Badass Meets Beauty

The cognitive dissonance is strong when a homegrown lady like this crops up, being the latent misogynist I am. I’m no fan of the whole beauty pageant thing, but if it gets attention for the Air Force and women meeting men toe-to-toe in every meaningful respect, I’m in.

FWIW, I believe she is a UPT student at this stage.


It’s just a word – with alot of context in this post. Fighting the oil ‘n gas industry while simultaneously saving the planet and running a business in this cutthroat market must be quite the challenge. My hat’s off to these folks.

We got the real Namaste treatment after Mother Nature got a bit too personal here a few years ago. They replaced the inverter under warranty, although I suspect it was not really a covered repair, at a time when we really could not afford it due to all the related damage.

Keep up the good work!

Bosnia – Here We Go Again

The joint drill was a “demonstration of the United States’ enduring partnership with the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Air Force Lt. Gen. Steven L. Basham, the deputy commander of EUCOM, said in a statement. “American support for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Armed Forces is ironclad, forged over years of close cooperation.”

Interesting Twist on this One

The inspector general reports reviewed by ProPublica have limitations. The individual investigations can be narrow. The reports offer only broad suggestions as to whether individuals should be held accountable for breakdowns and provide little sense of whether they actually were. Even together, they don’t capture the full reality of the VA’s 1,300 health care facilities. But they do start to assemble a meaningful picture of the system’s most chronic shortcomings when it comes to treating people with mental illness.

I thought I was coming to grips with stuff pretty well going into my 2nd hip replacement, having recently retired from Lockheed and self-diagnosed my autism when 2019 rolled around. The girls were well on their way with the seemingly un-attainable goal of relieving all the biggest stressors in my life in the rear-view mirror. Then everything went to shyt via direct VA intervention.

No treatment lacking here – they instigated it! Then turned on the gaslight. Now I’m on some bubbles nobody ever imagined. Talk about mental health treatment, inside out. We been spending alot of time and money trying to figure out who’s insane and who’s not doing some of these mass shootings lately. Wonder if it’d make a new variant of affirmative defense in some criminal case?

Are crazy idea like those little voices in the head?

What About The Humans?

Much as I hate Boeing for flying into the ground and banking truckloads of ill-gotten government gain, you gotta give ’em a break on this one. We can be sure it’s down to the last grease monkey turning a wrench on those door bolts – likely forgetting to do so properly, skipping the Loctite™, whatever.

Look at the records for every one of these planes that comes up with loose or missing door plug bolts and we’ll find they were removed for maintenance at some point. If they all turn up loose, then we have a bigger problem. I just want to know how something like that can fail so suddenly and so completely with cockpit warning lights going basically ignored?

Claudine Gay

As usual, it’s not about the actual issue at hand. It’s about politics and money. So-claimed “solid journalism” aside, the Hill reporter is advised to consider how that actually works before patting themselves on the back too briskly.

I am completely ignorant about Ms. Gay’s writings and work. If journalists really uncovered some actual plagiarism issues, they’ve got another thing coming. Things on that front will become increasingly busy pointing fingers in contradictory directions after AI takes politics to a whole new level of misinformation-fueled deceit.

No, what we have here are craven institutional investors and self-serving bigots with ulterior motives and a college on their hands.

(FILES) In this December 14, 2022, image released by Harvard University, Claudine Gay poses for a photo. The president of Harvard University Claudine Gay resigned January 2, 2024, the prestigious US school’s newspaper reported, after she faced criticism over allegations of plagiarism and her handling of anti-Semitism on campus. (Photo by Stephanie Mitchell / Harvard University / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE – MANDATORY CREDIT “AFP PHOTO / Harvard University / Stephanie Mitchell ” – NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS – DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS (Photo by STEPHANIE MITCHELL/Harvard University/AFP via Getty Images)

Aaron Rodgers: Asshat Supreme

This has-been NFL QB thinks he’s some sort of expert on things apart from the pigskin. Here’s the formula for pro athlete idiocy: COVidiot + Defamatory Podcast Guest + Online Mouth-Runner= Famous Fuckwit.

Injuries seem the least of his career-limiting moves at this point. It’ll be nice to see the last of this scumbag. Another great example of how money makes people stupid. Menendez, anyone?

Pat McAfee apologizes for Aaron Rodgers’ claims about Jimmy Kimmel in reference to Epstein documents.

And the fuckwits keep flailing.

He’d make a great regular with Rogan.
Stupidity -Solomon Burke

It’s All About The Data

I remember back in 1999 when the DLA was attempting to implement an early data analytics system thinking “…eventually someone will figure out how to get this stuff running at scale and rule the world.” Here’s a little write-up I did for the CC at the outset of that little experience. Then came AI. All along…

The new project replaced Linux and Kubernetes with a new operating system stack at the bottom of which is a database system, the prototype multi-node multi-core, transactional, highly-available VoltDB, which Stonebraker started. Basically, the operating system is an application to the database, rather than the other way around,” he says.

IT and Healthcare in the Crapper

Probably not alot of Product and Program Managers skewing the numbers. Some of them probably are in IT and Healthcare, so the picture for those industries must be pretty bleak. One of the reasons I liked being enlisted in the Air Force for twenty years was I always got a new job every couple years, whether they thought I needed it or not.

It’s not just IT and Healthcare, if the Help Wanted signs I see posted everywhere are any indication.

Controlling the Narrative

Bodycam bullshyt. Imagine that. The media companies do it too – hurts revenue. Next time somebody warns you they’re doing something for ur own good just reply, no thanks, I’m feelin’ lucky.

Undoubtedly a step in the right direction. But the police body-cam song remains the same. Video is not all that far removed from audio and written accounts, mishandled, misrepresented, manipulated, and disregarded by the crooked cops’ secret society since forever.

I’m a big police supporter, always have been. They might have the biggest discrepancy in job risk-to-pay out there. The numbers don’t really make it an issue. There’s plenty of jobs more dangerous. But you can’t overlook the random chance of gunplay and high-intensity disaster-type stuff.

And the innate desire to protect one’s own certainly comes into play. It’s a huge, undeniable not necessarily malicious factor. Privacy? Meh. Chances are it happened in public most of the time anyway, if it’s on cop bodycam footage. In any case, sometimes it’s just another detail in the cover-up process.

Dirty Laundry -Don Henley

Favorite Fellow

Guys like me don’t really have heroes, in the traditional sense of the word. Maybe the astronauts. I’m a football fan, enjoy tracking the best QB’s but that’s about as far as it goes – don’t know their stats or other details. Healthy disdain for most politicians and celebrities is the attitude on that topic, for me.

But if I had to pick one person to be my own personal hero, it might be Luiz. He took the first steps on the high tech build-out, followed through and provided the foundation upon which our data-driven society exists today. I’ve had tremendous success emulating his ideas in my own environments over the years. This is one guy who really knew what he was doing.

Cyber pros avoid smart devices.

Luiz André Barroso 1965-2003

B-21’s In the Air

Northrop is calling the plane a sixth generation aircraft given its ability to connect to other aircraft and easily integrate future weapons into its systems architecture.

Network integration meets dominant aerial stealth.