
No new bomber gets rolled out without a mention on this page. Can’t wait to meet this lovely lady up close.

Air Force Reveals New B-21 Bomber.

“The ceremony was attended by families of some of the Doolittle Raiders and a crowd of Northrop Grumman employees. Their mood was celebratory, as employees occasionally broke into chants of “USA! USA!” and cheered.”

Will true stealth be affordable this time?

M777 – Saving the Day in Donetsk

The Chinese probably have a good lead on Russia in terms of their quality in the military technology department. Russian failure to field even one operational true stealth fighter in the course of that program thus far is most of what you need to know about the Russian war machine. The rest is scattered in burnt-out hulks across the Ukrainian landscape.

Never Let It Be Said…

…the 2021 Afghan evacuation was any sort of failure in any way, shape or form. The chain of events leading up to it is well illustrated by the facts. The final evacuation’s skillful execution and sacrifice in the face of extreme danger and chaos is getting more well documented every day.

That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout.

The Real F-22 Development Story

Following this topic closely during that time we were stationed in Germany when the competition winner was announced, I remember being distinctly disappointed the 23 lost out to the 22. It was to me at least, the sleeker, more advanced-looking design.

“The real reason we (Northrop) lost the program was that Lockheed had no new fighter programs at that time…”

John Harold Buckley

The name Buckley became all too well known to me in the summer of 1983, after being stationed at then Buckley Air National Guard Base, Colorado in my first Air Force Assignment. I returned to finish my career there as a Lockheed contractor 30-some years later. It’s still the best place for walking the dogs and the only place I buy liquor – tax free. It was a long, strange trip.

Flyin’ a Spad in the rain on the Western front.
There were only two radomes when I first arrived.
Space Systems Command conducted its first joint operations training at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Fla. in a newly defined training series called Parallax Rising. This exercise series places an emphasis on exploring and identifying potential policies and procedures to synchronize efforts between the command and its partners’ ability to deliver warfighting capabilities on-orbit. (U.S. Space Force graphic by Master Sergeant Travis Ferguson)

Not a Russian Draftee

Probably something similar to what I would have done before being disabled. I hear even that might not get you out of an olive drab ensemble in Russia these days.

It’s gonna be cold, but better than dead.

Jim McDivitt, 1929-2022

“In 1962, McDivitt was selected by NASA to become an astronaut. He was chosen to pilot Gemini 4 — becoming the first-ever NASA rookie to command a mission.”

I can’t say much about Jim McDivitt, because I just don’t recall ever hearing or reading that much about him. Now I know why. He was one of those diligent masterminds working tirelessly in the background gluing it all together. They say the best-run crews are the ones that never miss a beat, even when the boss is not around.

Astronaut Jim A. McDivitt’s official portrait, taken in 1971. McDivitt has died at age 93.
FILE – Vice President Spiro Agnew holds a framed American flag, presented to him by the crew of Apollo 9, as he poses with the astronauts March 26, 1969, in Washington. From left: Russell Schweikart, Agnew, and Air Force Cols. David Scott and James McDivitt. McDivitt, who commanded the Apollo 9 mission testing the first complete set of equipment to go to the moon, died Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022. He was 93. (AP Photo/Harvey Georges, File)

Allyson Daniels

I’ll never forget when they came to Butmir while I was there. It was like around the 3rd day after I arrived still getting familiarized, when one of our guys came running into the club yelling “They’re at the bathouse now!” New information flooding into my brain soon enabled me to determine that’s what they called the Battalion Compound where I actually worked over by the gate. The other thing was who they were: a half dozen Broncos cheerleaders!

The U.S. personnel immediately exited, heading in that direction with the rest of the clientele sitting in stunned silence looking at each other like WTF? I looked at the guy I was sitting with and said “Football Girls.” He smiled and said “ah yes, Footlball!” Neither one of us spoke a word of the other’s language. I think football translated by default.

So yeah, got to meet them real briefly in the conference room. Started thinking well, it can’t be ALL bad. They’re a thing – a REAL thing in this context. You can see Allyson with the rest of the gang every home game here in Denver. Broncos will have to do without ’em, at Sofi tonight.

Allyson Daniels, Tara Battiato and Candace Wilson, Denver Broncos cheerleaders, make a guest appearance during the afternoon radio show with Senior Airman John Archiquette, Armed Forces Network broadcaster, Nov. 5, 2010 at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey.

LATE UPDATE: Russell having his worst career start ever, on the season. 🙁

How to Fix the Cops

New Orleans has just taken a step in the right direction. The motivation is concerning, but the idea is right. Police don’t need to be warriors armed to the teeth for >90% of the Stuff they do. Arguably, the presence of firearms in otherwise manageable situations just makes it go bad faster. Cops have expended more ammunition in the past year, than criminals have since the beginning of time. It’s time to start leaving most of the weapons at the station.

Brits been doing it with great success forever.

“United Kingdom law allows the use of “reasonable force” to make an arrest or prevent a crime[38][39] or to defend oneself.[40] If the force used is fatal, then the European Convention of Human Rights only allows “the use of force which is no more than absolutely necessary”.[41] Firearms officers may therefore only discharge their weapons “to stop an imminent threat to life”.[42]”

Most Castle Doctrine texts reflect this concept, yet somehow people get shot sitting in their cars or attempting to flee in this country every day.

They’ll gain real appreciation for that response time issue when the cops themselves are the ones waiting for armed backup


We’re in the green transition period where petroleum interests will increasingly demonstrate their intransigence. If you thought gas prices been bad lately and even thought about relaxing with recent month’s declines, buckle up.

I chuckle every time I hear some MAGA nitwit spew that New World Order nonsense, with Pelosi and Biden behind it somewhere on their Gitmo barges. Greedy bastards running the oil and gas industries saw the advantage in globalism fifty years ago. They just plug in the price per barrel on their spreadsheet to output whatever they feel the market might bear, and adjust production accordingly. Damn, we are stupid.

Here’s your New World Order?

Fusion (not music)

Being a lowly DoD contractor, I never got close to the Skunkworks and some of the other incredibly high-tech stuff going on in the company. I had my hands full with piddly little satellite and security Stuff. Our formidable scientific and technology capabilities are second to none.

‘Bout time for a new breakthrough. That was 5 years ago, according to the Daily Beast.

Rocky NFL Start

Three weeks in and it’s not lookin’ good. Russell does look good, to me at least – under the circumstances. They will either gel into a formidable unit or not. Too early to tell. OTOH, I have no idea what to make of the Steelers at this point. At least ABC and Amazon are getting Mondays and Thursdays covered this season.

Denver Broncos quarterback Russell Wilson celebrates after the Broncos defeated the San Francisco 49ers in an NFL football game in Denver, Sunday, Sept. 25, 2022. (AP Photo/Jack Dempsey)