Rodgers can Suck It

“I believe strongly in bodily autonomy and the ability to make choices for your body, not to have to acquiesce to some woke culture or crazed group of individuals who say you have to do something,”

I believe this particular moron is one of those fuckwits who does not get how their rights end where public health begins. First Clapton, now Rodgers. The stupid runs deep in this society. Spot-on caricature: Big mouth, small head.

Biggest NFL Covidiot, recently taking the title from Cousins.

Presumptuous twit thinks he knows more about viruses than doctors and science. Add this one to your list of records, numbnut: First MVP to lose the trust of his teammates and cheat his fans out of getting to watch him play at the same time.

“..of the 8 people I’ve infected, 7 are doing just fine.”

Critical Race Cocksucker

Dan Crenshaw is one of the better stealth Trumplicans, skirting issues and dodging questions with alacrity whenever he appears. He recently misspoke with determination on Treveor Noah’s podcast, cherry-picking the Virginia school issue stating “…has CRT been promulgated in the schools, and the answer is yes.” Which is of course, absolutely false. Maybe he’s talking about their WVa repug neighbors trying to actually legislate historical censorship?

This occurs in an atmosphere of legal intimidation for teachers, and school administrators. Jim Crowe v2 would be the most apt cliche moniker. They can’t argue history and the fight was lost long ago, so they attempt to legislate against reality as Trumplican-induced angst flares in white supremacist hovels across the country.

Good luck with that global warming in Texas, fuckwit.

These mutherfuckers lie to their constituents about religion and racism in order to fool them into voting against their own interests. It’s fucking despicable.

Best Religion

Maybe they should break it down by category. For example: best patriarch, strongest mode of oppression, scariest tenet, least believable teaching, etc…

It’s all social control bullshit.

Wall Street Jerk Off

…my term for the Wall Street Journal.


This rag run by the Murdoch media mutherfuckers is still publishing fuckwit letters about the election. ā€œMost newspapers donā€™t allow op-ed writers to just make up nonsense lies…” Well obviously the WSJ is not most newspapers. They are the big one in bed with Trumplicans aiming to run this country into the ground under authoritarian rule.

They had almost all the bases covered, and only a seat or two short of actually getting it done on The Court. Zuckerboy was in on the ground floor, with the social media angle. Traditional media played along in the same vein, sensationalizing any and every salacious story they could, damn the truth.

Is it any wonder what happens in an election with broadcast and paper focused on lies and conspiracy theories along with every social media channel amplifying the bullshit? It’s like 1930’s Germany on steroids.

Believe what you want, see what you want to see. I’ll take my cue from reality.

Who’s trippn’ now?

Indict Zuckerberg

Fuck section 230. Find something. Odds are, he’s an insurrection co-conspiritor. The greedy little piece of shit should be made an example of.

Can’t wait to sign up for “Truth,” and start violating their terms of service. You might be surprised at how many legitimate email addresses somebody running their own mail server can come up with.

Trump and the repugs are worried about Farcebook and Twitter access, attempting to launch their own cyber propaganda machine even as I type. They had ubiquitous platforms to spread their lies, insulated from any liability. But Trump’s bannings earlier this year were too little too late. The nazi thought control virus has infected too many and spreads unimpeded. Social media scrutiny is tightening those screws, but there’s no way to know where that will lead. Lies are all they have left, and social media is the biggest MAGA manure spreader.

Fuck these bastards: ā€œIt will be a flash in the pan. Some legislators will get pissy. And then in a few weeks they will move onto something else. Meanwhile, we are printing money in the basement, and we are fine,ā€ Tucker Bounds, a member of Facebookā€™s communications team, was quoted in the complaint as saying, The Washington Post reported.

Fuckbook needs assets frozen, shutdown and divvied up, no less than Purdue – same issue: existential threat to society.

The Treasonous 202

I been calling the GOP nothing but a gang of co-conspiring criminals for years. Now it’s official.

GOP Platform: Monetize crime and legitimize lies.

Jimmy Jerk-off Again

This Jordan fella is one real piece ‘o work.

Gotta remember to take that shoe off before chomping at the ol’ toes next time…


Unfortunately, Trumplicans thrive on social media and appear to represent a bit more than 10% of the hellscape electorate.

Sanctity of the Vote

Most concerned with politics at some level understand this concept. Some understand it only as a means to their ends. The vote – any one vote, represents the bedrock upon which democracy is built. Confounding factors besetting the vote these days come from people who do not respect this principle.

Respect. What a concept. From time to time, people have described postings here filled with profanity, mocking and derision as “disrespectful.” Barbs and accusations leveled at the highest ranking government officials have at times, been perceived as hateful and violent, even threatening. Ya think?

Face has been lost. It’s gone – long gone. The lines are clearly drawn for all to see. Who and what will no longer be tolerated under any circumstances are those assailing women’s reproductive rights, promoting systemic racism, practicing personal bigotry, enabling public health politicization, monetizing misinformation, gerrymandering, treason, voter suppression – the list goes on.

When the vote didn’t go their way, people proposing insidiously abhorrent illegal positions on these matters became overtly public for political purposes. Circling the wagons under the Trump banner, they formed the new GOP on big bags of cash floating in a floundering economy paralyzed with misinformation. Thanks for putting all the target acquisition work in news and social media! I might not go to church on Sunday, nor do I leverage illegal means to help my vote. But you goddamn well better believe I defend it religiously. Respect that or not, at your peril.

Voting-related violations against democracy and the rule of law committed by the former POTUS and his criminal enterprise are prosecution matters now. But regardless of the topic at hand, Trumplicans will continue playing the politics of fear in any divisive direction they can, because that is all the greedy cocksuckers have left. It is but one facet of our rotten government needing dealt with today. Parrot the big lie and all it engenders, or perhaps consider a little respect.

Supply Chain Bite-Back

Pundits are referring to it as a “bottle-neck” at the ports. Potential fallout from a plethora of interrelated factors driven by an uncontrolled pandemic, while significant portions of production were shipped overseas to save labor costs over the past 50 years seems unsurprising. Logistics can have alot of moving parts that don’t respond well to unexpected changes.

As hopeful idealists peer into numbers showing infections declining, the lagging long-term effects of public health stupidity are just beginning.

And why didn’t everybody go back to work after they cut the unemployment money?

Rotating Cast of Weirdos

I don’t promote Seth enough around here. His comedic grip on the runaway political train is better than most.

…and criminals, and morons and….