Officially Criminal

We’re so fucked…

The only reason this never came up is because it all got started with a goddamned king they specifically wrote the Constitution to protect against. No President ever got away with packing the court so he could proceed to go rogue with impunity, before now.

Remember My Lei? Nixon? Rule 303 can be a new MAGA campaign chant! I bet most of those FBI and CIA spy mutherfuckers doing time for playing with the Russians really thought they were doing the right thing at the time. The list goes on.

WTF do we need the Supreme Cunts for when half the cases get kicked back for standing? Others require new definitions for old crimes before their oft-pleaded platitudes for political fellatio are even up for consideration. Will they be keeping a running list of the offenses explicitly considered immune under what conditions, going forward?

Supreme Court’s Radical Immunity Ruling Shields Lawbreaking Presidents and Undermines Democracy.

They’re pulling this shyt because they somehow became confident they can win in November. It’s now or never.

Stand and Lie

That’s basically what happened as The Fuckwit berated the country and insulted the populace, while Biden talked numbers. MAGA sucks it up and don’t care about logic, facts and numbers. Guess we’ll see what un-decided voters have to say about Trump’s nonsense in November. We already know what the base ruminates.

Stories and evasion answering questions, talked in nothing but hyperbolic absolutes (never, every, always, etc) bragging endlessly about his own self-aggrandizing lies. Napoleon Bonespurs likes to go back in time with every fantasy verbally falsified, making the perfect MAGA fascist candidate. Low-info voters must have been auto-orgasmic.

It was almost entertaining watching The Fuckwit string together streams of incoherent idiocy. Medical programs literally immediately pivoted to migrants at the border in the same sentence, while Biden often almost reflexively responded with the only rational word(s) – found in the title of this post. Just too bad it gave Benedict Dotard a platform outside the cult gatherings to spout his bullshyt.

I’m pretty sure compulsive lying is endemic in the GOP. It can’t not be, now. They started transmitting “won the debate” claims before it was half over. The fact check numbers are of course, epic. That goofy smile – how can they fall for that? He is quite the fuckwit con artist. We know what I’m thinking, right? What’s a voter to do when the other guy stutters and stumbles like the old geezer he is? Maybe Biden wasn’t juiced on adderall, after all? 😉

Malignant narcissism – right.

Supreme Cunts Gone Rogue

I’m not the only one seeing it.

I respect their point of view. If they have a point of view about a woman’s right to choose,” Pelosi said. “But that’s not what they’re there to do, to advocate for a point of view. Run for Congress. They’re there to uphold the Constitution of the United States.

7 in 10 Americans think Supreme Court justices put ideology over impartiality: AP-NORC poll. Whodathunkit?

Stolen Valor

Sucks pretty bad when the fuckwits in Congress are doing it themselves. Told ya this guy is a total fuckface. Cocksuckers like him I knew would sit around writing each other medals for not spilling their coffee. Then you get the real a-holes that just wear a CIB for fun – or to get elected.

Bet it does more to get you un-elected now than it did to get you elected before.
People always asked about the Space Badge, few ever recognized it. Bet there’s more out there now.

Legal Fees and Spam

Shaping up to be the most expensive campaign ever. An ongoing trend with spendy advertising is to be expected. The GOP campaign budget reveals itself in new ways this season. I don’t track the social media bots and shills, but judging by the court schedule and my inbox, there’s a lawyering accountant’s nightmare developing all around the RNC this year.

6 of the 1st 16 on top of my inbox this morning. It was a new record – 9 on the day. Seems a bit more, all the time now. Gotta love these election years.

Supreme Court Backlog

Time’s running out for the Cunts to finish up this session. Must’ve been too distracted with all the ethical complaints to actually do their fucking jobs. Maybe it gets a little confusing when your judge gig involves supporting christo-fascsit nutjobs in their never-ending quest to subvert the government.

Funny thing about the christo-fascist minions is they don’t even realize Napoleon Bonespurs is about as devout a Christian as my dog Jax.

Crackpot, Geezer and a Whack-Job

Seems unlikely Kennedy will qualify for the debate at this point, but I suppose he deserves a mention for trying, as the crackpot rep.

Does that overview require further elaboration? It’s a sad commentary on the American electorate. Voters get to lie in the bed they’ve made, through deceitful campaigning and political skulduggery in the ongoing greatest political power struggle the world has ever seen.

At face value, gotta take the geezer if ur payin’ attention, at all. They all qualify for that checkbox, depending on where you draw the line. And yes, rational people know it’s a wide variable. I been feeling more geezerly myself, lately. It’s just what flavor geezer you prefer, in the case of the 2024 U.S. Presidential election.

Like ur choices? Talk to those cocksuckers in D.C. about it. This cowardly bastard had plenty of opportunities to do the right thing. When it comes to the Mango Menace, anybody too stupid to not know their whole platform is nothing but a con, here’s your sign.


Means never having to say you’re sorry for being stupid. O’Donnell nailed it. So profoundly stupid…

Supreme Cunt Logic

Machine Gun = Illegal

Gun that works like a machine ≠ illegal.

So now we have Thomas’ fat wife‘s Tom Foolery, Alito’s wife pleasuring herself, not to mention Roberts’ total disregard for the entire shit-show. It’s doubtful there’s much pleasure emanating from Alito’s shriveled-up little crank wanker clear across the bench these days.


And why? Yes, a deep current of gun fetishism runs through Thomas’ opinion. But so, too, does an arrogant skepticism of federal agencies like ATF and the experts who staff them.

Hope the gun lobby paid you enough to help keep the muzzle of that revolver away from the back of your mouth. Maybe you can get Harlan Crowe to pay for an extravagant funeral?