Government Weaponization

Just know the real purpose of this subcommittee is to continue doing nothing to stop the blatantly amoral MAGA movement.

The definition of U.S. Government – WEAPON: a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage

Amoral Grifters

That goes for the churches, as well. Fuck ALLyou MAGA mutherfuckers.

So I contacted Nikki Haley’s gang just to let them know what was on my mind concerning her candidacy, providing all the necessary details for the campaign machine to kick in, and I was not disappointed. The cunt has Felonius Fuckwit’s game down pat. Makes sense, having worked for him, sucking his dick plenty in the past. She learned well. In less than two days, mostly soliciting contributions. What scum.

Nazi Piece of Shit

Notice the spelling. I mostly use my colloquial shyt spelling around here, generally referring to objectionable, dirty or repellent things, people or concepts. Carlson is the REAL deal. He decided to continue doubling down on the big lie, after McCarthy gave FOX the Capitol riot video footage. The cocksuckers are still trying to cover their tracks, hoping for another chance to do a better coup next time.

Bet we find big MAGA money hidden in illegal or otherwise dubious FOX-related transactions. They must be under pressure to continue doing this. Him, his colleagues, FOX and the entire GOP are nothing but cocksucking traitors.

Eat shit and die, cockpig.
Not that he was gonna get anything done with it, anyway. Tucker Carlson Gaslights America.
I don’t give a SHIT what kind of Republican you think you might be. If you are not openly denouncing Trump, his supporters and the entire MAGA movement, you can suck my dick and choke on it.

Five is My Number

…but the U.S. tables are now turned.

“In 2022, Russian president Vladimir Putin called Russian citizens who are against the invasion of Ukraine as fifth columnists and “national traitors.”[45]

This is the critically important miscalculation Pootin failed to account for. The fact citizenry are unhappy about the war is expected. That it now amounts to any number of internal struggles is telling.

There is an outside chance his invasion would have succeeded at least initially, without western support to Ukraine. Lack of U.S. intervention, either indirectly through inaction, or directly through Trump was lost in 2020. Now we have some business to finish at home.

Goddamn right history repeats itself. Stuff reaches high up in this column.

Alabama Misogyny

Crime, Politics ‘n Play – whodathunkit? Not that I would expect much different in a state where the dottering old woman governor is just one of many unabashed racists in that position all across the country. Her lack of interest in the misogyny topic likely aligns with her political support in that southern-fried attitude, deeply embedded all across the southern U.S. At the end of the U.S. Civil War, after finally realizing slavery was over, they decided to just sit on their money and fuck everybody else. Maybe steal a bit from welfare.

“Sexism is taught and reinforced in American society in a myriad of ways every day, big and small. It’s long past time we realized how young we start teaching children the message that boys are always, always superior and more deserving than girls, no matter the circumstances. The Hoover girls’ 5th-grade team is owed an apology from every single adult involved in this buffoonery.”

Those Alabama fuckwit senators Tuberville and Britt can go to Hell right along with their poverty-stricken state.

Note to FOX News

You cocksuckers need driven out of existence. I encourage anyone interested in Democracy and the Rule of Law to follow the Lincoln Project in whatever media format suits your taste, cut ‘n paste, gen one up yourself and cc: all your friends. I sense a growing list of MAGA cash-stream email addresses coming to my attention.

( – piece of shyt that doesn’t even use a .com address)

I’m reaching out to find out whether Digital Content Next plans to continue to represent Fox News following the recent revelations in the Dominion Voting Systems v. Fox News briefing.

Details from the briefing reveal that Fox News’s leadership sought to manipulate the election process behind the scenes and intentionally misled viewers with election fraud conspiracies that they knew to be false. In fact, Murdoch personally shared confidential information about the Biden campaign’s ad buys with Kushner, a representative of the Trump campaign.

The definition of propaganda is “Manipulating and misleading people intentionally to achieve political ends.” Not only does this evidence meet these standards, but the company also went above and beyond to coordinate with a political party to influence the political process itself.

Digital Content Next describes itself as a partner to “high-quality digital content companies that manage trusted, direct relationships with consumers and marketers.” Your membership criteria lists multiple rules including: 

Once admitted, members must demonstrate an on-going, scrupulous commitment to best practices for Online Publishing with respect to editorial quality and integrity, credibility and accountability.

The applicant’s online content must not be inappropriate, obscene or otherwise unlawful.

Members must have demonstrated a commitment to the highest standards of online publishing for at least one year.

It appears that Fox News violates all these rules. Do you plan to continue representing Fox News despite its egregious violations of advertiser privacy and the deceptions it has made to the public?

Thank you,

U.S. Insecurities

China says TikTok ban reflects U.S. insecurities. Ya think? Like foreign surveillance overflights are banned, so is state-sponsored malware, designed for cultural subversion and espionage. They stretched it out quite a ways, but the truth was apparent. Largely similar to Fuckbook™ and Twitwhore™, the Chinese use their digital fingers to dig into not just the customer’s pockets, but the government’s interests, as well.

Don’t know who’s really paying attention on the cyber front, what with the Marshall’s hacked and the FBI cyber help desk currently offline due to bad actors. Not mentioning what I’m seeing here recently in this little corner of the Internet.

Chinese mutherfuckers have another thing comin’

Bye-Bye Scott

Like Clapton, and some others, the heat got too high and those cooks are out of my kitchen. Still debating whether or not I’m gonna pull that Albert Hall Badge off the site. It’s one of my favorites. Anybody *ANYBODY* who makes a statement *ANY STATEMENT* pigeonholing an entire race of humans into *ANYTHING* can suck my dick and choke on it.

Another one of my favorite things ruined by a fuckwit. Public figures can expect to see the backlash here, from now on, as long as I’m around. 😉

Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip Dilbert, poses for a portrait with the Dilbert character in his studio in Dublin, Calif., Oct. 26, 2006. Several prominent media publishers across the U.S. are dropping the Dilbert comic strip after Adams, its creator, described people who are Black as members of “a racist hate group” during an online video show. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez, File)

7 toons about cancelling Dilbert.

Colleagues lay it out.

Dotard Does Ohio

Crime, Work and Politics – starting to look like a more popular category combo. The Fuckwit was passing out red MAGA ballcaps to the locals with his newest GOP sycophant, Vance. Wonder if they mentioned the regulation rollback executed under his administration is the most clearly identifiable cause of this entirely avoidable tragedy? Biden throwing the workers under the bus in their contract negotiations is no less culpable.

Cocksuckers don’t like spending money on maintenance. Fuck Corporate America.

Benedict Dotard is practically Corporate America personified.

Blame Democrats

Don’t know how many are aware of Margarine Trailer Queen’s latest televised screed(s) against Democracy and the Rule of Law, but the malignant bitch is totally off the rails. Somebody needs to figure out what’s going on in that Georgia district. Must be some seriously dangerous toxic spills all around that place. Widespread dementia has clearly affected the voting population.

Quality candidates? Long Covid?