Wisdom From Space

I didn’t see the economy. But since our human-made systems treat everything, including the very life-support systems of our planet, as the wholly owned subsidiary of the global economy, it’s obvious from the vantage point of space that we’re living a lie.

Minor quibble: We’re dying in a lie.


(S)pace (L)aunch (S)ystem (O)vercome (B)y (E)vents. I suffer military acronym impairment.

Whereas NASA’s ‘stretch’ goal for SLS is to launch the rocket twice a year, SpaceX is working toward launching multiple Starships a day. How or why the government would want to compete with that seems to be outside the realm of reason.


In short, the energy that Edison predicted is already here thanks to NASA. It is extremely powerful and records an efficiency never seen before in history.

Is this the breakthrough we’ve been waiting for?

Psychobabble -Alan Parsons Project

Word Salad

The Supreme Cunts like it, too. String together a bunch of flowery prose with lots of adjectives and adverbs and what do you get? Back in the day, it would be the office poseur, demonstrating their lack of competence. Nowadays, it’s AI. Makes great spam for gullible consumers. Gets scary when the mainstream media distributes it.

Before 2023, it took a major world event like the coronavirus pandemic to see large jumps in word usage like this.

Penetrating the minds and bodies of the weak and stupid.

Roadside Repairs

I stopped doing it sometime around the turn of the century. Parts were just too expensive and hard to come by in England. But you shouldn’t really expect it, unless you’re driving old, high-mileage equipment. People complain about the cost of auto repairs, but they’ll never appreciate it until attempting some themselves. Most never do. After hearing the story about that 6.7 Ram hub failure, Tanner‘s the king of that realm, no doubt.

There’s just alot of circumstances where this type stuff becomes a real sketchy proposition.

Since its June 5 liftoff, Starliner has experienced at least five helium leaks. In addition, some of the capsule’s thrusters have failed.

Get a Dragon return setup and put the starjunker on autopilot.
Space Oddity -David Bowie

Larry Finger

I remember the early days of Linux wifi, but did not know about this guy, until seeing his obituary today. He might be the one who saved Linux for the masses.

Lots of people have commented on the crucial work Finger did to make Linux usable for more people. A few mention that Finger also mentored people, the kind of unseen work that has exponential effects. “MB” wrote on LWN.net that Finger “mentored other people to get the Broadcom Open Source code into kernel. And I think it was a huge success. And that was only a small part of Larry’s success story.”

Doomed to Isolation?

I just found my soul-mate – on a news outlet website – even less impersonal than the social media form. I don’t enjoy the gossip, but a few keywords triggered a click on this, for me.

Dear No Communication: There is nothing wrong with not wanting to be on social media. My guess is that you will have more “quality friends” over many “quantity friends.” Would you rather have four silver quarters or 100 pennies in your pocket? You will get the quality if you continue to be you. Listen to your intuition about not wanting social media. You are ahead of your time. People are becoming increasingly aware of the negative impact of social media on their mental health

Bad Actors

WTF is wrong with us? I mean, when bias and discrimination actually are the goals from the christo-fascist far right at least, what does anybody expect? Do people believe Altman is really totally altruistic, ever was? He knows about the on/off modulator as well as anybody. People have to use the shyt first, before anything else happens because of it. That’s where the money’s at, and people as a species generally suck when it comes to going after the easy kind. That’s also why the Pope, of all people, seems worried about it.

We’ll have AI Coordinator positions opening up on the pro coaching staffs anytime now. I like living where the scenery changes. Only the lead dog…

Colorado’s new law requires companies to inform people when an AI system is being used, and, if someone thinks the technology has treated them unfairly, allows them to correct some of the input data or file a complaint. It won’t allow an individual to sue over AI use, but sets up a process to look into potential consequences for bad actors.

Funky Cold Medina -Tone Loc

Micro$oft Security

It bears repeating in the context of systems security, here: The difference between smart people and dumb people isn’t that smart people don’t make mistakes. They just don’t keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

M$ has always loomed large as a security issue of one sort or another, to me. Remember Active-X? Macros from hell? The first 10 versions of IIS were so rife with network vulnerabilities you dared not put them online without various certifications first, if you liked your job. More recently they’ve been hosting all sorts of hackers on Azure, and even today, I have to shame them into doing anything.

It stopped the next day.

Whistleblower tells ProPublica about Microsoft’s cybersecurity lapses.

Microsoft President Grilled by Congress Over Cybersecurity Failures.

I’ve not seen enough of the technical details to get how Solawrwinds figured into the mix, but the allegation doesn’t surprise me.

Sagan Channels Asimov

The Cult of Ignorance -Isaac Asimov, January 21, 1980

15 years later… “I have a foreboding of America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time–when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all of the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; with our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.

And when the dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30-second sound bites now down to 10 seconds or less, lowest-common-denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.”

Today, it’s the MAGA Trump cult.

William Anders: Earthrise

There’s no doubt Bill Anders’ contributions go well beyond photography. Literally defining the concept of perspective in celestial terms might be a good place to start.

NASA Administrator Remembers Apollo Astronaut William Anders.

We came all this way to explore the Moon, and the most important thing is that we discovered the Earth.

“At every step of Bill’s life was the iron will of a pioneer, the grand passion of a visionary, the cool skill of a pilot, and the heart of an adventurer who explored on behalf of all of us. His impact will live on through the generations. All of NASA, and all of those who look up into the twinkling heavens and see grand new possibilities of dazzling new dreams, will miss a great hero who has passed on: Bill Anders.”

Portrait of the crew of NASA’s Apollo 8, Florida, December 1968. Pictured are, from left, command module pilot James Lovell, lunar module pilot William Anders, and Commander Frank Borman.
Power of Love -Huey Lewis and the News

Tesla Game Over

I just hope the charging network survives to grow in somebody else’s hands. Space-X now also flirts with resource-sensitive delays and related issues. People in the Musk ecosystem need to get a grip before the implosion starts.

…explains why Musk told investors in April that Tesla had spent $1 billion on GPUs in the first three months of this year, almost as much as it spent on R&D, despite being desperate for new models to add to what is now an old and very limited product lineup that is suffering rapidly declining sales in the US and China.

And OBTW, I’m sure you’re aware, he wants $56B of your dollars to continue doing this.

AF POY 2024

Timing is everything.

A U.S. Air Force F-35A Lightning II performs at the Air and Sea Air Show in the skies above Miami Beach, Fla., May 25, 2024. The F-35A is a versatile, high-performance fighter that combines stealth, sensor fusion and unprecedented situational awareness. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Zachary Rufus)