
Apparently some closed-minded people believe the U.S. Constitution to be an even more complete societal regulatory publication than The Bible itself. Is it any wonder these legal scholars and political hacks cannot see much more than their own ineptitude and shortsightedness staring them in the face every morning?

The old refrain “if it ain’t in the Constitution, it doesn’t exist” is getting tedious. It’s like saying “the earth looks flat from where I’m standing, so it must be flat.” Fucking morons wouldn’t be happy without something to argue about.

The U.S. Constitution is NOT all-encompassing in it’s specificity, and NOT supportive of any wild-assed idea you might absurdly conceive in it’s intentional obscurity. It’s a tool. Usage results may vary with user skill.

Kavanaugh? Seriously? There’s a real tool for ya. What a shitshow.

Yeah sorry, I had no clue what I was doing in Florida 20 years ago either.

New Acronym Definition

CPAC = (C)raven (P)andering (A)sshole (C)onservatives. The Fuckwit supporters had a little get together in Florida this weekend to demonstrate the depths their disgusting, marginalized Republican ideas will plumb. Fear and hate goes pretty deep with lots of white trash hillbillies all over the country ready to listen. Guess we’ll just have to keep an eye on things. I will take peculiar satisfaction watching the GOP implode into the stain on history they have most certainly devolved to.

Go away little boy, ya bother me.

Fuck Trump, fuck the Republican party, and fuck the government. This county will not be safe until the Fuckwit and his entire family is in the ground. All these mutherfuckin’ assholes can get on the express train to Hell.

First Snow of the Season

We’ve had a couple inches here and there a few times since it got cold last year, but yesterday was the first time we got enough to do any good. We had something called a “convergence” where fronts met right over Denver dumping as much as 16 inches in some metro areas. We only had about 6, but it was welcome. I got one of those snow shovels with the extra handle last year, so I’m still shoveling snow, albeit braced in a mostly upright position.

The pups had fun chasing a flock of turkeys after I opened the garage door to finish the driveway, not knowing they were roaming around the front yard at the time. Half the 20-bird flock was on the roof after about 10 seconds and people in cars were stopping to look at them for an hour afterwards.

Wadda ya waitin’ for?!

Those Cocksuckers Were in on It

Anybody else struck by the immediacy of the resignations? Oops – it didn’t work. Consider “FBI Warnings” and “the Ragin’ Cajun.” Then comes feigned indignation from the gallery of supporting lawmakers. There is an evil undercurrent in American politics. It’s called Trump, or in my vernacular – The Fuckwit. Governance gets done by sucking Trump’s dick in GOP dystopia. Mere adulation only gets you campaign plugs.

Mr. Ron Jerkoff from Wisconsin needs to go to jail with the rest of these treasonous mutherfuckers.

Mr. Ron Jerkoff from Wisconsin can suck Trump’s dick and choke on it.

Are the DoD SlowWalkers fired yet?

Who Cares? They Don’t Give a Fuck….

ERCOT Board members resign. Big flying fucking deal. They got paid and could not possibly care less. The only thing they care about is getting caught up in the criminal investigations. There will be many more resignations from criminally-liable fuckwits who profited from Texan’s electric debacle in upcoming weeks and months.

HOUSTON, TEXAS – FEBRUARY 21: The U.S. and Texas flags fly next to a power pole on February 21, 2021 in Houston, Texas. Millions of Texans lost their power when winter storm Uri hit the state and knocked out coal, natural gas and nuclear plants that were unprepared for the freezing temperatures brought on by the storm. Wind turbines that provide an estimated 24 percent of energy to the state became inoperable when they froze. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Texas just had a rude awakening. I predict they will merely go back to sleep, and continue funneling hard-earned dollars into pockets of elected officials screwing them to the grave. That’s how it goes with willful ignorance.

You Know Something’s Wrong…

…when al Jazzera runs leading stories about a cop killing in a genteel Denver suburb two years ago. Like I told Tanner and anybody who will listen: The cops are out of control – have been for a long time. Police harbor an authoritarian attitude and culture incompatible with society today. Not that bigotry and hatred are emerging apparitions. On the contrary – they are finally out in the open for everyone to see, and it ain’t pretty.

We can only hope Elijah’s death serves to highlight this problem, supporting ongoing, positive reforms in policing across the country. That process should be underway with criminal charges and several more firings in Aurora. They like splattering the lip service on their cars, but still need reminded the fundamental basis for their jobs is who works for who.

The cost is too high.

“Other investigations are under way. The U.S. Department of Justice. The Colorado Attorney General’s office. Millions will be paid out in civil cases. Maybe someday, someone will even be charged in McClain’s death.”

Like I said last year: Fuck the Police.

This is what I’m Talking About

“My battle with cancer really prepared me for space travel,” Arceneaux told the AP. It made me tough, and then also I think it really taught me to expect the unexpected and go along for the ride.”

Talk about inspiration. What’s it take to get YOU going? This kid’s doing better than most anybody else – with a prosthetic leg!

I’ll be waiting to hear what the implant feels like in zero gravity!

The BoBitch Strikes Again

Don’t know if this little cunt is trying to send subliminal messages, or what, but she sure made her point. Again. The only real points I imagine she appreciates are the hollow type in her ammunition. Legal weed, gay governor, gun-totin’ troglodytes. People gotta be starting to wonder about Colorado.

On the bright side, this is the first post of the year here labelled strictly “politics.” They’ve been dual-categorized Crime and Politics for quite awhile. She’s giving MTG a run for the money – and no doubt pretty fucking stupid. I can feel the pendulum beginning to slow…

The look on her face pretty much says it all. Lights on, nobody home.

It’s hard to imagine how her antics actually pale in comparison to that feckless piece ‘o shyt from Texas.

Winter Has Set In

-9°F here in Frederick this morning. MUCH colder out east. This is the 1st really good, long cold snap we’ve had in recent memory. We’ll go a week or so struggling into double digits during the afternoon. But still very little snow, with much of the state in severe drought. Only had to shovel a few inches or less, less than a few times so far this season.

Not likin’ that.. Sometimes I can’t tell the difference between weather and climate.

57-43 = WIN!!

In GOP dystopia, fer suuuure. What the senate impeachment vote yesterday really means is confirmation on the depth and breadth of Republican rot. It’s labelled an acquittal, failing to reach a 2/3 majority, and gifted to the upcoming MAGA party as their new platform base titled “Ongoing Witch-hunt.”

They had their chance. Now the U.S. government, and in fact, state and local governments across the country get to pull a little time sleeping in the bed they made, as the old adage goes. As far as politics is concerned for me, going forward, I’m now in the George Carlin party.

Damn Straight.

“Those 43 Republicans who voted to acquit failed. And that, sadly, is the final verdict.”

Unreliable Predictors

Damn – somebody start making a list! Imagine the possibilities with some of THAT information. People used to believe the earth is flat – some still do! The primary predictor of that disposition was plainly obvious. Just look around in every direction.

Unfortunately human nature , being the fickle, easily fooled thing it is, often prevents people from comprehensively seeing unfiltered reality. This country’s long, tortured history with Cannabis is just another great example, along with diet/nutrition, politics and any number of topics in life people simply refuse to get right because of personal hubris, willful ignorance and plain old laziness.

I have a newsflash for the government, medical community and anybody like Jeff Sessions, who thinks “good people don’t use Marijuana:” It’s over. People in Colorado spent and average of $1.5B/yr on pot since 2014 – in one of the states everybody wants to move to for some reason – state full of “bad people,” and all.

So let’s take just one aspect of this matter, the DUI issue, to task. I’ve been using weed to manage numerous injury-related maladies for going on six years, since around the time I retired from Lockheed. I can tell you with absolute certainty, the active ingredients in Cannabis have no adverse effect whatsoever on driving, at least for me – none. In fact, I would suggest it improves my driving, for the most part.

I took three cross-country trips since retiring in 2015. Once to Atlanta for some car business, and twice to PA for family visits, going clear around through either New Hampshire or North Carolina, at times doing 14-hour stints behind the wheel stopping only for fuel and bathroom facilities, before pulling off to a rest area or hotel for the night or day, depending on clock readings at the time. I did this pretty much stoned the whole way. Put that in your DUI calculator and smoke it.

The driving improvement part comes NOT from reduced inflammation and pain – that was supposed to be the whole point in the 1st place, right? No -it’s from the psychoactive part providing calm, clarity and focus, as opposed to road rage. I speed less. I’m more alert and mindful. There is clearly no question I am at least a SAFER, if not better driver when driving high. Fuck Jeff Sessions and any flat-earthers in government and the medical community. No driving simulator data here – I proved it to myself, for real.

The contrast between that last trip and the first time when I remember almost falling asleep at the wheel with a Tramadol hangover was pretty dramatic.

Road Trip 2017: Yeah, I stopped at Woodstock. The problem with Cannabis is it’s just another one of the big lies uninformed people like to tell.

The PSU Panther & me.

DISCLAIMER: There was one time in upstate New York, when I sat under an overpass studying the map for a few minutes, because I could not remember where I made the wrong turn! 🤣

The Big Lie

I don’t know how many MAGA’s had the epiphany yet, but it was ALL a lie. The election bullshyt was just the last, biggest, most poorly-told example. So bad in fact, only the looniest of the base still believe any of it. And there’s alot of them. That’s scary.

They know it’s over, but haven’t accepted it. That’s when things get desperate. Take your typical hostage situation, for example. It could always go either way at any point. Everybody knows that. It’s what’s at stake. Duh.

I’m not accustomed to having my government at stake in a political game of who can tell the biggest lie. The Fuckwit is holding our government hostage with his popularity. Kinda like the way illegal drug dealers are popular with customers – a void in their brain gets filled with garbage.

Well, it did.

Here’s the mundane, day-to-day violence the Fuckwit’s lies and incitement gets us.

I’ve Seen Enough

Any Senator who thinks they need more evidence or doubts some obscure Constitutionality, can kiss my rosie red rectum.

The GOP is rotten to the core.

“Yes, all was revealed, and as it was, we saw Trump discredited for all time. This trial is for us, but also for the historians, whose work is being done for them by the House managers.”

He fomented it while it was in progress. And did nothing to stop it. People saw this coming in a text exchange almost a year ago:

No shyt?

Here’s the message every Senator with an (R) beside their name gets from me in the blackhole inbox today:

“Vote to convict or damn ALL you MUTHERFUCKERS to HELL.”

…with a link to this post. That goes for everybody. It’s a national disgrace we will never live down. When I say “it,” I mean Trump and anything associated with it. Openly expressed Fuckwit supporters anywhere within earshot of me should be prepared to defend themselves. It has no remorse, planning the next round already, no doubt. It is, by definition, sub-human.

Might doesn’t make right – it makes blood. Re: NFL, War, etc.

Best Reddit Pic So Far this Year

I like to spend some time browsing EarthPorn on Reddit. One of my bucket list goals in life was to visit every National Park in the country. I think I’m over halfway there. In the meantime, I live vicariously…

This is clearly “enhanced,” but well done, IMHO. Gothic Mountain, Colorado.

Super Bowl LV in Perspective

Springsteen did well to point out some issues in his SBLV ad for Jeep, but it really came off as a cop-out to me – for somebody I previously viewed as fairly legitimately authentic. Maybe illustrating some fundamental societal issues in search of a Jeep makes sense in a commercialized world where money is king. Continuing to act like nobody’s the bad guy in this country anymore is just stupid.

I’ll stay with this track from the Nebraska album, when it comes to my current feelings on Bruce’s view of American society:

Highway Patrolman

Bombers over a half-empty bowl couldn’t more vivdly exemplify the sorry state of our society and culture: Big crowds, Big Money, Big Wars, Big Pandemic, Big Airplanes and lots of Death to go along with everything.

The “big idea” was a woman flying one of these planes.
This is what comes back in some of those planes.

Fuck you Springsteen. I’m callin’ you out for not callin’ them out.

New Network Architechture

The current state of a long-running 5712 project to lock things down in the face of ever-degrading Internet security is depicted below. I meant to do this a long time ago, but it was too easy and inexpensive to use the readily-available COTS tools. And it’s hard. That’s why it took so long, and also one reason top tier network and system security people command big dollars in the high tech job market. The ongoing Solarwinds fiasco finally drove home the need for me to get this done.

Time to fill in some blanks

The long, broken line sweeping around the right side and top portion of the pic is the path anything other than Wifi takes in and out of our network. Incoming to the public-facing web, gets passed by the DSL modem firewall to start with. Then an enterprise class NIDS(k) continuously analyzes all traffic on the Wifi-Centurylink DMZ portion of the network in real-time for malicious content, while a true stateful firewall running on my personal workstation(f) routes everything in and out of the wired network on a different subnet.

The Synology NAS now sits powered down as a cold storage backup location. If the vendor installs updates, they have root on the box. That just doesn’t work in my environment any more after Solarwinds. I’ll take my chances with open source. The web site and everything else system-wise now hosts from the 2nd gen Ryzen(f) at the core including database, security cams, proxy, firewall and routing. The only data it will hold is the security cam video in the final stage of this project, coming soon as I save enough cash to spend a couple grand building a new workstation and buy some 10GbE parts for a high-speed edge between the data repositories.

Here’s what it looked like in the last iteration a couple years ago. This is what happens when a Systems Engineer retires too soon. 😉