Must Be The School’s Fault

My opinion on teaching and related topics is probably not the most credible. But it seems to me, even casual observers might accurately deduce the problem with recent anti-LBGTQ/Rascist schisms taking place in conservatively-administered American school boards across the country. Sorry if it appears so obvious, to me. We can’t blame the parents for being stupid, but we can blame the schools for failing to properly educate them.

These issues should have been laid to rest decades ago. The only way to preserve the misogynistic, xenophobic, racist status quo is for these selfish cocksuckers to keep trying to suppress knowledge and common sense. That’s the only remaining method for the nazis to get any input. The term ‘special interest” in politics used to refer to small groups outside the mainstream. Not any more.

The QR Code works!

Elon Needs More Oil ‘n Gas

“The question is just at what rate do we move to a sustainable energy future?” Said the guy who burns enough hydrocarbons in 30 seconds to heat a small town all winter every so often. Does Mr. Musk not know the answer, for once?

The answer is: NOT FAST ENOUGH, spaceboy. Better be careful you don’t get too diversified in your quest for Muskology or whatever the fuck your overall goals might be.

Should I tunnel, drive or rocket away from this mess? Maybe just fuck it ALL up with AI. Hmmmm…

Lagging Indicators

Like the pandemic death count following ill-advised suppression tactics, recently completed rainfall number crunching all of a sudden says 1,200 year drought.

It’s gonna get ugly after the people downstream realize what happened.

Joe Rogan

This racist WWE fighter turned stand-up comedian, turned reality TV show host, turned podcast commentator is an every-man’s version of the smooth-talkin’ politician wannabe. Interesting guests, controversial topics, with lots of insightful judgement and advice that sounds good to misinformed idiots. Some might even consider it great entertainment. Too bad Rogan’s content creators have no clue about half the shyt running out their mouths. Wanna put shyt on the Internet, mutherfucker? Welcome to my nightmare.

You “don’t always get it right?” Who made you the arbiter of always and right? Anybody listening to his podcast two years ago heard about how he was getting lockdown ready “for a month.” He’s one of those fuckwits who thinks everything’s in his lane – total moron. Look what all that popularity got you now. Joe Rogan, his MAGA community and every one of his anti-vaxx guests can suck my dick and choke on it.

It’s easier to taste that marketing money when your head is not firmly planted up your poop chute.

STEM, Baby!

This is what I’m talking about. There certainly is no dearth of depressing political news to process, but occasionally I find hope in the young folks coming up in the system. Every so often I see one of these young ladies doing the STEM thing in amazingly impressive fashion and feel less pessimistic. Katie Melbourne is on a long trajectory to success of the highest order.

Smartest new space cadet in these parts.

JWST Update 001

I remember on the Ikonos gig how everybody was always worried about how long it would last. Most were probably worried more about their jobs than the spacecraft. Turned out we had plenty of fuel. The less-than-perfectly-crafted reaction wheels eventually doomed it. Looks like Webb also has plenty of fuel to work with, going forward.

She might be burnin’ for another 20 years…

Now for the tricky part…

A Significantly Weaker America

It’s been 18 years since I retired from the Air Force. They still let me on base, but being retired is an outsider position, with no real insight to what’s going on in the organization. This year’s Heritage Foundation report confirmed suspicions brewing in news reports for years.

“For decades, the perception of American strength and resolve has served as a deterrent to adventurous bad actors and tyrannical dictators,” the report reads. “Regrettably, both that perception and, as a consequence, its deterrent effect are eroding. The result is an increasingly dangerous world threatening a significantly weaker America.”

Old jets, new space, lotsa problems.

Being conservative hawks, of course they’re always lobbying for more defense spending. Playing catch-up will be a more expensive defense strategy, with less available to spend on it going forward. Chickens are roosting.

Go Rover!

Randall’s on a roll…

When does space exploration become a high-level controversy?