New Air Boss

This man’s got alot on the plate, with many things under his purview seemingly on an increasingly negative trajectory recently. Fortunately we have alot of good people working on it.

Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. David W. Allvin is sworn in as the Air Force’s 23rd Chief of Staff at Falcon Stadium, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Co. Nov. 1, 2023. The brief ceremony took place soon after Senate confirmation while Allvin was attending the CORONA Fall executive conference at the Academy. The location was particularly relevant to Allvin since he swore is commissioning oath at the Academy 37 years ago as a graduate. (U.S. Air Force photo by SSgt. Stuart Bright)

Chinese Antsy All Over

Doesn’t matter if it’s pumping bad loans into the 3rd world, Internet fuckery or airmanship shit shows. The mutherfuckers just won’t stop. Apparently they need clarification on what a deliberate provocation really is.

“The U.S. military planes traveled thousands of miles to China’s doorstep to flex muscle,” said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning.

They’ll know it when they see it. The Russians are REAL close to learning the true definition of provocation.

They operate pretty much the same way on the net – clumsy and stupid.
Spoilin’ for a Fight -AC/DC

What was that About AI, Again?

Yes, extinction and slavery are issues, but work-forces have historically suffered the most during big economic paradigm shifts. Everybody got all worked up about it for a couple months after the public intro. Just not sure how many realize it’s been here all along, slowly, inexorably seeping into the programming on numerous fronts in the high tech battlespace.

2023 Tech Layoff List.

Having knowledge and actually working with it are two different things.

Joby Aviation

Quad copters reach critical mass. Corporate and Military aviation might be the biggest contributor to carbonizing the atmosphere. Once again, USAF takes the lead.

Six rotors. Ahead of schedule? Never happened before.

Rupert Murdoch

Hope the cocksucker enjoys intense suffering the few short days he has left in retirement. Building the biggest propaganda machine since nazi Germany must’ve kept him quite busy over the years. I imagine he was slowly pushed out due to accelerating dementia by the spawn who will quickly dismantle his evil empire with any luck at all.

Die a long, painful death.

Bargaining Chip

North Korea says US soldier fled because of racism in army.

Well of course they’re gonna say that, or something similar. It’s enough of a generalized hot-button topic half the people are gonna believe no matter what anyway. We already know that’s false, because the U.S. Army demographic leans more heavily into the people of color than all the rest, just to start. I’m the proud owner of a newly minted black USAF Chief. They’ve got to be kidding.

No, I’m afraid whatever Travis got into was bad enough to get him sent home. Alot of people don’t seem to understand how one of the biggest military bills we have to pay is just moving people around. So yeah, he stepped on it big time with some assault charge and decided to do a runner. Now he’s a bargaining chip. Good luck with that. There’s at least a couple I know of sitting in Russia right now worth far more than young Mr. King.

If he was feeling butthurt in the Army, he’s got another thing comin’.

Who’s kiddin’ more – the BBC or the DPRK?

The Motherland Monument

It’s gonna be alot of work rebuilding when this is over. Looks like a good place to start. They should have a program to collect every soviet symbol, artifact, sign and remnant of the Russians. Get that shyt palletized and start dropping it over Belgorod.

Now Charge the Mutherfucker

Aggravated assault might be a good place to start. Any DA worth his weight in salt should be able to come up with a half dozen more. We’ll see…

“While we certainly respect Gov. DeWine’s views and are always ready to discuss how to improve police training, Circleville’s canine teams of dogs and officers are trained and certified to meet current Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission-recognized standards,” police said.

Oh they’re good, alright. Those dogs will rip you to pieces.

At least these bad boys were still leashed.

Peak TV

Not exactly sure what they’re talking about here. Sounds like a cash flow problem. I stopped watching all broadcast and cable TV at least ten years ago. Well, except for sports and news. The entertainment industry ran it’s course with me last decade. The rest of the viewing public will take longer to catch up. Apparently Americans really do have too much time on their hands.

There is no doubt that the TV content landscape will be very different once the strike is settled. The work stoppage has set off a domino effect among delayed shooting schedules that will complicate the best-laid plans of networks and streamers for months, if not years. But even without the strike-induced disruption to the content pipeline, the volume of scripted series orders is expected to drop by double-digit percentages in the coming years.

Hollywood Shut Down?

Wait, what? You mean the entertainment industry exploits their workers just like all the rest? Whodathunkit?

I hear Tucker Carlson’s gonna start another Twitter™. You know that’s all this social media cr@p is, right? It’s just entertainment for the control freaks and extreme wackos who think their ideas rule, trying to make sure everybody knows about it – so they may profit handsomely, forthwith. Urban Dictionary should syndicate me.

Hollyweird just might be the OG social media.

I refuse to take that last step.

Licensing and Copyright

Can I have a copy? Maybe use it just once? Not unless you pay for it. Everybody wants a subscription, and the tech companies want you to keep paying in perpetuity.

I’ve always been a big Sarah fan, and wish her luck. Hope she has some serious lawyer’ing behind it – they’re gonna need it. I find the parallels to this and the next post below, disturbing. Just exactly what does who own in the public domain, in terms of digital trees falling in online forests? I bet the Meta and ChatGPT lawyers got plenty of receipts. And where does the line between public and proprietary get drawn when ownership rights cross bank account boundaries?

Google hit with lawsuit alleging it stole data from millions of users to train its AI tools.

Interesting to note how every article in that list is rated high factuality.

Guess I won’t be repeating any of her jokes here.

You go, girl!

Anonymous Coward

This is what happens when Big Tech™ gets involved with open source: Oracle pours fuel all over Red Hat source code drama.

Redhat certification got me my first civilian job after retiring from the Air Force. Now I hate them. There are only two reasons people use computers: To save money and to make money. Those goals become mutually exclusive when open source is a cost/profit center in the corporation. Customers cannot reduce costs with vendors increasing prices.

Redhat’s new source code policy constitutes a real steep price increase. It’s pretty simple logic, to anyone with enough perspective to connect the dots.

I always remember the government shift to Linux during my last few years in the Air Force. Micro$oft had been raping them with licensing fees for going on two decades when somebody got the bright idea to start moving to open source. Now they just pay the Redhat and Oracle support contracts, and I doubt there’s any shortage of M$ code running around these days either.

Ask any former Trump attorney.

The Heron AI

Still not sure what the AI hullabaloo’s all about. This not-exactly-current example seems scary too, but why? Too many people playing what if games with information they don’t understand. The whole AI thing began back in the mid-90s when engineers started figuring out how to get lots of data together and make computers do stuff with it real fast.

This is only one of several AI-enabled programs USAF is presently exploring. Knowing them, there’s probably a whole separate umbrella program tying them all together stealing funds from personnel accounts intended for the people they’re trying to get off the payroll. Gotta keep that kill chain short as possible. Don’t think the other services are far behind. Just another spin of the tech wheel.

The Heron AI’s secret was its aggression. The AI had stood out from the other algorithms owing to its preference for head-on attacks with its simulated gun. With its bold tactics, the Heron drone neutralized a human pilot’s main advantage over an artificial mind: creativity.

If it’s job is to gun you down, that’s just what it’s gonna do. Doesn’t need to waste time thinking about it.

Navy can really use it – they’ve got alot of water to cover.
Mysterious Ways -U2