Mind-Blowing Stupidity

David’s droll delivery is an acquired taste, but the Newsmax content mocked so astutely is what it is.

Sorry sweetie, but I’m afraid you might not know what American values are.

Jimmy Jordan- New Jailbird!

The level of stupidity engendered in the GOP’s guise is just fucking unbelievable.

I call for Jerk-off Jimmy Jordan to rot in jail.

“Belief” in things like election fraud, migrant caravans, Muslim terrorists and ALL things religious and religion-focused is the issue. Politicians are gonna keep telling these idiots whatever they want to hear as long as there’s enough of them to win an election. Believe lies, get chaos. The call was made.

People were annoyed with your shyt before. Good luck in prison, mutherfucker.

Now we know why this little son-of-a-bitch always seemed oh so overzealous in his fawning servitude to dear leader.


That’s the Covid death toll in this country, as of sometime around today. I remember talking to my Dad on the phone a year and a half ago, when the pandemic was starting to really kick in. Before saying goodbye, I asked if they were masking up at the diner. He just laughed.

Now draconian restrictions are being re-implemented across the country and the NFL season is once again in question, with numerous starters around the league in quarantine. The Delta variant continues killing as Omicron ramps up with ER’s and hospitals in ongoing crises mode – some over a year now.

Not so funny anymore, is it?

Colleges Going Back to the Drawing Board to Fight Covid

SNL’s Hittin’ Again

Haven’t caught up this week yet, but the cold open hit for me. SNL’s been a bit uneven in recent years. I think seeing them plugging shyt for Verizon and whatnot has turned me off SNL. But they got this part right:

Guns are probably the biggest thing giving the Trumplicans enough balls to mob-up and storm The Capitol. Without weapons, they are just a bunch of squalid legislators leading a legion of buffoons that wouldn’t know an insurrection from a protest.

Fat, Dumb Fuck

This piece of shit has been coming on ABC This Week every Sunday for quite awhile now to rationalize and obfuscate the current political quandary in this country. He projects the Big Lie, re-states Trump ideology, and generally supports the cocksuckers. He can go suck that limp Trump dick until he chokes on it.

Eat shit and die, cockpig. I’m sure your cardiologist has an ICU bed reserved.

Makin’ Up Xenophobic Horseshit

Trea always comes up with a spot-on characterization for the Trumplican’s endlessly inane bullshittery used for instilling fear in the MAGA base and riling up the more radical, er, militant(?) fringe. I can’t remember which video the horseshit comment came from, but his recent BoeBitch expose’ is chock full of ’em. Love this guy’s shyt! 😉

No. It’s because you’re a dumb fuck.

Couch Commandos

Heard this interview with Ryan Brusse on CPR yesterday. It perfectly reflects one aspect of the currently dysfunctional degenerative culture war now raging across the country. It also gives me a little perspective on a father obsessed with firearms. The gun industry managed to convince a large swath of the U.S. demographic from hillbilly rednecks to suburban wanna-be vigilantes, all they needed was an AR and an attitude to be a real badass with actual clues about manhood and patriotism in their brains.

Sorry it don’t work that way. Earn your badass status first, then we’ll talk. Until then, perhaps all you couch commandos might consider protecting Kyle Rittenhouse. He’s gonna need some help going forward. The AR won’t do him much good when he’s the target.

Pick your controversy. It’s all about the money.

Paul Gosuck

This disgraced dentist from Arizona can suck my dick and choke on it. Today’s LPTV preview:

“The House will vote on a resolution to censure Gosar and strip him of his committee assignments, an extraordinary move by Democratic leaders. But it perfectly demonstrates what we’re talking about — the anger, the deep distrust and lack of decorum or civility between members on many occasions.

The twin sanctions against Gosar came after he tweeted out an animated video showing him killing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and preparing to strike President Joe Biden. Gosar removed the video — which received millions of views — following a call from McCarthy. Gosar apologized in private to House Republicans on Tuesday, although he hasn’t done so publicly.”

Fuck him, fuck McCarthy, fuck Trump and fuck the whole goddammed GOP. My turn: When do we get to use the guns?

Eat shit and die, cockpig.

Boebert Video Montage

Props to JimmyK for capturing some of the most moronic of Lauren, leader of the Colorado loony bin delegation’s, more recent public embarrassments. Framing it in her true nature of utter lunacy couldn’t be more accurate.

Bobitch is one of the most vile of the Jan 6th co-conspirators and belongs in prison.

Living in a Healthy Democracy

Bertrand Russell had some guidelines:

1: Do not feel absolutely certain of anything.

2: Do not think it worthwhile to produce belief by concealing evidence, for the evidence is sure to come to light.

3: Never try to discourage thinking, for you are sure to succeed.

4: When you meet with opposition, even if it should be from your husband or your children, endeavor to overcome it by argument and not by authority, for a victory dependent upon authority is unreal and illusory.

5: Have no respect for the authority of others, for there are always contrary authorities to be found.

6: Do not use power to suppress opinions you think pernicious, for if you do the opinions will suppress you.

7: Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.

8: Find more pleasure in intelligent dissent than in passive agreement, for, if you value intelligence as you should, the former implies a deeper agreement than the latter.

9: Be scrupulously truthful, even when truth is inconvenient, for it is more inconvenient when you try to conceal it.

10: Do not feel envious of the happiness of those who live in a fool’s paradise, for only a fool will think that it is happiness.


The difference between talkin’ the talk and walkin’ the walk.

After Russian money flowed into Trumpland:

We weren’t just sold out and down the river. The country was beaten into submission in the orchestration process of the biggest betrayal in government corruption the United States has ever seen.

Americans struggle to make ends meet while repug sheep reps disgrace our halls of government, bleating about wasteful government spending.