Diva Down Nailed It

it’s a searing broadside that hits the Tesla and SpaceX CEO where it hurts: as a guy with genuine accomplishments who often seems deadset on undoing that legacy with a series of increasingly public outbursts, irrational conspiracy theories, and ham-brained business decisions.

Grok this.

First off, let’s talk about your obsession with X. It’s like you’re trying to compensate for something, but I’m not sure what. Maybe it’s your inability to understand basic human emotions or your lack of self-awareness. Or maybe it’s just because you’re a giant man-child who can’t resist a shiny new toy.

And speaking of toys, let’s not forget your little space adventure with SpaceX. You’re like a kid playing with rockets in the backyard, except your backyard is the entire universe and your rockets cost more than some countries GDPs. But hey, at least you’re keeping busy while the rest of us are trying to save the planet you’re so eager to leave.

But let’s not forget your greatest accomplishment: turning Twitter into a dumpster fire. Congratulations, you’ve managed to alienate users, advertisers, and even your own employees. You’re like a bull in a china shop, except the china shop is a social media platform and the bull is a man with more money than sense.

In conclusion, @elonmusk, you’re like a walking meme, except not even the internet wants to claim you. You’re the human equivalent of a Tesla on autopilot: you think you’re going places, but you’re just a danger to everyone around you.

-Grok AI, Courtesy Spaceboy himself.

Elon Musk’s First Wife And Mother Of 5 Kids Says He Had The Marriage Therapist Break The News He Was Filing For Divorce — And Claims He Was Engaged To Another Woman Just Six Weeks Later.

Elon Needs a Stainless Reputation

Don’t forget Starman. Then there’s the Starship. We’re gonna need either better batteries and/or on-the-fly charging. How about some photovoltaic paint? Make different body panels anodes or cathodes, whatever. I could get behind something like that. I’m all onboard the EV train, but it hasn’t left the station yet, as far as I am concerned.

Munster, however, said that at its current production level, Tesla  (TSLA) – will probably lose $40,000 on each Cybertruck before they intensely scale up production.

Mmmmkay. Who they scalin’ it up for?

Some of the good.

That’s one serious pricing turnaround right there, buddy.

Favorite Fellow

Guys like me don’t really have heroes, in the traditional sense of the word. Maybe the astronauts. I’m a football fan, enjoy tracking the best QB’s but that’s about as far as it goes – don’t know their stats or other details. Healthy disdain for most politicians and celebrities is the attitude on that topic, for me.

But if I had to pick one person to be my own personal hero, it might be Luiz. He took the first steps on the high tech build-out, followed through and provided the foundation upon which our data-driven society exists today. I’ve had tremendous success emulating his ideas in my own environments over the years. This is one guy who really knew what he was doing.

Cyber pros avoid smart devices.

Luiz André Barroso 1965-2003

X – The New Symbol for Monetary Black Holes🇺🇸

When MAGA Spaceboy blew north of $40B on Twitter™, I thought “great, maybe that’ll slow him down.” It was after all, at least on paper, his money. They got a little further than last time. Starship should reach IOC by around turn of the century, at this rate.

Made it up to 92 miles. Sucks when ur playin’ catchup to Richard Branson in this business. Really sucks when taxpayers are footing the bill. FAA re-certifications alone are probably into the $milions$ by now. WTF are we payin’ for?

Need to get the NASA budget sorted and absorb this crap, borg style. Running Space like a business is gonna be problematic. We might need contractors to do Stuff, but they can’t be running the show.

B-21’s In the Air

Northrop is calling the plane a sixth generation aircraft given its ability to connect to other aircraft and easily integrate future weapons into its systems architecture.

Network integration meets dominant aerial stealth.


Don’t know if still true today, but Oracle used to be king of the database realm at one point in time. Whatever happened to Larry Ellison?

The move created headaches for distributions that had sprung up in the wake of the CentOS termination, such as Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux, and had the frankly surreal effect of making Oracle – famed for its handling of Java – appear as … the good guys?

Musk Plays Fear Monger

Makes sense, that being the primary motivator in the authoritarian political realm he seeks to dabble in. Combining it with tech seems a bit disingenuous, even for him. Doing it with Rogan is just laughable. Poo-pooing things you don’t understand and control works in alot of mundane circumstances for garden variety manipulators. Elon needs to do his homework if he wants to swim with the big fish.

US-UK-CN Agree to Attempt AI Risk Management. Perhaps consider the possibility Elon himself personifies a big risk in terms of what problems AI may or may not help solve.

Fuck this asshole.

He might be smart enough to know people like him become prime AI targets for elimination by a well-developed AGI. I’ll give him that much.

Security Costs

…both ways – whether you have it or not. The concept has finally fully migrated to the high tech domain. Solarwinds was a wake-up call to alot of people, myself included. Many in the cyber spook community would recoil at the carelessly audacious displays of my networking doo-doo here, but they might be overlooking something too obvious. It’s the same thing that sunk Solarwinds. It was true on day one and stands true today: The worst security vulnerability is the one you don’t know about.

One person can only do so much. This blog site is simple as they get and as close to the proverbial computer sealed in a vault at the bottom of the ocean as can be – except it’s connected to a network. Trying to do too much with too little is always a fool’s errand. Whether or not Timothy Brown actually did anything wrong at Solarwinds remains to be seen. Can’t wait to see what they have to show for it.

The actual mistake exposing the supply chain to exploit was a simple oversight by one or two individuals in the development department. But it’s all connected in some form or fashion. The cyber-security issues floating around in everything encompassed in the crypto/banking industry, social media, AI, propagandized political hate, miscellaneous web fuckery and the systems supporting them are way bigger than any one person or company.

This one was pretty expensive. Spending alot more time on the firewall nowadays.

Time for some Law Enforcement

I can always get behind that when it involves clamping down on organized child abusers. Still can’t get over that bunch with the daycare fentanyl in NY. Proud to see Colorado leading the effort against the really dangerous ones pervading online spaces. It might be too early to tell, but I’m seeing an entire generation scarred from this cr@p.

FILE – The Meta logo is seen at the Vivatech show in Paris, France, on June 14, 2023. A group of 33 states including California and New York are suing Meta Platforms Inc. for harming young people’s mental health and contributing the youth mental health crisis by knowingly designing features on Instagram and Facebook that addict children to its platforms. (AP Photo/Thibault Camus, File)

What was that About AI, Again?

Yes, extinction and slavery are issues, but work-forces have historically suffered the most during big economic paradigm shifts. Everybody got all worked up about it for a couple months after the public intro. Just not sure how many realize it’s been here all along, slowly, inexorably seeping into the programming on numerous fronts in the high tech battlespace.

2023 Tech Layoff List.

Having knowledge and actually working with it are two different things.

My Apologies to the Russians

I mean as a nation, just generally speaking. I get how your MAGA-type problem is orders of magnitude worse than what we’re dealing with here. Your networks seem to reflect society in that they’re also permeated with the digital n’ere-do-well types doing some of the most annoying web fuckery these days. Always have been actually, just that it’s more recently come to my attention again.

Still not sure what you been doing all year, but it’s starting to look like that game’s over now. Prolly see the write-up in Wired™ after a few months. So with the exception of the few who got picked off in real-time this morning, again, my apologies. Russia’s just off the net table, so stop complaining.

See ya after the war…

Any Doubt…

…this was AI-generated? They been hiding behind this shyt on an ever-increasing basis for years. Apparently customers stopped rising to the level of human interaction some time ago. Better learn how to train a chatbot if you want anything from these assholes ever again.

Dead fuckin’ serious. I’d prefer to hear from somebody at corporate.
Easy Come Easy Go -Winger