BoBitch: Lying, Cheatin’ Whore

The scum learned corruption quick. It runs deep and wide in this Federal government.

Crony capitalism 101

The thing about alot of these Qanons, anti-vaxxers and other troglodytes of this type is they get to think they know something for a change – great fodder for cocksucking, deceitful politicians like this.

Get your affairs in order, sweetie.

The 2nd or 3rd sleaziest piece of shit ever to con their way into an elected government position.

Media Stupidity

Big headlines today: “Afghanistan on Verge of Collapse.” Bullshyt. The U.S.-backed Afghani government is on the verge of collapse – just as it has been for the past 20 years. The Taliban is doing great, and all their subjects will be as they were before. Call it whatever you want, but the only thing changed is the missing dead.

Hope the defense contractors got that money all squirreled away well.

“Limited airstrikes are being conducted…” Hell we did that for years in Vietnam, too. What was that about the big difference between smart people and dumb people again? Watch how when something goes wrong at the airport, it’s all Biden’s fault…

Card Carrying Nazis

How can the Trumpians remain unable to lift the veil of stupidity? They’re not even trying to hide or re-define the nazi message.

I encourage all the MAGA nation to get onboard and contribute. A 2024 Trump Presidential run might be the best way to quash the insanity once and for all.

The Republican Party is a Death Cult

Stark differences between Jonestown and Mar-a-Lago exist, however one similarity that certainly also does is loyalty to Dear Leader. That’s the core criteria for any cult. Repugs are there.

Yesterday Florida governor DeSuckass stood at the press conference podium and wailed “we are protecting your jobs…” as his mask PROHIBITION leads to the worst ER overflows ever, with patients in hallways and staff decimated. You have to wonder what jobs will be left when the dust settles.

Florida sets all-time record for Covid admissions. It no longer matters what side of the Covid controversy fence you fall – vaxxed or not, everybody is fucked.

Arkansas governor regrets mask mandate ban.

Russians Running Wild on the Internet

Has everybody finished connecting the dots between Trump and Russia yet? I’ve been turning them away from my site on a daily basis since before the 2016 election. If you can imagine how insignificant a grain of sand my blog represents on the Internet beach, you must also realize how bad the situation is. It is now quite clear the Republican party in this country has been engaged in a long-running, concerted authoritarian takeover supported by Russia – that failed.

Now the perps need jailed, and the Russians punished. Just give me some bandwidth and top cover.

If you know your IP address, you’ve been warned.

Jerk-off Jimmy Jordan

Junior Fuckwit, no doubt.

Shameless cocksucking Trump supporter.

“Why weren’t they able to stop this riot we incited!” Mar-a-lago’s filling up fast. Better make your reservation and start working the extradition issues.