Biggest Power Grab in History

…said the cocksucker with a Trump dick so far up his ass it’s starting to slur his speech. Oddly, this moron was one of the few Repugs warning of Trump danger back in 2016. Funny how the liars often accuse their victims of the same thing they are trying to hide for their own sake. The reality of Lindsey’s debacle in this case is really the opposite of his baneful bleating.

Whether or not conservatives yet realize it, the biggest POWER LOSS in history has already taken place. The current political climate following a failed coup is merely a reflection and confirmation of this fact. Another fact belying elected officials’ vulnerability across the country is telling: The GOP is dead as an effective political machine. A handful of senators from the farmlands and backwoods of a long past agrarian society will no longer dictate national policy for the benefit of a few to the detriment of the country at large.

The number of truth-aware voters is growing. The number clinging to hate, racism and fascism is shrinking. Get over it assholes.

…with a taste for Trump dick.

Portland Cops Have a Hissy Fit

Seems even the Portland Police themselves realize they have a big problem. I just love how headlines across the country plaster “Portland Police Resign” all across the media horizon. This was no resignation, en mass or otherwise. It’s a bunch of disgruntled cops unhappy about the additional duty they volunteered for.

Time to start looking for new work if you don’t like the job. Too bad the city is no longer supporting your racist, authoritarian attitudes. Like I been saying multiple times over the past couple years: The police can just go fuck themselves.

Havin’ fun yet, mutherfuckers?

Southern Baptists Evaluate Hell

You know it must be a gang of fuck-ass fairy tale charlatans, when the most important things they have to do are rail against abortion and their own leader’s criminal behavior.

“Separately, the convention approved its most absolutist statement yet in opposition to abortion, a resolution calling for its immediate banning without exception and calling it a “crime against humanity that must be punished equally under the law.”

Gotta be more careful with the ass fuckin’ buddy.

Anybody remember how these cocksuckers split with the sane people in their church up North over abolition? These mutherfuckers can go straight to Hell right along with the Catholics and ALL science-rejecting, bible thumping assholes the world over.

Don’t Forget to Turn Off the Lights

Somebody left that gaslight turned on in DC. Apparently Trump supporters remaining in government continue attempting to whitewash his treasonous depravity. How the devout cannot feel grievously insulted is beyond me. How the authorities can get away with publishing a re-framed account of an obvious, video-graphed event like this is beyond the pale. Are the unemployment statistics preventing another crop of firings from within our subverted government?

Is it real? Or just a figment of your gaslit imagination?

I can’t remember when the Park Police started flying Blackhawks, so we’re gonna need a little clarification on that. The previous administration was thoroughly imbued with criminal sedition.

Texas Mosquitos

Texas has taken on an unusual level of interest to me lately for a number of different reasons. Our oldest daughter Phoebe, now lives in the small town of Mason. Texas suffered some of the worst pandemic consequences. And they have risen to share a large amount of the political angst presently gripping the country. It’s alot to unpack. But Jeff Goodell did a great job connecting the dots in a Rolling Stone article last January.

Climate change motivated me to make a big investment in solar a few years ago, and to start contemplating my 1st emissions-free vehicle. Read the article and learn how the planet is reacting in a wholly unified, predictable pattern. These closely related things stand in stark contrast to the attitudes of people and politicians who recognize only their own selfish interests apart from and literally in denial of the environment. We are all in this world together, breathing the same air. Willfully ignorant or not, things are changing with or without our consent or awareness. It’s just that same old thing about the difference between the mistakes made by smart people and dumb people.

“In Texas, the first state to hit one million Covid cases, better disease surveillance would not have changed anything. People were practically dropping dead in the street from the virus, and still you could walk through a medium-sized town and not see a single person wearing a mask. Texas governor Abbott clashed with mayors and county judges over their authority to shut down businesses and enforce mask orders. The people who suffered the most as always, were poor people. people of color, people without health insurance – people on the margins of our high-tech fossil-fueled society. In the end, pandemics are a political problem – not a scientific one.”

The planet’s gonna be just fine. It’s the inhabitants who might have a problem.

Voting Plan for the Disenfranchised?

It’s hard to say where the country is headed at this point, but if a Chinese plot to thin the herd with SARScoV2 was the plan, it appears to have failed to get nearly enough aged Repuglicans in this country.

“Collectively, these initiatives are transforming several states into political systems that no longer meet the minimum conditions for free and fair elections.”

…and give the repugs something to think about in prison.

Can’t shoot ’em anymore, might as well at least block the vote.

Civil Rights activists are blocked by National Guardsmen brandishing bayonets while trying to stage a protest on Beale Street in Memphis, Tenn., in 1968.

Olbermann vs. Texas

And the rest of the GOP zombie mob.

Fuck the GOP, Trump supporters and all things Repuglican.

Stumbled across this draft from sometime last year. No idea who/where it came from, so don’t hit me with the plagiarism label because I never finished synthesizing this cut ‘n paste idea. Seems more apt now than when I started putting it together:

You correctly capture the intensity of hatred, but you completely and absolutely miss the mark as to why the respective parties make those statements.

Democrats didn’t go batshit absolutist simply because Republicans are the other team. This goes deeper than that. Trump is uniquely horrible, he’s verifiably done uniquely horrible things. I know you know this to be true.

There is some cadre of Republicans who are as tribal as you say… they’re against Democrats just because they aren’t Republicans. But they also say things like “Trump’s done bad things, but Hillary did worse, or she would have done worse things.”

When you ask them to explain “worse”, the responses you get point to things that simply aren’t real (qanon, “post-birth abortions”, or rank hypotheticals “we’ll become Venezuela”, or things that simply reveal an immature concept of “bad” (but her emails).

Tribalism exists, and it’s a factor, but it’s a big error to pretend it works the same way on both sides. It’s another big error to omit the fact that Trump supporters believe in a constructed false reality. They simply believe things that are made-up and imagined.

Having said that, I’ll contradict something I wrote above. Now, 3 years into the Trump presidency, many Democrats indeed have categorically written off Republicans. But it’s not, as you seem to think, because they’re Republicans. It’s because they’ve marched in lockstep to all the crazy, cruel, and delusional bullshit Trump has dished out over the past 4 years. They have proven themselves to be bad-faith governing partners because they are uninterested in governing society as a whole. They have shown themselves a pirate crew determined to loot wealth and power in the interest of preserving their own supremacy. This isn’t something I’d have said in the pre-Trump era, but it’s something they’ve demonstrated through complicity with the Trump crime racket.

It’s All About the Money

Hickenlooper, circa 2011: “We have to protect the children!”

Anonymous Staffer: “Tax revenues are projected to exceed a $Billion in 3 years.”

Hickenlooper: “Oh, OK then.”

Guess we’ll just have to accept that greed worked out in our favor this time.

Since 2012, when voters in Colorado passed Amendment 64 and legalized the first adult-use, recreational marijuana market in the U.S., the state has surpassed $10 billion in total sales.

Even the Doctors are finally starting to come around. Must get tiring hearing nonstop complaints about all the pharmaceutical garbage.

Triple Clown Winner

Thanks to JimmyK for coining today’s wordplay that made me laugh. Only a rejected fuckwit like Trump could draw a line around horse-racing dopers and American culture in general. Maybe he doesn’t get how the segment represented by the equine elite is approximately .004% of the culture he rails against, while the drug culture he cites is about as close to thoroughbred breeding grounds as his re-election is to a Ukrainian victory in their Russian war. What a feckless moron.

Maybe an uncontrolled pandemic, insurrection, whatever.

The Big Debate

ABC This Week pundits debated Trump’s control of the Republican party today. Funny how they don’t really seem to recognize exactly what they are debating. The only thing Trump controls is a large number of low information voters trained in racism, white supremacy and fascist dogma. The way in which that translates to GOP control is plainly obvious to un-biased observers: Fear. The politics of fear have taken hold in the good ‘ol USA in an unimaginably fundamental way: The voters are afraid of minorities and the politicians are afraid of the Orange Fuckwit!

Absolute power corrupts absolutely – proven true in American politics, for anyone with a smidgen of common sense. Apparently it also leads to tribal psychosis. We’ll see how grassroots anti-fascism efforts develop across the rest of the country over the next few years. The mutherfuckers around here know the score. Inquiries about my flag seem to have stopped after another one got run off in fear of my attitude a few weeks ago.

Fuck Trump, fuck the GOP and anyone who has anything to do with it.

I had No Idea

I wonder if it’s hard on the nasal membranes?

De-carb’d concentrate?

The sad part is, nothing really illegal about it, potentially even quite useful to many customers, I imagine. The Island Sweet Skunk Live Sugar I got from Standing Akimbo a couple months ago looks like any other white powder of that consistency, if that’s any help. All they’re doing is de-carbing and re-crystallizing it somehow. But like I wrote in the comments, “The chickens have come home to roost from the War on Drugs. It will take decades for Cannabis to live down the illicit drug disassociation alcohol enjoys – at the expense of suffering patients, DUI victims and common sense everywhere.”

It’s Gettin’ Weird Now

And sad – to see the former 9/11 hero mayor of NYC, searching for new depths near Rock Street and Bottom Avenue.

You can almost see the gears stop turning in Tucker’s head.