YouTube™ Can Suck a Fat One

It only takes a few seconds to delete their cookies and I’ll be watching whatever the fuck I want for hours on end ad-free, if I so please. Just make bookmarks for ur channels and let them serve the garbage to somebody else.

These fuckwits just don’t realize how the social media advertising phenomenon is only one of many quandaries ruining the Internet experience all across the board. They sit in their basement printing money, pointing their clientele at whatever dangerous scammin’ fraud might grab some eyeballs on the screen, while the rest of us wonder WTF?

How to fix the Internet.

Firefox 91 Introduces Enhanced Cookie Clearing.

Profit motives led platforms to ignore abuse too often, and they also enabled the spread of misinformation, the decline of local news, the rise of hyperpartisanship, and entirely new forms of bullying and bad behavior. All of that is true, and it barely scratches the surface.

I logged out for the last time yesterday. My comments and contributions will go unwritten and un-sent henceforth.
Wild Thing -Tone Loc

Encrypted Client Hello

I always switched between web browsers on-the-fly during my working years, normally running at least two simultaneously in different workspaces for comparo-contrast and diags. But usually it was for some workaround or proprietary app bug that made using one or the other necessary – or even a stated requirement in some cases. Internet Explorer™ was notorious for that for literally decades. It’s almost like people selling eye-wear saying you need to use their color lenses to see the world.

It’s still true for me today, albeit from a much less stressful perspective. Supporting users in the early browser war days was an effing nightmare. Now it seems to have stalemated into trench warfare, with sides taken and ecosystems established. Last year’s move back into Firefox for a fresh look was good. It’s getting better.

Chinese Running Wild on the Net

No news to me, really. I been blocking new addresses coming out of mainland China and Hong Kong on an almost daily basis for years. That activity is currently on a sharp uptick. It’s varied from time-to-time, but I view the current trend as alarming.

Russia’s little Ukraine adventure had the odd side effect of emboldening the Chinese not to support them, but rather to slip right into the power vacuum it created and move in their own direction towards world domination. Make no mistake – the current network-wide security situation is no different than Ukrainian artillery softening up Russian trench lines.

Like a scared mobik hugging his AK in one of those trenches somewhere, I’m just waiting to see what direction they go from here.

Group Attacking iPhone Encryption Backed by U.S. Political Dark-Money Network.

Anybody who doesn’t recognize network control as the linchpin for alot of Stuff needs to wise the fuck up.


NASA Battery Tech to Deliver for the Grid. I been sayin’ we’re gonna need a battery and/or solar breakthrough for at least the past ten years. Turns out maybe an answer has been sitting right in front of us all along. The more things change…

Managing that battery was a big operational issue. But Ikonos failed mechanically and would have ran out of fuel long before the batteries died.

Joby Aviation

Quad copters reach critical mass. Corporate and Military aviation might be the biggest contributor to carbonizing the atmosphere. Once again, USAF takes the lead.

Six rotors. Ahead of schedule? Never happened before.


Looks to be pointed at Windoze. Imagine that. Cyber security’s taking on a whole new paradigm now that M$ basically owns and controls Open-AI™.

Micro$oft has been the biggest risk to online security since day one.

Muskovite Continues to Strike

Musk’s Neuralink to Start Human Trial of Brain Implant. Probably just trying to figure out how to shut it down for space travel.

CHATSUM: Elon Musk’s brain-chip startup Neuralink has received approval to begin recruitment for the first human trial of its brain implant for paralysis patients, targeting those with cervical spinal cord injury or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

The UAW needs some better backend …if Twitter messaging is anything important to the cause. Musk’s general outlook on life has become pretty clear. MAGA Spaceboy is out to create havoc and doing a damn good job of it.

I should sign up for the trial!

I have a Question for Musk

Who’s side are you on?

Don’t say neither, you’re just anti-war. You can go suck some hard, throbbing Putin cock, mutherfucker.
X (Twitter) Failed to Act on 86% of Hate Speech Posts. Fucking nazi POS.

Chinese Gettin’ Antsy

Ever wonder why the Chinese and Russians might be interested in our elections?

A Microsoft spokesperson told Reuters that the company’s researcher used a “multifaceted attribution model,” which relies on “technical evidence, behavioral evidence and contextual evidence.”

Maybve help to brush up on ur AI. Hallucination: An incorrect response from AI. Can include generative AI producing answers that are incorrect but stated with confidence as if correct. The reasons for this aren’t entirely known. For example, when asking an AI chatbot, “When did Leonardo da Vinci paint the Mona Lisa?” it may respond with an incorrect statement saying, “Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in 1815,” which is 300 years after it was actually painted.

SANSSUM: Microsoft has released the findings of its investigation into how threat actors were able to acquire a “Microsoft account (MSA) consumer key to forge tokens to access OWA and” An April 2021 consumer signing system crash led to an automated crash dump; sensitive information like signing keys is not supposed to be included in these dumps, but a bug allowed the key to slip through. The crash dump was later moved to a debugging environment. At some point after April 2021, the threat actors managed to compromise a Microsoft engineer’s account. That engineer had access to the debugging environment.

Same/similar MO appearing on a regular basis now.

Democracy or authoritarianism? It’s not your call, unless you wanna get off ur ass and help. It only takes a few handfuls of fuckwits to support a dictator (19 in this case). It takes a nation of smart people to run a democracy.

Told Ya This Guy’s a Fuckass

No, not Clapton, once again – this one.

CHATSUM: A year-long study by the European Commission has revealed that under Elon Musk‘s ownership, Twitter played a significant role in spreading Russian propaganda about Ukraine, surpassing the reach before the war began. The study also found that other social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, owned by Meta, received criticism for failing to stop the spread of Russian propaganda.

Fired Twitter employees withheld severance backfires.

Might be the first actual imbecile people really believed was a genius.

The More Things Change…

…the more they don’t? I wasn’t around at the turn of the last century, but from what I can tell, media sensationalism is still alive and well today. I guess the change as t’were, means including all the ephemeral electronic hogwash floating around on the social media cesspool and elsewhere in the cyber realm. And remember: the traditional outlets been doing it online and over the airwaves all along.

Doing what? Yellow Journalism. Fake News is just a new term for the same old shyt. Only real difference now is politics isn’t the primary topic pervading the marketing message everywhere you turn. I no longer participate much in the social media scene except for the occasional snipe at some of the most egregious offenders coming to my attention from time-to-time. But I see it all over Youtube™ now – people scrambling to be the first to slant the latest headline in whatever direction their proclivities take them. The scary part to me me at this stage is, where do the Mega Churches go from here? Guess it just depends on whether or not they can find the right IT staff.

Considering the marketing, sales and promotional crap of all kinds being foisted on receptive targets at scale all across the cyber realm today, the competition for your attention, time and money has never been keener. AI’s been here all along – it just recently came out of the closet, and you are it’s avowed electronic marketing target. There’s plenty of money to go around, but as long as the main point for earners on the cyber stage is making more of it, we’ll be doing the Yellow Journalism thing for a long time to come.

Too bad all the trees Hearst killed to print his papers weren’t publishing more in the way of truth – the greenhouse deficit might be reversed. Funny how alleged crime seems to be such a central theme in all the MAGA crap, eh? Bandits knew right from the beginning how the number of gullible, stupid people out there represents a tremendous opportunity. Don’t give it to them!

Oh Wait – We Need That!

I been toying with the idea of starting a Telegram™ feed to get better updates on the Ukraine situation, but it’s Russian roots give me pause. Regardless, ya think these craven religious fanatics and greedy capitalists will ever learn how real communication is a two-way street? It’s a big issue surrounding alot of problems. Some seem to believe they can just broadcast whatever the fuck and the rest of the world will compliantly fall in line.

People should think twice about all this banning crap. Free markets certainly do have certain benefits and drawbacks. But authoritarianism in all it’s forms both foreign and domestic, is a different story.

With Twitter on the ropes, Telegram’s poised for a big run if Putin doesn’t fuck that up too.

What Was That About Regulating AI Again?

You’ve been warned. As if bad actors on the net weren’t already doing a damn good job destroying online society, now their bots are gonna be smarter than the rest of us.

I know, I know – that regulation stuff is just for the people using it legally. Fine.

Streaming reality is not digital, and computers don’t know anything we don’t tell them. Analog’s the new frontier for fighting these fuckers. Just a hint.