Playing With Fire

Once again we humans find ourselves delving into realms of engineering with a dearth of knowledge in the field. Just remember what happens when people start leveraging new technology they do not fully understand. History is replete with enthusiastic trailblazers unleashing their own early demise in the quest for better engineering. Let’s keep it small scale, for the time being please.

What if somebody, company, independent group, state-sponsored cabal or any other entity you might imagine figures out how to rack and stack all this shyt in the most widely distributed dynamic database anyone ever envisioned? It’s a competition to rule the world, shifting into high tech overdrive, fueled by Moore’s Law.

“Alphabet also alerted its engineers to avoid direct use of computer code that chatbots can generate, some of the people said.”

Mind if I re-organize all your knowledge?


You’d think the richest guy in the world might be a bit more spendy with the moola, at least in terms of paying his bills. This isn’t the first episode. They have Amazon billing issues, as well. We saw the rent thing out in California right off the bat. You can be sure many other smaller debtors await non-payment.

Twitter is refusing to pay Google Cloud.

Advertisers are in refusal mode. Users are lining up to get out, presently organizing their exit strategies…

Fuck Youtube™

Youtube might have been one of the few social media-type services that could be a legitimate people’s media platform if they just cleaned up a little and started vetting users like they all should be doing. That is clearly no longer the case. They’ll say it’s only competition in a free market, tough shyt.

I just un-subscribed from a couple channels degrading into the same sensational so-called news reporting afflicting the more traditional news outlets for decades. If there’s nothing screaming crime, crises, calamity or politics that day do a human interest piece instead of twisting nonsense and making mountains out of molehills. Ad revenue is king. Veracity, perspective and facts be damned.

“YouTube and the other platforms that preceded it in weakening their election misinformation policies, like Facebook, have made it clear that one attempted insurrection wasn’t enough. They’re setting the stage for an encore,” said its vice president Julie Millican in a statement.

LATE UPDATE: This was a story those TYT assholes thought was so sensational from the fuckwit who so deceptively started it, as to break the whole AI issue wide open. US air force denies running simulation in which AI drone ‘killed’ operator.

Fear-mongering fuckwits. Getting tired of doing your homework. They should ask Boozbag how she walks back that run up the Capitol steps. 🙂

AI Code of Conduct

So powers-that-be (Euro union, etc.) are getting together to gen up some AI control measure. Sounds like a great idea. I’m pretty sure no code of conduct ever deterred determined evil cocksuckers from bending legitimate means to their selfish ends.

I might suggest a better approach to AI could be simply acknowledging the fact this genie is out of the bottle. Assume it will be leveraged for crime, political skullduggery and ordinary scam purposes, with the upshot eventually being human extinction and/or enslavement. Considering how dependent we are on techno-driven society, some of us already felt enslaved to chatbots and byzantine telephone answering systems.

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI X Fausto — The earth quaked as the monster lumbered closer, appearing to grow with each step. ignorant of the humanity that fled before it. It didn’t care for their screams or their_ begging as it destroyed everything in its path. Reaching out a hand, the monster grabbed hold of the earth and tore it in two. In a single gulp, it devoured half of the planet, crushing buildings and Relief effort organization put cities beneath its teeth. The skies darkened as thick dust and debris filled the air, blotting out the sun. For miles around, all was quiet except for the sound of the monster’s footsteps as it headed back into the shadows.

They Do It With Impunity

“They described the attacks in 2023 as one of the largest known Chinese cyber-espionage campaigns against American critical infrastructure.”

Ever wonder why the J-20 looks alot like an F-22? All the data captured in that library was stored and analyzed. I could’ve sworn there were a handful of Russkies actually indicted at the conclusion of that investigation. Maybe it didn’t make the news. The only question then was as it remains today: Who is looking at what data? It’s all out there somewhere.

Fuck Zuck

Zuckerboy’s been doing it with Fuckbook™ for going on decades, and the trail’s cold now. I’m sure the Meta™ move left enough obfuscation in it’s wake to forestall any further legal and/or moral examination of the heaving social media entrails.

Yintao “Roger” Yu said in a complaint filed on Friday in San Francisco state court that the Chinese tech company engaged in a “worldwide scheme to steal and profit from the content of others” without seeking permission.

Fortunately people caught on at some point, but the damage is done. Here’s the cocsksucker who started it, largely responsible for the Internet-hosted mess we find ourselves in today.

Funny part is, the college dorm room thing never did really score him any poontang.

Welcome to the Cloud

Just wait till Musk points the Tesla hackers at automotive targets of opportunity for competitive advantage.

I have a question for the car companies. And trust me when I say the fact-checking will continue: Is there any possibility under any conceivable circumstances, environmental conditions or foreseeable physical anomalies of any kind under which reasonably competent coders might devise a system whereby the vehicle will fail to operate due to lack of authenticated network connectivity?

I lost my data in the car is so this century.

Square Trade

This warranty extension program Costco offers used to be a good deal. I used it twice in the past 10 years with satisfactory results, until today. Now it appears to be just another multi-layered time-wasting consumer abuse program. Here’s what happened after getting started today, confirming what I already knew last night after the TV switched itself off for some reason: I hate Samsung. Not the Koreans. They seemed like really nice people – at least the ones I met

So the 1yo 75″ Samsung is toast. That’s almost expected these days with the ever-falling materials and manufacturing quality coming out of those eastern sweatshops. Warranty support has gone south now, as well. Had to go through four different phone calls with commensurate waiting periods in between and during, struggling to understand broken English, repeating all the same information each time, responding in things like long, drawn-out phonetically spoken email addresses, for a total of almost an hour invested, only to be informed I would be waiting up to another 48 hours for a call-back. This happens inside the 1-year manufacturer warranty. I paid $100 for that.

No doubt they’ll send somebody out with a new mainboard in a few days. But if that can’t be done with one, maybe two phone calls + a serial number, happening alot more quickly, with alot less intervention on anybody’s part, the shyt’s fucked up. I’m pretty sure everybody that talked with me on the phone this morning is getting paid. They got a little bonus today. JMHO. Going forward, it’ll be worth it to me avoiding the frustration, just periodically give ’em more money and trash the junk every few years, or whenever.

Take the survey!

I forgot to mention this all started when I was prompted to create an account somewhere on a web form that didn’t work.

JWST #25: Pandora Starstruck

“When the images of Pandora’s Cluster first came in from Webb, we were honestly a little star-struck,” said Bezanson. “There was so much detail in the foreground cluster and so many distant lensed galaxies, I found myself getting lost in the image. Webb exceeded our expectations.” The new view of Pandora’s Cluster stitches four Webb snapshots together into one panoramic image, displaying roughly 50,000 sources of near-infrared light.

Full Stacks

Mine are much smaller than Elon’s, but never explode, intentionally or otherwise. They don’t even fly, except on the networks. The next system ops phase at 5712 finally began a few days ago after a month of racking my brains on the latest Chinese Chipmaker debacle to ruin my day. Live and learn. Premium hardware for bargain dollars + my labor is a theme for me in other endeavors as well, but it comes at an intangible cost.

The old workstation (top) is running a beta test for the Onion folks. The new workstation (bottom) is running an AMD 7700 with all the latest fancy electronic bells and whistles. I’ve started doing data backup locally over USB, so a network upgrade talked about years ago is still on hold. One gig isn’t enough bandwidth for my data on this net. But with USB3/c, local net capacity is an insignificant storage factor now.

Externally-facing production Stuff sits in the entertainment center. The operational Onion will eventually be replaced in that cabinet, soon as Onion3 is ready for Prime Time. That old Dell XPS in the lower-left was only the second vendor-built PC I ever acquired in the UK while we were there. It underwent several upgrades over the years and ran for the last time yesterday, coming up with a dead nic. I installed a new one, but that was the last time it would ever fire up. It’s an inactive display in the PC museum here now.

The holy piece of sheetmetal in the top left is the valve body separator from a Dodge truck transmission. I’m all over the map.

Ai Pause

If anybody saw his little interview with Tuckie, it’s pretty obvious the Chief Twit is putting the fear in fascism with his technoprenueur bid for Social Media wheelhouse dominance. It was almost mystical how the minions cheered his predicted launch failure the other day. He may not yet realize how a spacecraft gets only a very few chances to fly before the program is shelved.

I mean, who’s he think’s payin’ for that? Maybe he’ll just buy another one, like he bought Twitter™.

Better think this one all the way through. Computer’s not gonna do it for ya, no matter how hard you try.

Chinese Chipmakers

I just want you mutherfuckers to know you almost beat me this time. A little light research on the topic(s) indicates DDR5 and AM5 definitely were not ready for prime time at launch. I’ll never learn to stay off the bleeding edge. I was all set to give up running 128gig, when lo-and-behold, Asus decides to issue the first BIOS update for this board just yesterday. I now have a full set of properly trained DIMMS. Imagine that.