Editorial Note

The admin portion of maintaining this site involves mostly deleting spam, spammers and various other cretin’s untoward input. That’s probably one reason you don’t see much in the comments section. Rest assured, this site is heavily censored from racist, misogynistic and any and all forms of alt-right hate speech. The message for those people is: Don’t waste your time. In the half second it takes me to click the delete button, you lose the time attrition game bigly and nobody ever sees your crap.

OTOH, if you feel agreeable, don’t hesitate. Unlike other public media platforms like Facebook™ for example, anything you leave here gets no further processing by me – except possibly the delete button.

Crackdown Time for the Kraken Lady

Rule 11 recognizes that lawyers might be motivated to lie, so it sets up a system designed to deter unethical conduct in the future. Bad things can happen to lawyers who try to “play” judges.

Bad things happened for the whole country this time around. Sidney Powell and her ilk now get to learn something they should have inferred for themselves a long time ago. Law is a game with real outcomes. Good luck with that, cocksuckers.

And after the fines, costs and fees we’ll take the law license and any prospect of ever getting it back.

Gaetz-MTG Cancelled at Riverside

Fuckin’ eh. Damn right this culture gets cancelled. I’ll start referring to the phenomenon as the “(G)aetz(M)TG(B)”oebert sydrome. GMB syndrome adherents from all walks of life can kiss my rosie red rectum. Decent people don’t want your racist, misogynistic fascism.

And we especially don’t want some stupid cunt not smart enough to run a restaurant in Rifle voting on issues in Washington DC. Just check out the cast of characters in some of the BoBitch’s online drivel.

Tell ur boys to strap up good.

Psycho high school dropout who can’t manage a restaurant. In DC. Oh, now I get it.

Tennessee Goes Anti-Vax

Here’s a new category combo for ya: Crime and Health. Tennesseans can now look forward to losing children to not only Covid, but measles, polio and a whole raft of deadly diseases after clueless Tennessee legislator fuckwits fired the only person with any ability to proactively deal with the pandemic there.

“Republican lawmakers also admonished the agency for its communications about the vaccine, including online posts. One graphic, featuring a photo of a smiling child with a Band-Aid on his arm, said, “Tennesseans 12+ are eligible for vaccines. Give COVID-19 vaccines a shot.” Some lawmakers even threatened to dissolve the Health Department.”

They swallowed the whole bottle of red pills.
What’s the best way to eliminate a voter?

Fire Season 2021

Not exactly looking forward to another summer trapped indoors. After three years struggling through convalescence and going on two years into the pandemic, with a new fire season looking to become even worse than last year, I am not a happy camper.

People in Montana must be choking pretty hard today.

At least the COVID HVAC upgrade seems to be performing well, with morning readings still holding down in the single-digit AQI range, anywhere from 10 to 40 times lower than outside, depending on time of day and interior location. I’ll change the ceiling filter today and see how that looks after a year in service. Probably find alot of fine smoke particles that did not end up in our lungs.

Mental Illness

I’m so mentally ill it’s just insane. But I come by my shyt honestly. Numerous past and present psychological traumas give me what I call OTSD – Ongoing Traumatic Stress Disorder. Meh. Whatever.

Then there’s a whole new level being explored in society’s mass mental illness with conspiracy theories and fascist devil worship these days. The devil is the disgraced Fuckwit, and the illness is social media.

“…when the White House reaches out to Americans and asks why aren’t they getting vaccinated, they hear misinformation about dangers with the vaccine. And he said that the No. 1 place where they find that misinformation is on Facebook.”

Digitally enhanced misinfo-addiction empowering the stupid.

Health Status Update

Looks like this is basically what I’ll have to work with:

13 JUL 21: Impression of lumbar symptoms after a month off decompression seems to suggest fusion with removal of the disc leaves things at that level fairly well solidified and inflammation / stenosis resistant – lumbar no longer responds to decompression. Nerve damage-induced paralysis in all the surrounding / connected right side musculature remains a severely debilitating, painful daily nightmare. Soft tissues around top of the knee (not in the joint itself, like arthritis) up through the quad, ilial on the right and both glutes and erectors are sore to the bone continuously. Nerve symptoms simmer down through the calf crunching my toes similar to how I’m always gripping with my right hand. This condition now prevalent throughout the entire right side of my body, starts first step out of bed in the morning and only gets worse through the day with physical activity – footwork – the term I now use for anything on my feet – walking or even just standing is always a forced march. Left side quad rebound jab stopped sometime recently.

C-Spine has once again become the dominant, disabling injury being “worked on.” At least the lumbar shouldn’t get worse, going forward.

Summer Fire Fun Starting Early

The start of summer also marks the start of fire season. It’s starting to look like “fire” will supplant “summer” in the seasonal weather lexicon around here.

Probably a couple more years before there’s nothing left to burn.

Asked and Answered

With outbreaks gaining momentum at summer camps across the country, AP reporting seems ominously foreboding. With past pandemic warnings gone unheeded, we appear to be in for one helluva school year coming up in 2021.

I remember lunch being a “fun” time.

Stuff Maintenance

Sorry for the past week’s downtime and resultant poor viewing experience running on the backup. I now have a clue why my WordPress does not migrate well, but no clue what happened to the system. Something or someone took out the mainboard, or it just decided to go FUBAR on it’s own.

But every cloud has a silver lining, and this one is the need for a proper fallback path. So I’ll build a more appropriate cold spare that doesn’t run an older version of WordPress, unable to properly import the current site. Thanks again Synology.

Blizzaks Done

Well, the two that came off the front were. The reason for that was they were on the rears back when I was still driving the Bimmer to work on a daily basis. They wouldn’t last this long, if it wasn’t for the electronic traction control. Winter treads are soft and don’t last anyway, but those tires only had about 10k miles on them! The way it’s setup and how I drive it (mildly) is very hard on the tires.

The tire wear generator appears to be dialed in to the Öhlins coilover settings now. I thought “damn, is this thing that far out of alignment?” -when I took the first one off. It’s still tracking perfectly, feels tight and solid, like the BMW it is. Turns out they all wore on the inside, just more so in front. The suspension setup lowers it about a half inch, with some pretty aggressive negative camber.

So I’m not really pushing it, as far as the suspension goes – the extent to which I haven’t found. The car is scary fast, with limits I’m obviously not approaching on a regular basis, judging from just the tire wear. Mashing the skinny pedal at the dragstrip is something anyone with even the slightest nerve connection to their right foot can do, but safely generating lateral g-forces on public streets can be pretty dangerous and is generally frowned upon.

They weren’t going anywhere except the tire pile after I put them on last fall, and they’re runflats, so what the hell. New daily driver, with the Bimmer relegated to weekend road course duty? It’s beat up enough now after somebody learned parking in it a couple years ago, swappin’ paint at the track is starting to sound like a great idea. Hmmmmm…