finding out.

Eight reasons not to move “anywhere” look better in Colorado!


Give the Access?

It’s not just your money given to these fuckers.  And remember – your smartphone is reading you faster than you read it.

The Decade in Space

Not sure if it was that Saturn-V rocket model I got for xmas when I was 10 years old or what, but by the time I left my 1st assignment with the newly formed USAF Space Command at Buckley ANGB in 1984, I was hooked.  Interest really ramped up for me during my time in Bosnia, where I helped establish Navy SATCOM assets bringing the HUMINT mission closer to real-time for our folks there on the ground.

This past decade was the 1st of the past five in which I was not recently directly involved with U.S. military space ops.  But I haven’t stopped following it, and probably never will.

Apollo 17 on the Launch Pad

Phoebe's Moved to Texas

Mason, TX – to be specific.  It’s a small town of a little over 2,000 people about 120 miles north of San Antonio.  Mason started out back in the day, as a German settlement.    Work on the pipelines here in Colorado ran out for Tanner, so they are going back to TX for the time being, where he has another job waiting to start next month.  I imagine they are somewhere around halfway to Mason at the time of this posting, with Tanner towing the camper and Phoebe following in her VW.  Good luck kids, and come back soon!

And take care of my little girl!

Full Auto Smoking Gun

The hearings repeatedly demonstrated how the more people testified, the worse it looked for the Chump-in-Chief.  Now comes a trove of “heavily redacted emails” whose content, even in blacked-out form, casts further damning evidence:

“Given the sensitive nature of the request, I appreciate your keeping that information closely held to those who need to know to execute the direction,” Duffey wrote.

The cover-up was in progress DURING the time this fraudulent, treasonous act of personal hubris and narcissism took place.  They knew exactly what they were doing.  They knew it was wrong and they proceeded anyway.  That’s what criminals do.

Any Questions?

It took a few months, and another deceptive anti-pot media campaign, but the government finally managed to get to the bottom of the vape-lung scare:

“cannabis prohibition states had ten times the number of vape injuries per capita as states that offered licensed, tested, and legal cannabis vape products.”

If that doesn’t make the case for legalization, I don’t know what does.  I do know the corporate and private concerns supporting prohibition are still very active in the media.  Literally every evening news scare story I saw led with reference to THC for months.  The solution (black market illegal additives – truth) was minimally broadcast over a couple of days.  What a travesty.

It’s not about weed. It’s about tobacco, prohibition and politics.

Just look at Kentucky and the Moscow Bitch for some interesting dots to connect in the vape lung disease crises.  Certain people just seem to have impenetrable craniums.