Existential Voting Mandate

Do you need any more reason to vote?

“Republicans are aiming at Social Security and Medicare. Sens. Ron Johnson (Wisconsin) and Rick Scott (Florida) have said the programs shouldn’t be considered mandatory programs and should instead be brought up for a vote every five years, or even annually.”

It didn’t work then, obviously not working now.

Satan’s Hooves

Yeah starting to lean this way, at least on the MAGA shyt.

I been enjoyin’ it with the MAGAs.

Not a Russian Draftee

Probably something similar to what I would have done before being disabled. I hear even that might not get you out of an olive drab ensemble in Russia these days.

It’s gonna be cold, but better than dead.


So the repugs are suing Google. Stinking political whore lights another frivolous lawsuit. Apparently the RNC faithful are clueless regarding Google’s spam policies and operations. Makes sense. They’ve got their heads so far up their own asses they probably can’t distinguish email from snail mail. Big G doesn’t determine what is spam – their users do, by submitting spam reports. Click the icon, this is spam – done. Google just follows instructions from people smart enough to know a fraud when they see it.

The MAGA are getting antsy because people are rejecting their nonstop media scams begging for money. Fuck these miscreants.

Talk to the spam filter not the hand, bitch.

Val Demings

I can’t remember ever being more impressed with somebody’s comportment and passion than I was with Val Deming’s role in the first impeachment. This woman is a badass. Little Marco better behave himself.

“How long will you watch people being gunned down in first grade, fourth grade, high school, college, church, synagogue, grocery store, movie theater, a mall and a nightclub and do nothing?”

The choice is between groveling fealty and a real firebrand.
Messin’ With the Kid -Blues Brothers

Ya Think?

“Only about half of Americans have high confidence that votes in the upcoming midterm elections will be counted accurately, according to a new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research”

I have my doubts, but it doesn’t have anything to do with election administration. It’s all about the cocksuckers who claim it did.

Fuck all you MAGA assholes to Hell and back – ESPECIALLY your candidates.


The birds are up, the hardware is sunk cost and the support tail is relatively minimal if the system is all it’s cracked up to be. So unless people are beating down the door to get on a capacity-strapped network which I haven’t heard about, Ukraine’s part of the bargain is small potatoes. How about a Twitter-style solicitation for system stats, say, used vs. available capacity, like real vs. fake accounts?

Beau made a couple other points. You should make it through a few more launch cycles, calling Ukraine a beta test. What about that, Elon?

Maybe a 3rd metric – Ukraine’s share of available capacity? They should be charging you training hours, bringing your maintenance and support staff up to speed.

Alex Jones, Disinformation Poster-Boy

The reprehensible fuckwit known as Alex Jones represents more than the whacko’s latest anti-gun control mouthpiece. He is the first held accountable for dishonest online profiteering scams, the likes of which we’ve seen in all flavors for decades. This jackhole just decided to go high-profile and take it to a new level.

Gullibility is one thing. I’m personally terrible that way, autistic. Intonation and body language, hearing and seeing people speak is where discerning truth from falsehood begins. Those cues are often absent or easily disguised from a podcast desk. Healthy skepticism for anything in news and social media is where the search for online truth ends.

Free speech isn’t dead – it’s just killing us.

Privacy is an illusion and the Internet confirms it.

Sand Creek

I was never very politically active or interested until I read about the Sand Creek Massacre one day not long after we moved here from The Springs. My takeaway was not one of genocide or state-sponsored terrorism. It didn’t involve Racism, or religious hate and bigotry. Those things certainly loom large in the undercurrent driving the one thing I finally did realize: Politics is all about deception and lies.

I’m starting to believe that about the legal profession itself. Two people fighting about the same thing can’t both be right. Now illegitimate, politically motivated shyster lawyers fill the ranks of our legislatures and courts with only one real agenda: Gaining or staying in power. Shakespeare was on to something when he remarked “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.”

The leader of that heinous, criminal attack on our indigenous people ran for governor of Colorado on the great work he did at Sand Creek. He lost the Governor’s race, but there are a hundred more just like him all across the country today running on a similar platform of lies and hate.

Entrance at the Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site in Eads, Colo., on Dec. 27, 2019. This quiet piece of land tucked away in rural southeastern Colorado seeks to honor the 230 peaceful Cheyenne and Arapaho tribe members who were slaughtered by the U.S. Army in 1864. It was one of worst mass murders in U.S. history. (AP Photo/Russell Contreras, File)