Question for Ted Cruz

Do you really think anyone, be they a law officer, those “good guys with guns,” or the goddamned 82nd Airborne is gonna stop a deranged teenager from doing whatever the fuck they want? Please believe me, I know. I was one, and did some pretty crazy shyt, some of which I don’t ever brag about.

Abbot sits in a press conference bragging about all the school safety laws he passed. The cops brag about their quick reaction with show of force (while waiting outside until most of the killing was over). Then some sycophant makes comments about limiting entrance access – at an elementary school. Fucking idiots, every stinking one of them.

The problem’s been known for decades. Conservatives want authoritarian control. Guns are a big factor in the means to that end, along with plenty of bloodthirsty dumb-asses to pull the triggers. Crazy people shouldn’t have access to deadly weapons. Should’ve mentioned that to the Repugs before they closed all the mental hospitals in the 60s, leading us gunned-down this garden path.

You need a .45 caliber enema, mutherfucker..
Updated 26 MAY to suggest a full AR mag on auto up the poop chute.

America’s Gun Crises. -Seth Meyers, 25 MAY 22

Lamborn Attempts WHO Agency Abortion

The other Colorado Congressional fuckwit rep seemed real proud of his sign-on with others in the legislature having nothing better to do than share their opinions on science with the World Health Organization:

This what we’re paying these people’s salaries for?

I take a rather dim view of that. The important thing to note here is this is not any sort of official government act. It is the coordinated ramblings of bible-thumping politicians busily generating campaign plugs, paid for with taxpayer dollars. I’m sure it will find it’s way to the bottom of the round file, not long after arrival in Geneva.

Starting to look like politicians are around 45% unsafe and probably should be aborted.

Apparently Elon is a Fuckass

I had my doubts going along with the whole MOY thing, but he’s out now. The Twitter™ BS was just a tell. Anybody who has pre-determined their voting stance sans candidate sounds like a misguided ideologue, to me. Wonder if he’ll re-instate my account?

You can stick your rockets where the sun don’t shine, MAGA spaceboy.

LATE UPDATE: They did! 😆

Message to BoBitch

The Congressional Cunt from Colorado sent an email whining about free speech. That earned her some of mine:

Gay men and border babies sucking up all the formula? Seriously? Wow, just wow.

Lets Cut to the Chase

A core issue supporting the MAGA phenomenon should be obvious to anybody exercising a modicum of critical reasoning. It is central to one of their biggest flim-flams: Education. You can’t have a successful MAGA movement without a large number of dumb mutherfuckers suffering significant educational challenges charging the police line.

The Student Loan Scam was merely the 1st volley in that exchange almost sixty years ago. It’s legalized robbery designed to keep the so-called educated poor and working. The CRT farce dovetails nicely in their education plan to keep America stupid.

We’re gonna need some accelerant on the MAGA movement,.

It takes a certain form of intelligence (or lack thereof), to sit in a church pew thinking you are so much better than those non-believers. Their leaders follow a parallel brainwashing track with similar supporter vetting requirements. U.S population Venn diagram overlaps largely on the stupid and devout demographics.

Funny how the priests been teaching that same book for centuries, but people still can’t quite seem to learn it. Education can’t fix stupid either, but makes it alot less dangerous.

It’s also kinda how the tax system works.

Life Support is Non-Trivial

Ask any doctor. We went through it with Phoebe in the ICU a few years ago. Is it any wonder religion’s medieval mindset cannot even agree what actually constitutes life? Yet the United States Supreme Court has the temerity to announce in summary, that the issue simply doesn’t matter any more in this country.

Because let’s face it, when it is up to states to decide, it’s up to whatever group has the legislative majority. Personal rights and liberties are not the purview of politicians and superstitious zealots. They are the bedrock of the United States Constitution. The Supreme Court no longer reigns supreme. They are a group of political hacks assembled by criminals.

The Supreme Court can kiss my rosie red rectum. Every goddamned one of them.

Opinions are Like Assholes

The Supreme Court is loaded with ’em now. Alito’s been waiting a long time to get enough nazi friends seated nearby.

How’d we get so many misogynistic racist assholes on the court?

No Better than the Taliban

These religious authoritarian nutbags will not stop until they have established a patriarchal society controlling women little removed from a veiled xtian-flavored sharia law. Demanding to congregate in the middle of a raging pandemic wasn’t enough. Now they demand to be the ultimate arbiter of life and death, in the name of superstition over science.

I hold the catholics primarily responsible, but the southern baptists and any number of other xtian cults are just as culpable. Not one shit is actually given about the lives they claim to save. They are just counting imaginary souls in the religion game, subjugating their flocks to support popes, priests and pastors with pithy offerings to the almighty fraud.

“EVERYONE needs to read this piece and note the images. These “protesters” and their ploys are meant to control women and women’s bodies.”

Supreme Court’s turn.

Scooped Up Another Local

Smartphone double-edged sword law enforcement has never been easier – it’s all on camera.

“According to the complaint, Horvath was at the time the girlfriend of Glen Wes Lee Croy, who pleaded guilty last August to parading, demonstrating or picketing inside the Capitol on Jan. 6 – a misdemeanor. He was sentenced in November to 90 days of house arrest along with 14 days in a community correctional facility. It is unclear if the two are still together.”

Wonder if she still sports the red ballcap?