Why Not a “Z”?

You can run, but you can’t hide behind a new logo. Twitter™ stench will stain your nazi soul for eternity. Ask Zuckerboy how that whole Meta™ thing‘s workin’ out.

Elon Musk plans to change Twitter’s logo from a bird to an “X,” marking a major change since he purchased the platform for $44 billion last year. He aims to implement the change worldwide as soon as Monday.

You mean “another” major change?

Debian 12

Codename Bookworm. Kudos to the devs on this one. My servers aren’t cookie-cutter plain-vanilla-type stuff, so OS upgrades are typically non-trivial. In the almost two years since Bullseye hit the street, this one’s been reliable as a stone axe. I almost made the habitual mistake of re-building it from scratch when Bookworm rolled around, maybe a few hardware adjustments. It takes longer, but is a good way to re-familiarize and knock off some of the cruft. Instead, I went ahead and pleasantly surprised myself doing an in-place full-upgrade, just for shyts and grins. The basically 3-step process was 100% complete and successful in about an hour (as opposed to a day) after re-installing one app and one firmware package. Nice.

Pretty clear language that Red Hat is under new management.

Pay for less, or go Debian.

For my part, I miss Red Hat and the Hatter brand. It may have had its flaws and questionable motivations, but for all those problems it was a model for a successful corporation that was trying not to be so darn capitalistic. That’s something we could use these days.

Mitnick Dead at 59

Doubt if many today remember where the whole hacker thing got started. And I don’t recall ever hearing if we determined whether or not he turned out to actually be a good guy or a bad guy, overall. One thing’s for sure: He had the balls to go up against those mutherfuckers, right or wrong.

In the end, Mitnick would joke online about his early escapades like men his age who laugh about their own juvenile delinquency, and the Internet is loaded with his tips for avoiding foiling online predators.

Cyberspace’s most-wanted hacker and his unlikely capture in Raleigh in 1995.

Attackers find new ways to deliver DDoSes with “alarming” sophistication.

The Gubmit and Big Tech – gotta watch those fuckers all the time…

I still snicker reading the old accounts of how he penetrated security in the systems at all these big tech giants of the time. It’s only because they had none. It wasn’t even on the radar then. He was a clueful opportunist.

The Online Cyber Situation

Sorry for all the tech stuff, but that is my lane, having been the uber geek for several decades. With Twitter™ teetering on the brink, other offerings including Meta’s new Threads™ are coming into focus.

As far as I can tell, none of Mastodon’s 14.5 million users were affected by the bad lines of code, which seem to have been unexploited. But the situation does raise some uncomfortable concerns, including how long the critical issues would have sat dormant had Mozilla not been interested in paying to see if Mastodon was secure. And whether a bad actor could have gotten to it first.

One of the problems with all this cyber cr@p is the “data” as t’were, now includes alot of the money, as well.

Licensing and Copyright

Can I have a copy? Maybe use it just once? Not unless you pay for it. Everybody wants a subscription, and the tech companies want you to keep paying in perpetuity.

I’ve always been a big Sarah fan, and wish her luck. Hope she has some serious lawyer’ing behind it – they’re gonna need it. I find the parallels to this and the next post below, disturbing. Just exactly what does who own in the public domain, in terms of digital trees falling in online forests? I bet the Meta and ChatGPT lawyers got plenty of receipts. And where does the line between public and proprietary get drawn when ownership rights cross bank account boundaries?

Google hit with lawsuit alleging it stole data from millions of users to train its AI tools.

Interesting to note how every article in that list is rated high factuality.

Guess I won’t be repeating any of her jokes here.

You go, girl!

Anonymous Coward

This is what happens when Big Tech™ gets involved with open source: Oracle pours fuel all over Red Hat source code drama.

Redhat certification got me my first civilian job after retiring from the Air Force. Now I hate them. There are only two reasons people use computers: To save money and to make money. Those goals become mutually exclusive when open source is a cost/profit center in the corporation. Customers cannot reduce costs with vendors increasing prices.

Redhat’s new source code policy constitutes a real steep price increase. It’s pretty simple logic, to anyone with enough perspective to connect the dots.

I always remember the government shift to Linux during my last few years in the Air Force. Micro$oft had been raping them with licensing fees for going on two decades when somebody got the bright idea to start moving to open source. Now they just pay the Redhat and Oracle support contracts, and I doubt there’s any shortage of M$ code running around these days either.

Ask any former Trump attorney.

The Heron AI

Still not sure what the AI hullabaloo’s all about. This not-exactly-current example seems scary too, but why? Too many people playing what if games with information they don’t understand. The whole AI thing began back in the mid-90s when engineers started figuring out how to get lots of data together and make computers do stuff with it real fast.

This is only one of several AI-enabled programs USAF is presently exploring. Knowing them, there’s probably a whole separate umbrella program tying them all together stealing funds from personnel accounts intended for the people they’re trying to get off the payroll. Gotta keep that kill chain short as possible. Don’t think the other services are far behind. Just another spin of the tech wheel.

The Heron AI’s secret was its aggression. The AI had stood out from the other algorithms owing to its preference for head-on attacks with its simulated gun. With its bold tactics, the Heron drone neutralized a human pilot’s main advantage over an artificial mind: creativity.

If it’s job is to gun you down, that’s just what it’s gonna do. Doesn’t need to waste time thinking about it.

Navy can really use it – they’ve got alot of water to cover.
Mysterious Ways -U2

My Redhat Certification(s)

The company started out competing with Novell Netware in the late 90s. I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time (RAF Mildenhall, mid-90s) to receive vendor training from both, beginning my role as the go-to guy for computer stuff in the Comm Squadron and everywhere else I ended up from then on, throughout my entire career. Becoming a Certified Netware Administrator was just the start. I still get inquiries from recruiters with resume sorters thinking CNA stands for Certified Nursing Assistant.

Alot of engineers like me picked the winner back then, following the money. I now offer my Redhat status (608003927000141) in sacrifice to the Techno Greed Gods. You don’t need to get greedy with it. There’s enough money out there for everybody. Look in the mirror for explanations on the increasing level of difficulty making it. Redhat has embarked on the Technopreneur Greed Train, so I’m done with them. No more Fedora, RHEL, CentOS, Rocky, whatever, for me.

If your code sourced from the Novell spring, Fuck you assholes.

Like I been sayin’ – let ’em know what you think.

Called It Five Years Ago

Didn’t get around to actually documenting it until a little over a year ago. It is interesting to note how the marketing rhetoric tracks the financial downturn(s). Generating interest in time-wasting, money-sucking, mind-numbing bullshyt must be getting more difficult these days.

Wasting time and money is a national pastime around here. Just please don’t keep fucking up our fun like you have been ever since the media control program got out of hand in the run-up to Benedict Dotard’s new govern-by-tweet system, now established in the malleable minds of MAGA meatheads everywhere.

Ms. Grant should probably just look at the evidence and make a call. Waiting for Elon to do anything will only continue serving their purpose.

Took Awhile

..but people connected the dots after they eventually decided to board the social media greed train. Only problem for Reddit™ is they have a little different sort of clientele, some of whom take exception to it when greedy technoprenuers stick their fingers in pockets where they don’t belong. This feline ain’t no pussycat. What’s the one thing tech companies tolerate the least?

“BlackCat says that the data will be made public unless Reddit pays $4.5 million and withdraws the API pricing changes that will go into effect on July 1.”

Wonder if Huffman realizes how thin the ice under his position really is? APIs are irrelevant if nobody uses them.

Bye Bye Twit

I don’t believe those former Twitter™ employees are gonna regret it one bit in this tech mecca known as the greater Denver metro area. There’s more keyboard jokey jobs in a plethora of sectors around here than you can shake a stick at. It’s why we moved here from the Springs after I retired from the Air Force.

Authorities in Boulder, Colorado, have received the go-ahead to evict Twitter from its office.”

Havin’ fun yet, MAGA spaceboy?

Slow Sunday

I run connection tests at certain times to keep tabs on Centurylink™. They’ve been much better in most programming slots the past couple years, but still getting some excessive congestion Sunday morning. With all the reliance on cyber-fueled business and online operations of all kinds these days, you’d think a little better infrastructure might be called for.

I have so many 1st world problems it’s just ridiculous.

Just go to church already.
I’d pay for fiber to do this reliably, 24×7.