Learning to Climb

This particular breed of barn cat appears to be in the tree climber branch of the species. The first thing they did when let out this spring was start climbing trees in the backyard. Boots needed rescued from halfway up one of the big Aspens about a month ago. He probably learned his lesson, but the squirrels don’t seem to have much to worry about. That’s why you hear Jax in the background – they had a squirrel tree’d.

Squirrel Attack!

Oldest Plant on the Property

Not sure what cactus species this is, but it came here with us in that green Dodge pickup we had. The Umbrella Plant and a lone Philodendron in the basement also remain from the Springs flora transplanted to Weld county. This cactus is unusual in that it doesn’t always flower, and when it does, the flowers only appear for about three days.

Healthcare is a Scam

That nurse appears to have been making around $14k/hr for the HMO where she works. I can corroborate the insane charges for medical services myself. My most recent spine doctor billed insurance $250 for a fabric and velcro back brace which Amazon replaced for me with a better quality model a few months later for $45.

Of course the math ($700 / 3secs x 60 = hourly rate) is alot more complicated than that, but the point remains. Look at any doctor bill. It’s a total scam.

Can you afford to get sick?

Eighteen months later, the anesthesiologist from my lumbar surgery keeps sending me bills after I referred them to the VA and also gave VA their information myself. They should be paying me for what they put me through! Francie’s Covid test last year set me back $250. It’s just ridiculous.

Big Fucking Surprise

Billy Butthead Barr as expected, came out with a book. Hope it sells well, because this slimy Trump cocksucker is going to have a little trouble finding work in the lawyering business.

“We realized from the beginning it was just bullshit,” Barr told Karl.

Then why’d you do it? Why did you compromise your integrity, the Law, and ultimately the Country itself for that miserable piece ‘o shit?

We realized from the beginning you are a deceitful son-of-a-bitch.

Said Pot to the Kettle

“Fox News host Tucker Carlson sharply criticized the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Thursday, calling him a “pig” and “stupid” and saying he got his job because he was obsequious and told his superiors what they wanted to hear.”

But curiously, Pot Carlson has never met, worked with, read, spoken to or interacted with the General in any fashion ever. The guy must be fucking clairvoyant. I’d post a link to Tuck-the-Cuck’s resume for comparison, but there’s none to be found on this Internet.

Funny how indignant they get when their cheerleaders have their asses handed to them. Key players on the starting team have been sidelined. And the farm teams are getting decimated with injuries.

GOPball’s gettin’ real dicey this season

I can spot a stupid pig anywhere! It’s the smart ones I have trouble with.

Florida Real Estate Just Went Down

…prices too. Starting to look like cashing in on the non-existent seaside wet-sand real estate around Miami back in the 80’s and 90’s might not have been such a good idea.

Death toll looking to be closer to 200 after day two.

They knew it was bad years ago. If anybody running that management company does not end up in jail it will be another total travesty.

Late Update 27 AUG 21: “The white color just stuns me,” Aghayere told the newspaper. He added that instead of seeing aggregate material mixed into the concrete, “it’s just homogenous,” which is likely indication of saltwater damage.

The Internet is Magic!

..to an alarming number of users. I’ll never forget a visit home on leave to PA back in the late 80s. Went to the CO (Bell Telephone Central Office switching station) on a side trip with Dad to buy some tires for ‘ol Betsy. I recognized the washing-machine-sized disk units similar to the ones we had at Buckley and asked what was up. Staring intently at a small CRT monitor, Dad replied “No clue. Somehow the connections get from here to there, but there’s no wires I can see. Must be magic. We’re having a training class on it next week.”

Information floating around “the Net” is no less magic to a majority of consumers, than those phone calls stuck in an early generation disk drive were to my father. The question on everybody’s mind consciously or not, is what to do with all the magic stuff the Internet constantly bombards us with?

It’s a simple trust issue that’s been around since the first smoke signals wafted across Africa in the birth of telecommunications. The correct answer is NOTHING – until either the information becomes a verifiable known quantity or the risk of not acting on it becomes too great. Knowledge owners make the true stuff a scarce commodity for good reason. The root of all power comes from knowledge, and what’s good for the goose is not always good for the gander.

I found the news story about Canadian Qanons harassing people over the queen of the great white north unusually disturbing. Reality is, the FAANGs are making alot of money with Internet-borne digital apparitions of all kinds. The politicians are generating alot of power with widespread digital disinformation – backed up in analog on Fox! Bad actors have unfiltered access into the minds of a populace through the unregulated magic medium called an Internet connection contained on any cellphone.

Free speech? You get what you pay for. Dumb people rant about magic. Others wonder WTF.

So hard to see, it’s almost like magic!

Biggest Power Grab in History

…said the cocksucker with a Trump dick so far up his ass it’s starting to slur his speech. Oddly, this moron was one of the few Repugs warning of Trump danger back in 2016. Funny how the liars often accuse their victims of the same thing they are trying to hide for their own sake. The reality of Lindsey’s debacle in this case is really the opposite of his baneful bleating.

Whether or not conservatives yet realize it, the biggest POWER LOSS in history has already taken place. The current political climate following a failed coup is merely a reflection and confirmation of this fact. Another fact belying elected officials’ vulnerability across the country is telling: The GOP is dead as an effective political machine. A handful of senators from the farmlands and backwoods of a long past agrarian society will no longer dictate national policy for the benefit of a few to the detriment of the country at large.

The number of truth-aware voters is growing. The number clinging to hate, racism and fascism is shrinking. Get over it assholes.

…with a taste for Trump dick.

Front Look Spring 2021

Michelle got to work on the front flowerbed in a big way this year. I’ve only been pulling weeds and basically letting stuff go wild for the past few years. But we had good rains so far, and everything is blooming and growing like gangbusters. Too bad most of the country west of here is suffering the worst drought ever. I included that little strip on the north side of the driveway this year because it’s starting to look nice after we finally managed to get some ground cover going there.

Been watering every day for two weeks and summer is only just now arriving.

Featuring Boots

The runt got some real prowling time last night after I forgot to get everybody inside before dark. We started a new policy of keeping the pets inside at night this year after Kiki disappeared. Last year’s fires pushed alot of predators to lower elevations including some of the biggest eagles I’ve ever seen. Haven’t heard the coyotes yowling much the past couple years, but there seems to be plenty of owls, hawks and eagles munching down on the neighborhood cats. It’s a growing problem lately, according to the missing cat reports Michelle sees on a local message-board.

C’mon – play with me, you slacker!

So I went out looking for him again after midnight, and the little sucker strolled right up like he was waiting for me to come out and play. I must not play with him enough, because he will just lay there sleeping on the desk waiting.

It’s About Goddamned Time

President Joe Biden signs into law the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act on June 17th, designating Juneteenth as a national holiday.

Portland Cops Have a Hissy Fit

Seems even the Portland Police themselves realize they have a big problem. I just love how headlines across the country plaster “Portland Police Resign” all across the media horizon. This was no resignation, en mass or otherwise. It’s a bunch of disgruntled cops unhappy about the additional duty they volunteered for.

Time to start looking for new work if you don’t like the job. Too bad the city is no longer supporting your racist, authoritarian attitudes. Like I been saying multiple times over the past couple years: The police can just go fuck themselves.

Havin’ fun yet, mutherfuckers?

Southern Baptists Evaluate Hell

You know it must be a gang of fuck-ass fairy tale charlatans, when the most important things they have to do are rail against abortion and their own leader’s criminal behavior.

“Separately, the convention approved its most absolutist statement yet in opposition to abortion, a resolution calling for its immediate banning without exception and calling it a “crime against humanity that must be punished equally under the law.”

Gotta be more careful with the ass fuckin’ buddy.

Anybody remember how these cocksuckers split with the sane people in their church up North over abolition? These mutherfuckers can go straight to Hell right along with the Catholics and ALL science-rejecting, bible thumping assholes the world over.