Is Mississippi ALL Troglodyte?

You have to wonder, when the best they can do is petition the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v Wade, while their state leads the country in the now out-of-control so-called 4th Covid-19 wave. You’d think they’d have better things to do with over half their population vulnerable to the most deadly respiratory virus to stalk the planet in modern times.

“But this week, the state reframed its argument, abandoning its earlier and narrower attack, to take direct aim at Roe and its holding that women have a constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy before the fetus is able to survive outside the womb.”

ERs maxed. people dying in droves? Look – a rabbit!

the state’s brief “reveals the extreme and regressive strategy, not just of this law, but of the avalanche of abortion bans and restrictions that are being passed across the country.”

Late Update: Florida passed them up overnight. Big surprise.

Governor DeSuckass

With Mar-a-Lago just down the road, at least this laughably incompetent excuse for a human being doesn’t have far to go to get his tongue into Trump’s bowel.

“While hospitals in our state were filling up, DeSantis was shouting about ‘Freedom over Faucism,’” said Ashby who leads the group of 405 Florida physicians. “If DeSantis were as concerned about stopping COVID-19 spread as he was about coming up with these clever jabs about Dr. Fauci, we might not be in this position.”

Open a little wider and you can suck off the whole GOP!

Florida’s Covid-19 Surge Continues

Between Fox and Facebook…

It’s hard to pick a winner for the most insidious anti-vaxx misinformation source. Must be a 2-pronged attack, with Fox aiming for the elderly and Facebook set up to take out the stupid. Either way, the anti-vaxxers are set for a red-pill nightmare of epic proportions.

Facebook, too.

Once again: They need to shut this shyt down.

Deranged Lunatic

Anyone not recognizing truth in this topic is crazier than he is.

They decided to try the power grab by installing a gullible patsy, but it was too stupid, even for them.

Crackdown Time for the Kraken Lady

Rule 11 recognizes that lawyers might be motivated to lie, so it sets up a system designed to deter unethical conduct in the future. Bad things can happen to lawyers who try to “play” judges.

Bad things happened for the whole country this time around. Sidney Powell and her ilk now get to learn something they should have inferred for themselves a long time ago. Law is a game with real outcomes. Good luck with that, cocksuckers.

And after the fines, costs and fees we’ll take the law license and any prospect of ever getting it back.

Gaetz-MTG Cancelled at Riverside

Fuckin’ eh. Damn right this culture gets cancelled. I’ll start referring to the phenomenon as the “(G)aetz(M)TG(B)”oebert sydrome. GMB syndrome adherents from all walks of life can kiss my rosie red rectum. Decent people don’t want your racist, misogynistic fascism.

And we especially don’t want some stupid cunt not smart enough to run a restaurant in Rifle voting on issues in Washington DC. Just check out the cast of characters in some of the BoBitch’s online drivel.

Tell ur boys to strap up good.

Psycho high school dropout who can’t manage a restaurant. In DC. Oh, now I get it.

Mental Illness

I’m so mentally ill it’s just insane. But I come by my shyt honestly. Numerous past and present psychological traumas give me what I call OTSD – Ongoing Traumatic Stress Disorder. Meh. Whatever.

Then there’s a whole new level being explored in society’s mass mental illness with conspiracy theories and fascist devil worship these days. The devil is the disgraced Fuckwit, and the illness is social media.

“…when the White House reaches out to Americans and asks why aren’t they getting vaccinated, they hear misinformation about dangers with the vaccine. And he said that the No. 1 place where they find that misinformation is on Facebook.”

Digitally enhanced misinfo-addiction empowering the stupid.

Big Fucking Surprise

Billy Butthead Barr as expected, came out with a book. Hope it sells well, because this slimy Trump cocksucker is going to have a little trouble finding work in the lawyering business.

“We realized from the beginning it was just bullshit,” Barr told Karl.

Then why’d you do it? Why did you compromise your integrity, the Law, and ultimately the Country itself for that miserable piece ‘o shit?

We realized from the beginning you are a deceitful son-of-a-bitch.

Said Pot to the Kettle

“Fox News host Tucker Carlson sharply criticized the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Thursday, calling him a “pig” and “stupid” and saying he got his job because he was obsequious and told his superiors what they wanted to hear.”

But curiously, Pot Carlson has never met, worked with, read, spoken to or interacted with the General in any fashion ever. The guy must be fucking clairvoyant. I’d post a link to Tuck-the-Cuck’s resume for comparison, but there’s none to be found on this Internet.

Funny how indignant they get when their cheerleaders have their asses handed to them. Key players on the starting team have been sidelined. And the farm teams are getting decimated with injuries.

GOPball’s gettin’ real dicey this season

I can spot a stupid pig anywhere! It’s the smart ones I have trouble with.

The Internet is Magic! an alarming number of users. I’ll never forget a visit home on leave to PA back in the late 80s. Went to the CO (Bell Telephone Central Office switching station) on a side trip with Dad to buy some tires for ‘ol Betsy. I recognized the washing-machine-sized disk units similar to the ones we had at Buckley and asked what was up. Staring intently at a small CRT monitor, Dad replied “No clue. Somehow the connections get from here to there, but there’s no wires I can see. Must be magic. We’re having a training class on it next week.”

Information floating around “the Net” is no less magic to a majority of consumers, than those phone calls stuck in an early generation disk drive were to my father. The question on everybody’s mind consciously or not, is what to do with all the magic stuff the Internet constantly bombards us with?

It’s a simple trust issue that’s been around since the first smoke signals wafted across Africa in the birth of telecommunications. The correct answer is NOTHING – until either the information becomes a verifiable known quantity or the risk of not acting on it becomes too great. Knowledge owners make the true stuff a scarce commodity for good reason. The root of all power comes from knowledge, and what’s good for the goose is not always good for the gander.

I found the news story about Canadian Qanons harassing people over the queen of the great white north unusually disturbing. Reality is, the FAANGs are making alot of money with Internet-borne digital apparitions of all kinds. The politicians are generating alot of power with widespread digital disinformation – backed up in analog on Fox! Bad actors have unfiltered access into the minds of a populace through the unregulated magic medium called an Internet connection contained on any cellphone.

Free speech? You get what you pay for. Dumb people rant about magic. Others wonder WTF.

So hard to see, it’s almost like magic!