Another Vape Review

The Utilian Bubbler coupled with a Crafty+ earned Ultimate Vape Rig accolades a couple months ago. That thing is one impressive little piece of glass. The design effectively renders it a 2-stage device in an amazingly compact package. This feature makes filling a little iffy, until you get the trick. It’s paired with the new Davinci IQc in this review. The Davinci’s conduction heater design gave me a little unexpected learning curve. Unlike mentioned in that last review, the Davinci can be harnessed with a Utilian.

I bought an early Davinci years ago as my 3rd or 4th choice back around the time when I started with the weed for my arthritis. They certainly are quality, well-made units, but I didn’t like it then due to an apparent lack of airflow and ended up gifting it to a friend. Now I know what I was doing wrong – it’s all about the bowl/oven. The Davinci has an elongated tubular bowl design, so if you get it packed even a little, airflow is restricted. The real trick making it work well with a bubbler is to crack open the oven lid while hitting it. Conduction vapes just tend to have slower flow by design for whatever reasons that may entail. The thing I really like about the Davinci tho, is it seems to run to full temp on high, producing copious amounts of thick vapor. That is a drawback on the Crafty+ – doesn’t get hot enough to boil all the CBD, if that’s what’s in there.

…Leading to the next important point on the IQc: It gets warm. Although not really necessary, I like using a whip with these things. The good brand-name stuff is probably safe, but there have been episodes of cheap/knockoff vape hardware overheating and even blowing up in people’s faces due to battery issues. Regardless, anything extending the air path helps with cooling. The brass connector on this one came about just recently after I broke the first Utilian when it slipped off the end of the whip. ;-(

JWST Update #12

With the initial rush in the rear-view mirror, it’s time to get down to business.

“It works better than I think almost anyone hoped. It’s really a miracle,” says Rachel Somerville, an astronomer with the Flatiron Institute. “This is like nothing I’ve experienced.”

The link on that Ops overview snap takes you to the where-is-webb page on NASA’s site.


The new Space Launch System anchored by the biggest rocket to ever attempt leaving the planet known as Artemis-1, is almost ready. We’ll be following the next Big NASA Thing along with JWST in the science and tech categories for the foreseeable future. These things do after all, represent mankind’s foreseeable future, to me.

There’s more thrust in any one place than we’ve ever seen before.


It applies to this site like the cartoon says, except I update. in Chrome now it just says “not secure.” Security – what a concept. Anybody remember Heartbleed? There’s nothing being sold, hidden or denied here needing any security, so encryption of any sort would only unnecessarily consume CPU cycles. Even the password-protected Stuff is not all that sensitive around here – just a few limited distribution items.

Check the Privacy Policy for details…

JWST Update #010

Everybody puckered a bit the other day when we sustained Webb’s 1st major FOD impact. I doubt the FAA is involved with this, but it’s basically the the same issue. We’re just inside a month’s waiting to see the first full-color images.

Those mirrors might be the highest tech things to ever come off this planet.

Immune to Coherent Narrative?

It’s a question media consumers, be they social media butterflies, infotainment addicts, or regular people just trying to get work done or relax, should be asking themselves. I’ve heard friends relate disturbing politico accounts more than once in the past couple years, basically amounting to talk to the hand. Society’s transition to digital thought control took place while nobody was watching, and the results aren’t pretty.

When topics like climate change, abortion, gun control, whatever divisive issue you’d care to mention come up, it’s hard to penetrate the cranial armor when the mind inside is already made up. That’s OK too, as long as nobody gets hurt. The problem is, everybody has a vote in this so-called democratic society, and people in power these days clearly do not care who gets hurt.

If you are a Tucker Carlson fan who thinks it’s just great sticking it to the libs, good for you. You’ve been inoculated against reasonable thought. Just be aware that festering internal injuries, both physical and/or mental, can get you killed. Ask the cop who finally managed to pop the Uvalde shooter after most of the killing was long over.

JWST Update #008

This is what we’ve all been waiting for. Now the fun begins…

It’s gonna be like takin’ off the blinders.

Twitter Analysis Ongoing?

It only took me two years in a little spare time to figure it out. What’s the holdup, Elon – too busy with the crypto or battery Stuff? Twitter should be a public utility like electricity or sewage. More like the latter.

I have been calling for social media user vetting for DECADES!

JWST Update #006

I heard that last instrument was just shy of absolute zero a couple days ago. It’s a new dawn in space exploration.

The first project for JWST is to look at an exoplanet system called TRAPPIST-1, which is 40 light years away from us. This consists of seven rocky Earth-sized planets in orbit around a cool red dwarf star. Three of the rocky planets are in the so-called habitable zone, which means they could have liquid water on their surfaces. The TRAPPIST-1 star is only 1/10 the mass of our sun and is much cooler, but the planets orbit close to the star so they receive light levels similar to here on Earth.


For the time being it will be just “JWST,” to me.

The only thing I know about James Webb is he was probably some sort of nazi.