No Doubt “Twitter Will Feel Faster”

…to those remaining after another big passel of users goes away for various reasons. Hell, why not jut cut them off altogether? Those Asian carriers can’t possibly be vectoring that much advertising traffic after all, can they? Dumping them should help with the accelerating revenue loss, right?

Damn, Elon. WTF?

Like Napoleon Bonespurs listening to Navarro telling him about transportation, the Chief Twit probably listens to so-called current “architects” at Twitter™ who weren’t smart enough to get out when the gettin’ was good.

Internet Wide Open

No, not the security issues. That herd left the barn thirty years ago. But it’s running really good on Centurylink here in Denver. This SpeedOfMe test graph shows the connection from my perspective on an early holiday morning when most people are still in bed.

18ms latency is what makes it feel fast.

We’re paying for 60/6, so the service is clearly impressive. You can run these tests at different times of the day and week when net usage patterns change to see the congestion issues. Latency starts increasing almost daily in the evening as more people get parked in front of Netflix or whatever. Lately it’s been getting better than before, when under certain circumstances, it would nearly grind to a halt.

JWST Update #18

One of our newest space-faring robots has been delivering beyond anyone’s expectations.

“About 13 billion years ago, the stars in the Universe’s earliest galaxies sent photons out into space. Some of those photons ended their epic journey on the James Webb Space Telescope’s gold-plated, beryllium mirrors in the last few months.”

Let there be light.

Twitter™ Phase Ramping Up

The Truth Social debacle called for extraordinary recourse. I have to admit, Felonius Fuckwit‘s doing a good job keeping it all about him, just not in the way he’d like.

Keith Olbermann has this Stuff figured out before it happens.

If you thought Twitter™ was bad before

Starting to look like sheltering the racist and ignorant has gone completely off the rails in this country. MAGA puppeteers like Apartheid Klyde here, know they can’t win the online debate with charlatans, creeps and morons.

TikTok Banned?

I’m not writing an opinion piece on this. Not worth my time. When are these reality-challenged politicians ever gonna realize they can’t just ban Stuff they don’t like and it’ll all be hunky-dory? How’s that been workin’ out, I mean just historically speaking?

Get those IoT warning stickers out there, guys – you’re on your own.

Artemis-1 Highlights

The new space program is exciting and spectacular on many levels. Astronauts, rockets and space travel are just oh so fascinating. But like it takes 4-5 support personnel to field every infantryman in the Army, it takes thousands of support personnel for every astronaut on the mission.

These guys work where the rubber meets the launch road.

Google Battery Bullshyt

Somebody should explain to me how, when occasionally I plug a phone in to charge, some time later I find it telling me no, not gonna do that – battery charging is presently restricted. Or when I try to run some app, it refuses, because it’s not plugged in or the battery is too low?

It’s just another example of big tech competition vying for your stupidity. You can’t be trusted to manage your own battery. But the code monkeys sure as hell can gen up some tricks to give them total control of it, squeezing out the last electron in a use case scenario only they and the Marketing Dept. has any clues about.

Fuck your battery bullshyt, Google! And stop resetting it with every update, mutherfuckers.

Gettin’ tired of this stupid, adaptive battery shyt.

Another Big Fucking Surprise

It’s been obvious to me for years. These people really suck bad.

“The board said Meta appeared to be more concerned with avoiding “provoking” VIPs and evading accusations of censorship than balancing tricky questions of free speech and safety.”

1 Hacker Way? Presumptuous little twit.


No new bomber gets rolled out without a mention on this page. Can’t wait to meet this lovely lady up close.

Air Force Reveals New B-21 Bomber.

“The ceremony was attended by families of some of the Doolittle Raiders and a crowd of Northrop Grumman employees. Their mood was celebratory, as employees occasionally broke into chants of “USA! USA!” and cheered.”

Will true stealth be affordable this time?

M777 – Saving the Day in Donetsk

The Chinese probably have a good lead on Russia in terms of their quality in the military technology department. Russian failure to field even one operational true stealth fighter in the course of that program thus far is most of what you need to know about the Russian war machine. The rest is scattered in burnt-out hulks across the Ukrainian landscape.

Better than Tumblr!

Wanna play with computers? Knock yourself out, but please clean up the mess when you’re through. Still not sure what we even need Twitter™ for at all. Social media is just a cheaper, faster way to do what the legacy media companies have been doing all along, with some new bells and whistles.

How much media do you need to ingest, and how would you like it created? All I want is a pretty lady telling me the weather when I’m in the mood for some background noise.

Take a few training classes, learn some shell scripting and you don’t need any of this crap. Sure, that’s easy for me to say, but trust me – it’s not that hard – I’m high-functioning autistic. Why do you think there were so many (claimed) redundant Twitter™ employees? So many trying to do it.
Endless ranting about Musk and Twitter is getting annoying.