Another 1st for Social Media

I suppose it was inevitable.  But the first spacewalk selfie done in orbit at the ISS makes it interesting to me.  Of course a girl had to be the one to do it, but the whole idea pretty much puts the gender inequality debate to rest as far as I am concerned.

Astronaut Jessica Meir on the October 18th spacewalk. That walk took over 7 hours, and the pair of astronauts replaced a failed battery charge-discharge unit (BCDU). Image Credit: NASA

Most Memorable TDY

I went twice, the 2nd time around being just a short followup. But that first week in Albania with Mr. O’Rourke was quite an eye opener. The Wing at Mildenhall got a State Department tasking to do some sort of sponsored military assistance mission for a systems install in the Tirana MOD. MSgt Cheek said they weren’t really sure what anybody wanted, just do a tech solution and they’ll sort it out after I get back. So off we went. Not sure who I pissed off to pull that one, but it ended up being fun anyway. The one bad part was an enduring view into the world’s most poverty-stricken country.

I’m not going into the bad part(s) except to say seeing a young woman with an infant sitting begging next to a frozen sidewalk mud puddle on your morning walk to work is a thing, to me at least. I (stupidly) took hikes around the city in the evening a couple times, and it just got worse from there. But at least we were able to get their Defense Ministry headed in the digital direction.

After meeting and greeting everyone on the team including our Albanian counterparts, next formality was seeing the Big Guy – their Minister of Defense. They were after all, giving me free reign to roam the premises. The length and breadth of this big technological step soon seemed literally profound to me, from a purely technical perspective. Once again, I was in waaaay over my head.

O’Rourke (RAF Mildenhall comm Chief), our handler and me waited in an outer office for a few minutes until a gaggle came out, then we went inside a much larger room where some more people gathered around the front talking Albanian while we continued waiting in the back. There was a long table along the back wall about the size of two 8′ party folders end-to-end with around thirty telephones of somewhat varying makes and models neatly arranged clear across it. I asked Colonel ForgotAndNeverCouldPronounceHisName why so many phones? He replied “In case the Minister needs to make a call at least one might work.”

Everything went pretty smooth while I spent most of the week crawling around a 3-story medieval castle-like compound about the size of a small baseball stadium taking measurements of things like 3-foot-thick stone walls thinking things like “it’s gonna be fun cabling this shyt.” I could almost envision the firing squads that must’ve taken place in that central courtyard. We got it done and went back for a visit a year later to check on progress. They ended up going with something different than what we recommended. Maybe that was the part MSgt Cheek was talking about. It looked good though, so I guess Albanian tech contracting is what it is.

I never actually touched one of their computers the whole time. Didn’t see many, either.

Hypocrisy Defined

Throughout the impeachment drama, Republicans decried the “partisan whatever...”  This line of faulty logic typically follows a path of partisan election stealing, partisan Trump hating and/or a few other choice topics of widely recognized POTUS dissatisfaction.  So when the chips fall, a decision on the most fundamental question to appear before a deliberative body, perhaps ever, will be decided along party lines.

Talk about setting a dangerous precedent:  A trial without witnesses.  A trial indeed, with widely known evidence suppressed.  Witness the behavior of top officials, berating and abusing journalists in a mashup of starkly divided media lines.  In retrospect, it seems inevitable.  The Trump administration has gone rogue.

It is utterly astounding to me how Philbin can stand there and deny the assertion of crimes not instantiated as such in the articles, in total deference to the litany of crimes in the who, what, where, and why contained in overwhelming evidence supporting those articles.  Just astounding.

More or less organized. Presidential handlers are either asleep at the wheel or high as a kite.

Counsel for the Defense

Pam Bondi did a great job embarrassing herself, responding to what seemed to me to be an incomprehensible question:  “What did Hunter Biden do for Burisma?”  More to the point IMHO, who cares?  The pause determining who would even answer the call was telling.  Later pauses looking up basic facts obviously irrelevant to anything in question was even more telling.  The defense team does not appear to be up to speed on the trivial details of their own case.  I was given to believe the whole false Biden/Burisma narrative was central to the defense?

Distracted by your own pernicious distraction.  Almost as bad as Philbin responding to being called out on the subpoena authorization line of bullshyt.  Ignore the real fact, repeat the alternate fact.  Derschowitz is a master of circular reasoning, railing against the framer’s vague generality stance while denying any potentially as yet unknowable acts by this or any future President should be considered impeachable – based on precedent(?).  Well, they never did that before – must be OK! 

The left sends compelling oratory with Demings, Jeffries and Schiff.  The right stumbles to define any semblance of a coherent case.  Their evasive responses grow tiring.  Utterly disgraceful.


Leading Questions

Interesting how the senator’s questions can be answered in literally opposite ways, depending on which side it is directed to.  For example, “Isn’t it the President’s responsibility to conduct foreign policy?”  The answer is yes, of course.  But in the same vein, foreign policy is not a tool for criminal electioneering.  

OTOH, the same question could be posed as “Isn’t it the President’s responsibility to guard against foreign interference in our elections?  The answer is yes, of course.  But in the same vein, politics is incidental to foreign policy on many levels, therefore irrelevant to the charge(s).

Just depends on how you like your reality defined, I suppose.  I prefer mine grounded in truth – at least to whatever extent objective reality presents itself.

Language as the art of influence.  What a concept.  These mutherfuckers are trying to gaslight the whole goddamn country.  Hang on tight Mr. President – your grip on reality is slipping fast.

Somebody said you were above me?

The Politics of Fear

Failure and scorn are strong motivators.  Not sure what he has to be afraid of, but we will soon find out.  One way or the other Mr. Cory Gardner, GOP senator from Colorado, will cast perhaps his first vote in that chamber that doesn’t just cross party lines.  Perhaps not.  Here’s the advice he got from me:

“Everyone understands the witness vote is a no-win situation – for you. Blame your GOP roots on an accident of birth, if that helps. In any event, the only thing that matters in your upcoming senate vote is how it affects the country. Don’t follow your POTUS’ example, and do damage control on your own time/dime.”

Impartial justice will be served.  Only question is upon who will it’s full weight be felt?

What’s it gonna be, bud?

Pretend I Agree

I sensed the last years of my work personna migrating from a fully Dilbertized stance to pure Wally by the end.

I bet the Traitor-in-Chief gets nothing but this type response.

Problem Trumper

One computer problem trumps all others, because when the network is down, the rest of it don’t matter.  It’s also the reason for computer crime’s irrational fear basis:  Bad things happened over the net and we don’t know exactly what or why.

The gremlins are just waiting for the ghosts to finish.

Warm Winter

The winter started early and cold, now this.  Haven’t set any records yet, but it has been unseasonably warm and dry for a month.  I watered trees and shrubs last week to avoid Winter Kill, due to the lack of any snow or rain whatsoever since Christmas.  Unusually dry conditions make winter kill more of a problem here sometimes.  Even moderately-sized trees can succumb to it if their roots get dry enough.

We’ll take it!

Man Cave Update

With another surgery recovery imminent, and without the ability to accomplish much more than short bursts of light housework, I set out on a basement cleaning/reorg a couple months ago.  It was probably going on two years since it had been done, and the workshop was particularly dreadful this time around after much use and neglect during that time.

Been spending alot of time with my ass parked in front of a TV or computer screen, so might as well try and make it livable.  I think one more sound upgrade in the form of a PSA TV-42 sub will probably happen at some point.  The V-3601 is an amazing speaker, but the basement is a big space to fill with low bass.  I have a strong urge to see how much better 21’s do over the 18’s down here.

How Many Rats Left?

Based on Mr. Philbin’s performance opening the so-called Trump impeachment defense, it seems many rats have already jumped the sinking Trump ship.  If he’s the best they can put on stage at this juncture, I’m afraid the writing is on the wall.  A more monotonous, repetitive, rambling course of snooze material is hard to recall.  They didn’t even attempt to address the charges or evidence, presumably because no plausibly exculpatory comment is possible.  Rather, the GOP rhetoric and innuendo stream meanders through administrative and he-said she-said trivia and propaganda, repeated endlessly for the media.

Sipollone’s weak closing after such a brief, substance-less opening is telling.

At least it’ll be over quickly.

Pompeo the Prick

Time to address one of the smarmiest of the Trump gang – Mike Pompeo.  If Cuntway is the most despicable, Pompeo is the biggest liar.  As the Secretary of State, he is culpable for the cruelly fraudulent treatment of Marie Yavonovich, the former Ukrainian ambassador.

“I’ve defended every single person on this team,” Pompeo said in an interview with NPR. “I’ve done what’s right for every single person on this team.”

Apparently Marie was not on the team of criminal conspirators attempting to defraud the country.  If it is “right” to have an ambassador surveilled by organized crime operatives, then order her firing as the lynchpin of political corruption activities, then I guess he is right.  My characterization of this fatass Trump cocksucker is the enabler spouting the biggest of the liesHe’s a real tough guy with the ladies.  A real class act.  If Americans “don’t give a fuck about Ukraine” as he claims, then what’s the big deal?

One less ambassador to worry about on the left, Mr. President.
Biggest Hero of the Trump Impeachment Debacle.

We are not Lost – Just Misled

One of my favorite local pundits Mike Littwin, did another great job embellishing the details of our failed government’s foibles in his Senate Impeachment Day Three article.  He summed up his piece with this somber warning:

“Right does matter. Truth does matter. And we have been lost. The question is whether — and how — we will find our way back.”

I wouldn’t go that far.  I’d say it is more akin to the part “after” being lost, walking along in the wrong direction, where at some point finally realizing where you are.  It’s not where you thought you were, and it definitely is not where you want to be.

Which way now?

Sackless Trump Toady

Credit to Colbert for coining the term, which so accurately describes one of the GOP limp-dicks I have yet to compliment myself:  Lindsey Graham.  This then inexperienced lawmaker earned his stripes with among other things, opining how impeachment was about “cleansing the office” during the Clinton scandal.  If this feckless piece ‘o shyt had half a conscience he’d resign his seat and publicly apologize to his constituents and indeed all South Carolina’s citizens, for disgracing the office and the country itself.

Gotta give the lot of ’em credit for getting one thing right, tho.  Alot of people sure do hate this capricious, lying mutherfucker, and certainly do seek to topple his fat, bleached, painted ass.

Now go sit in the senate and think about what you’ve done!


Roberts Calls It

I’m liking The Chief Justice’ comportment and poise, right out of the gate.  Isn’t this peculiarly American, politically inflammatory contrivance really the big game for aspiring Pettifoggers everywhere?

That is after all, what they get paid for: Cloaking alternate realities in exculpatory lies.